Jiří Zendulka
Akcie ve světě  |  09.09.2019 12:10:36

Tento týden nabídne dividendy od Coca-Cola, GE, Hewlett Packard, Altria a spousty dalších

Pomineme-li čtvrteční report hospodářských výsledků společností Oracle (ORCL) a Broadcom (AVGO), bude tento týden na Wall Street z hlediska zveřejňování čísel o hospodaření vlastně naprostý klid. Týden však bude nabyt z hlediska rozhodných dnů pro nárok na dividendy. Pro nadcházející dny totiž stanovilo rozhodný den pro nárok na požitek téměř pět stovek korporací. Lze mezi nimi nalézt hned čtyři zástupce prestižního hlavního indexu Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).

K vypořádání na akciovém trhu v USA dochází obdobně jako na pražské burze druhý pracovní den po obchodu (tzv. T+2). Z hlediska nároku rozhodného dne pro nárok na dividendu se nicméně tradičně sleduje především tzv. ex-date. Jinými slovy první obchodní den, kdy se již akcie obchodují bez nároku na dividendu. Nakoupit akcie s nárokem na dividendu se tedy musí nejpozději den před „ex-date“.

Ze zmiňovaného indexu dividendu nabídne ze zdravotnického sektoru Merck (MRK) a UnitedHealth Group (UNH). Obě firmy výši požitku mezikvartálně zachovaly. Zatímco posledně zmiňovaná rozdělí 1,08 USD, producent léků pak zhruba polovinu, resp. 0,55 USD. I tak jeho akcie nabízejí výraznější dividendový výnos téměř 2,7 % oproti sotva 1,8 % u UNH. Větší, více než 3 %, dividendový výnos nabízejí akcie Coca-Cola (KO), když přitom firma vyplácí méně výraznějších 0,40 USD. Hlavní akcionář Warren Buffett, resp. Berkshire Hathaway, která dlouhodobě drží na 400 mil. akcií nápojové firmy, se tak opět dočká přítoku 160 mil. USD.

Všechny tři „dividendové“ společnosti stanovily ex-date na 13. září, tzn. naposledy s nárokem na aktuální požitek se budou obchodovat ve čtvrtek.

Vzhledem k tomu, že ex-date na dnešek stanovila společnost Travelers (TRV), její akcie se s nárokem na dividendu 0,82 USD naposledy obchodovaly již v pátek. Akcie tohoto posledního zástupce DJIA indikují dividendový výnos 2,2 %.

Zhruba 3% dividendový výnos lze stanovit u akcií HP (HPQ), když společnost rozděluje 0,16 USD. O něco méně (0,112 USD) vyplácí odštěpená Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), což u jejich akcií indikuje obdobný dividendový výnos. Oba tituly se s nárokem budou naposledy obchodovat již jen dnes.

Zmínit lze jistě akcie výrobce léků Gilead Sciences (GILD), když firma dlouhodobě profituje také z dřívějších patentů profesora Holého týkající se především léčby HIV. Firma rozdělí opět 0,63 USD, což indikuje dividendový výnos přes 3,8 %. Ex-date je stanoven na 12. září.

O den později má stanoven ex-date společnost Altria Group (MO). Akcie tabákového giganta v návaznosti na o 4 centy navýšený požitek na 0,84 USD nabízejí tento týden ze známých velkých firem jeden z nejvyšších dividendových výnosů přes 7,2 %. Titul se v tomto ohledu vlastně zatraktivnil v návaznosti na jeho další kurzový pokles, když investoři v posledních dnech negativně reagovali na oznámené možné sloučení s mateřskou Philip Morris Int. (PMI).

Rovněž ještě zajímavý zhruba 5,5 % dividendový výnos lze zmínit u dvou firem ze sektoru maloobchodu. Dividendu 0,17 USD rozdělí Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY), 0,30 USD pak Big Lots (BIG). Požitek opět 0,377 USD rozdělí také řetězec Macy''s (M). Letošní téměř i 50 % propad firemních akcií způsobil, že lze u nich dividendový výnos dokonce stanovit již dvouciferným číslem, resp. na 10,25 %. Akcie daných řetězců se s nárokem na aktuální požitek budou naposledy obchodovat shodně ve středy, když ex-date je stanoven na 12. září.

Ve spojení s byznysem v ČR stojí za zmínku v automobilovém sektoru podnikající Johnson Controls International (JCI). Firma rozdělí požitek opět 0,26 USD, což na titulu nyní indikuje dividendový výnos necelých 2,5 %.

Výraznější výnos přes 3,3 % lze zmínit u akcií QUALCOMM (QCOM). Tento technologický gigant rozdělí stejně jako minulé čtvrtletí 0,62 USD.

Závěrem pak již jen asi zmínit vlastně jen symbolickou centovou dividendu problémy stále řešící průmyslový konglomerát General Electric (GE).

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Společnost Periodicita dividendy Dividenda Dividendový výnos Ex-date
AAC TECHNOLOGIE/ADR (AACAY) semi-annual $0.0410
ADT (ADT) quarterly $0.0350 2.69% 09.10.2019
Advent Claymore Convertible Sec & Inc Fd (AVK) monthly $0.1170 9.70% 09.12.2019
Air Lease (AL) quarterly $0.13 1.30% 09.12.2019
Alamos Gold (AGI) quarterly $0.01 0.57% 9/13/2019
Albemarle (ALB) quarterly $0.3675 1.95% 09.12.2019
Allegion (ALLE)
ALLIANZGI CNV &/COM (CBH) -- $0.0460 5.90% 09.12.2019
Allianzgi Convertible & Income Fund (NCV) monthly $0.0520 11.00% 09.12.2019
Allianzgi Convertible & Income Fund II (NCZ) monthly $0.0450 10.60% 09.12.2019
Allianzgi Diversified Incm and Cnvrtb Fd (ACV) monthly $0.1670 8.47% 09.12.2019
Altria Group (MO) quarterly $0.84 7.24% 9/13/2019
Amcor (AMCR) quarterly $0.12 5.08% 09.10.2019
Ameren (AEE) quarterly $0.4750 2.49% 09.10.2019
American Assets Trust (AAT) quarterly $0.28 2.41% 09.11.2019
American Homes 4 Rent (AMH) quarterly $0.05 0.83% 09.12.2019
American National Insurance (ANAT) quarterly $0.82 2.88% 09.09.2019
AMETEK (AME) quarterly $0.14 0.63% 9/13/2019
Angel Oak Final Strategies Incm Trm Trst (FINS) monthly $0.1180 7.00% 9/13/2019
Anthem (ANTM) quarterly $0.80 1.11% 09.09.2019
Ares Capital (ARCC) special $0.02 9.04% 9/13/2019
Ares Management (ARES) quarterly $0.32 4.47% 9/13/2019
ARMOUR Residential REIT (ARR) monthly $0.17 12.42% 9/13/2019
AstroNova (ALOT) -- $0.07 1.70% 9/13/2019
Atrion (ATRI) quarterly $1.55 0.79% 9/13/2019
Auburn National Bancorporation (AUBN) quarterly $0.25 2.53% 09.09.2019
Automatic Data Processing (ADP) quarterly $0.79 1.92% 09.12.2019
Avnet (AVT) quarterly $0.21 2.00% 09.10.2019
Banc of California (BANC) quarterly $0.06 1.62% 9/13/2019
BANCO DO BRASIL/S (BDORY) variable $0.0420
Bancorp 34 (BCTF) quarterly $0.05 1.30% 09.10.2019
Bancorpsouth Bank (BXS) quarterly $0.1850 2.52% 09.12.2019
Barings BDC (BBDC) quarterly $0.14 5.67% 09.10.2019
BCE (BCE) quarterly $0.6010 5.21% 9/13/2019
Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) quarterly $0.17 5.56% 09.12.2019
Berry Petroleum (BRY) quarterly $0.12 6.18% 09.12.2019
Big Lots (BIG) quarterly $0.30 5.45% 09.12.2019
BLACKROCK 2022/COM (BGIO) -- $0.05 6.40% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Capital Investment (BKCC) quarterly $0.14 10.05% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Coporate High Yield Fund (HYT) monthly $0.0720 8.13% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Core Bond Trust (BHK) monthly $0.06 4.90% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ) monthly $0.0670 5.81% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund (DSU) -- $0.0685 7.70% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fd (CII) monthly $0.0830 6.30% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Enhanced Dividend Achievers Tr (BDJ) monthly $0.05 6.60% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE) monthly $0.0630 7.35% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund (EGF) monthly $0.0410 3.80% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Enhanced Internationl Dvdnd Tr (BGY) monthly $0.0340 7.40% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Floating Rate Income SFI (FRA) monthly $0.0690 6.60% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) monthly $0.0670 6.60% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Global Energy & Resources Trus (BGR) monthly $0.0780 8.80% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Health Sciences Trust (BME) monthly $0.20 6.30% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Income Trust (BKT) -- $0.0344 6.80% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Insured Municipal Income Inves (BAF) monthly $0.0520 4.30% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Insured Municipal Income Trust (BYM) monthly $0.0480 4.10% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Inv. Quality Munic. Trust (BKN) -- $0.0570 4.40% 9/13/2019
BlackRock LT Municipal Advantage Trust (BTA) monthly $0.0510 4.60% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Ltd. Duration Income Trust (BLW) monthly $0.0790 6.10% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) monthly $0.1170 8.20% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Muni Income Investment Trust (BBF) monthly $0.0540 4.60% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muni Intermediate Drtn Fnd (MUI) monthly $0.0450 3.70% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Muni New York Intr. Dur. Fnd. (MNE) monthly $0.04 3.30% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniassets Fund (MUA) -- $0.0525 4.00% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Municipal 2020 Term Trust (BKK) monthly $0.0290 2.30% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Municipal 2030 Trgt Trm Trst (BTT) monthly $0.0620 3.10% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust (BBK) monthly $0.0540 4.10% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK) monthly $0.0540 4.60% 9/13/2019
Blackrock MuniEnhanced Fund (MEN) monthly $0.0390 4.10% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniHolding Insured Investm (MFL) -- $0.0455 4.00% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund (MHD) monthly $0.0640 4.60% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniholdings Fund II (MUH) -- $0.0565 4.40% 9/13/2019
Blackrock MuniHoldings Insured Fd (MUS) monthly $0.0450 4.20% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniholdings Insured Fund II (MUE) monthly $0.0440 4.10% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Ins Fn (MUJ) -- $0.0525 4.40% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniholdings New York Qulty Fd (MHN) -- $0.0445 3.90% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Munivest Fund II (MVT) -- $0.0555 4.50% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyield Fund (MYD) -- $0.0560 4.50% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyield Insured Fund (MYI) -- $0.0445 3.90% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniYield Insured Investment (MFT) -- $0.05 4.40% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniYield Investment Fund (MYF) -- $0.0560 4.60% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyield Michign Qulty Fd (MIY) -- $0.0490 4.10% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniYield New Jersey Fund (MYJ) -- $0.0605 4.80% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniYield New York Insured Fnd (MYN) -- $0.0425 3.90% 9/13/2019
BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Insured (MPA) -- $0.0460 3.80% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund (MQY) -- $0.0530 4.20% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund II (MQT) -- $0.0440 4.00% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Muniyld California Quty Fd (MCA) monthly $0.0460 3.80% 9/13/2019
BlackRock New York Insured Municipal (BSE) monthly $0.0410 3.50% 9/13/2019
Blackrock New York Municipal Bond Trust (BQH) monthly $0.0480 3.90% 9/13/2019
Blackrock New York Municipal Incme Tr II (BFY) monthly $0.0490 4.10% 9/13/2019
Blackrock New York Municipal Income Trst (BNY) monthly $0.0450 3.80% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Resources and Commodities (BCX) monthly $0.0520 8.20% 9/13/2019
BlackRock Science & Technology Trust (BST) monthly $0.15 5.44% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Strategic Municipal Trust Fund (BSD) monthly $0.0550 4.50% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN) monthly $0.1120 5.30% 9/13/2019
BlackRock TCP Capital (TCPC) quarterly $0.36 10.42% 9/13/2019
Blackrock Utlts Infra&Pwr Oprtnt Trst (BUI) monthly $0.1210 6.21% 9/13/2019
Blue Capital Reinsurance (BCRH) -- $1.51 7.30% 9/13/2019
Bonterra Energy (BNEFF) monthly $0.0080 3.13% 9/13/2019
Brightsphere Investment Group (BSIG) quarterly $0.10 4.57% 09.12.2019
Broadridge Financial Solutions (BR) quarterly $0.54 1.69% 09.12.2019
C&F Financial (CFFI) quarterly $0.37 3.12% 09.12.2019
CAE (CAE) quarterly $0.0830 1.29% 09.12.2019
Calamos Convertible & Hi Income Fund (CHY) -- $0.0850 9.10% 9/13/2019
Calamos Dynamic Convertible & Incm Fd (CCD) monthly $0.1670 9.90% 9/13/2019
Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund (CHW) monthly $0.07 10.70% 9/13/2019
Calamos Global Total Return Fund (CGO) monthly $0.10 9.90% 9/13/2019
Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund (CSQ) monthly $0.0830 7.70% 9/13/2019
Caleres (CAL) quarterly $0.07 1.38% 09.11.2019
Camping World (CWH) none $0.1530 4.30% 9/13/2019
Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ) quarterly $0.2840 4.77% 09.12.2019
Capital Southwest (CSWC)
Carolina Financial (CARO) quarterly $0.09 1.01% 09.12.2019
Cato (CATO) quarterly $0.33 7.71% 9/13/2019
CBS (CBS) quarterly $0.18 1.43% 09.09.2019
CBS (CBS.A) quarterly $0.18 1.42% 09.09.2019
Cenovus Energy (CVE) quarterly $0.0380 1.65% 09.12.2019
Centerstate Bank (CSFL) quarterly $0.11 1.97% 09.12.2019
Citizens (CIZN) quarterly $0.24 4.78% 9/13/2019
CME Group (CME) quarterly $0.75 1.44% 09.09.2019
CNO Financial Group (CNO) quarterly $0.11 2.78% 09.09.2019
CNOOC (CEO) -- $4.2068 5.40% 09.11.2019
Comerica (CMA) quarterly $0.67 3.76% 09.12.2019
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CSLLY) semi-annual $0.45
Communications Systems (JCS) quarterly $0.02 1.84% 9/13/2019
Community Bank System (CBU) quarterly $0.41 2.66% 9/13/2019
Community Trust Bancorp (CTBI) quarterly $0.38 3.65% 09.12.2019
CONMED (CNMD) quarterly $0.20 0.88% 09.12.2019
Crescent Point Energy (CPG) quarterly $0.0080 1.04% 09.12.2019
CROWN CASTLE IN/SH SH (CCI) quarterly $1.1250 3.19% 09.12.2019
Crown Crafts (CRWS) quarterly $0.08 6.10% 09.12.2019
CSG Systems International (CSGS) quarterly $0.2220 1.71% 09.12.2019
CTRY GARDEN HOL/ADR (CTRYY) semi-annual $0.7560
Cushing Energy Income Cf (SRF) monthly $0.04 7.90% 9/13/2019
Cushing MLP Total Return Fund (SRV) monthly $0.09 11.20% 9/13/2019
CUSHING RENAISS/COM (SZC) monthly $0.1370 12.40% 9/13/2019
Daktronics (DAKT) quarterly $0.05 2.68% 9/13/2019
Devon Energy (DVN) quarterly $0.09 1.44% 09.12.2019
Dicks Sporting Goods (DKS) quarterly $0.2750 3.25% 09.12.2019
DIGITAL RLTY TR/SH (DLR) quarterly $1.08 3.59% 09.12.2019
Domino's Pizza (DPZ) quarterly $0.65 1.17% 09.12.2019
Dreyfus Alcnt Gb Cr nc 2024 Tg Tm Fd nc (DCF) monthly $0.0540 6.97% 09.10.2019
Dreyfus High Yield Strategies Fund (DHF) monthly $0.0220 8.50% 09.09.2019
Dreyfus Strategic Muni. (LEO) monthly $0.0350 4.90% 9/13/2019
DTE Energy (DTE) quarterly $0.9450 2.88% 9/13/2019
DTF Tax Free Income (DTF) monthly $0.0350 3.04% 9/13/2019
Duff & Phelps Utility & Corp Bond Trust (DUC) monthly $0.0350 4.82% 9/13/2019
Duff and Phelps Global Utlity Inm Fd (DPG) quarterly $0.35 9.07% 9/13/2019
E. W. Scripps (SSP) quarterly $0.05 1.40% 09.12.2019
Easterly Government Properties (DEA) quarterly $0.26 5.41% 09.11.2019
Eastman Chemical (EMN) quarterly $0.62 3.42% 9/13/2019
EATON VANCE FR/COM (EFL) -- $0.0460 6.00% 09.12.2019
Eaton Vance Municipal Income Trust (EVN) -- $0.0474 4.40% 09.12.2019
El Paso Electric (EE) quarterly $0.3850 2.32% 9/13/2019
Empire State Realty Trust (ESRT) quarterly $0.1050 3.19% 9/13/2019
Encana (ECA) quarterly $0.0188 1.71% 09.12.2019
EnerSys (ENS) quarterly $0.1750 1.21% 09.12.2019
Enterprise Financial Services (EFSC) quarterly $0.16 1.53% 09.12.2019
Entravision Communication (EVC) quarterly $0.05 7.14% 9/13/2019
Extra Space Storage (EXR) quarterly $0.90 2.97% 9/13/2019
Farmers National Banc (FMNB) quarterly $0.10 2.84% 09.12.2019
Fauquier Bankshares (FBSS) quarterly $0.12 2.30% 09.12.2019
FBL Financial Group (FFG) quarterly $0.48 3.41% 9/13/2019
Federal Agricultural Mortgage (AGM) quarterly $0.70 3.60% 9/13/2019
FFW (FFWC) quarterly $0.23 2.14% 9/13/2019
Fidelity National Financial (FNF) quarterly $0.31 2.98% 9/13/2019
Fidelity National Information Servcs (FIS) quarterly $0.35 1.06% 09.12.2019
Financial Institutions (FISI) quarterly $0.25 3.41% 09.12.2019
First Capital (FCAP) quarterly $0.24 1.71% 09.12.2019
First Citizens BancShares (FCNCA) quarterly $0.40 0.34% 9/13/2019
First Financial Bankshares (FFIN) quarterly $0.12 1.60% 9/13/2019
First Horizon National (FHN) quarterly $0.14 3.50% 09.12.2019
First Savings Financial Group (FSFG) quarterly $0.16 1.09% 09.12.2019
First US Bancshares (FUSB) quarterly $0.02 0.85% 09.11.2019
Flushing Financial (FFIC) quarterly $0.21 4.38% 09.12.2019
Formula Systems (1985) (FORTY) -- $0.52 0.70% 09.11.2019
Franco Nevada (FNV) quarterly $0.4390 1.87% 09.11.2019
Gabelli Equity Trust (GAB) quarterly $0.15 10.05% 9/13/2019
Gabelli Global Small Md Cp Vl Trst (GGZ) quarterly $0.14 5.34% 9/13/2019
Gabelli Healthcare & WellnessRx Trust Closed-Ended Fund (GRX) quarterly $0.14 5.49% 9/13/2019
Gabelli Utility Trust (GUT) monthly $0.05 8.75% 9/13/2019
Gamco Investors (GBL) quarterly $0.02 0.43% 09.09.2019
Gamco Natural Resources Gold & Incm Trst (GNT) monthly $0.05 11.32% 9/13/2019
Gannett (GCI) quarterly $0.16 6.65% 9/13/2019
Garmin (GRMN) quarterly $0.57 2.64% 9/13/2019
GATX (GATX) quarterly $0.46 2.39% 09.12.2019
GDL Fund (GDL) quarterly $0.10 4.32% 9/13/2019
General Electric (GE) quarterly $0.01 0.46% 9/13/2019
Genpact (G) quarterly $0.0850 0.84% 09.10.2019
Gilead Sciences (GILD) quarterly $0.63 3.85% 09.12.2019
Global Payments (GPN) quarterly $0.01 0.02% 09.12.2019
Global Water Resources (GWRS) -- $0.0239 2.40% 9/13/2019
Gouverneur Bancorp (GOVB) semi-annual $0.17
Graphic Packaging (GPK) quarterly $0.0750 1.98% 09.12.2019
Guess? (GES) quarterly $0.1125 2.99% 09.10.2019
Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund (GGM) monthly $0.1810 10.80% 09.12.2019
Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Income Fund (GPM) -- $0.24 12.00% 09.12.2019
Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund (GOF) monthly $0.1820 11.10% 09.12.2019
Guggenheim Taxabl Mncpl Mngd Drtn Trst (GBAB) monthly $0.1260 5.90% 09.12.2019
H & R Block (HRB) quarterly $0.26 3.89% 09.12.2019
Hamilton Lane (HLNE) quarterly $0.2750 1.99% 9/13/2019
HANG LUNG PROPE/S (HLPPY) semi-annual $0.0950
Hanover Insurance Group (THG) quarterly $0.60 1.81% 09.12.2019
Hawthorn Bancshares (HWBK) quarterly $0.12 2.09% 09.12.2019
Heritage Insurance (HRTG) quarterly $0.06 1.73% 9/13/2019
Hess (HES) quarterly $0.25 1.54% 9/13/2019
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) quarterly $0.1120 2.97% 09.10.2019
Hillenbrand (HI) quarterly $0.21 3.01% 9/13/2019
Home Financial Bancorp (HWEN) quarterly $0.04 2.62% 09.12.2019
Hooker Furniture (HOFT) -- $0.15 3.20% 9/13/2019
Horace Mann Educators (HMN) quarterly $0.2870 2.60% 9/13/2019
HP (HPQ) quarterly $0.16 3.09% 09.10.2019
Huntsman (HUN) quarterly $0.1625 3.04% 09.12.2019
Cheetah Mobile (CMCM) -- $0.50
Chesapeake Utilities (CPK) quarterly $0.4050 1.74% 09.12.2019
Chico's FAS (CHS) quarterly $0.0875 10.64% 9/13/2019
CHS Inc 8% Preferred Shares (CHSCP) -- $0.50 7.00% 9/13/2019
CHS Inc Preferred Shares Series 3 (CHSCM) -- $0.4219 6.40% 9/13/2019
CHS Inc Preferred Shares Series 4 (CHSCL) -- $0.4688 6.80% 9/13/2019
ICF International (ICFI) quarterly $0.14 0.68% 09.12.2019
Insteel Industries (IIIN) quarterly $0.03 0.67% 09.12.2019
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) quarterly $0.2750 1.44% 9/13/2019
Intertape Polymer Group (ITPOF) quarterly $0.1470 4.05% 9/13/2019
Investors Real Estate Trust Reit (IRET)
Iron Mountain (IRM) quarterly $0.6110 8.13% 9/13/2019
ITT (ITT) quarterly $0.1470 1.00% 09.09.2019
Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund (IVH) monthly $0.10 8.80% 9/13/2019
James River Group (JRVR) quarterly $0.30 2.56% 9/13/2019
JETS Contrarian Opp Index Fund (JCO) -- $0.0470 5.90% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Financial Opprts Fund (BTO) quarterly $0.55 7.10% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Hedged Equity and Income (HEQ) quarterly $0.3760 10.90% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Income Securities Trust (JHS) quarterly $0.1550 4.70% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Investors Trust (JHI) quarterly $0.3250 6.60% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Patriot Premium Div Fund II (PDT) -- $0.0975 6.70% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Pref. Income Fund II (HPF) monthly $0.14 7.30% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Preferred Income Fund (HPI) monthly $0.14 7.20% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Preferred Income Fund III (HPS) monthly $0.1220 7.60% 09.12.2019
John Hancock Tax-Advantage Dvd Incom Fd. (HTD) monthly $0.1380
John Hancock Tax-Advntgd Glbl SH Yld Fd (HTY) quarterly $0.16 9.60% 09.12.2019
Johnson Controls International (JCI) quarterly $0.26 2.45% 9/13/2019
KBR (KBR) quarterly $0.08 1.26% 9/13/2019
Kewaunee Scientific (KEQU) quarterly $0.19 4.79% 09.09.2019
KKR Income Opportunities Fund (KIO)
Knoll (KNL) quarterly $0.17 2.89% 9/13/2019
Kohl's (KSS) quarterly $0.67 5.93% 09.10.2019
Kontoor Brands (KTB) quarterly $0.56 7.47% 09.09.2019
Ladder Capital (LADR) quarterly $0.34 8.10% 09.09.2019
Lamar Advertising (LAMR) quarterly $0.96 5.15% 9/13/2019
Lazard Global Total Return & Income Fund (LGI) monthly $0.0890 6.85% 09.11.2019
Lazard World Dividend & Income Fund (LOR) monthly $0.0580 7.33% 09.11.2019
Leggett & Platt (LEG) quarterly $0.40 4.20% 09.12.2019
Leidos (LDOS) quarterly $0.34 1.61% 9/13/2019
Live Oak Bancshares (LOB) quarterly $0.03 0.68% 09.09.2019
Logansport Financial (LOGN) quarterly $0.35 3.61% 09.12.2019
Macy's (M) quarterly $0.3770 10.25% 09.12.2019
Mainstay Definedterm Municipal Opptys Fd (MMD) monthly $0.0850 4.81% 9/13/2019
Mannatech (MTEX) quarterly $0.1250 3.40% 09.09.2019
Mantech International (MANT) quarterly $0.27 1.51% 09.12.2019
Maxar Technologies (MAXR) quarterly $0.01 0.54% 09.12.2019
Mdu Resources Group (MDU) quarterly $0.2025 3.08% 09.11.2019
Medical Properties Trust (MPW) quarterly $0.26 5.73% 09.11.2019
Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK) quarterly $0.55 2.68% 9/13/2019
Mercury General (MCY) quarterly $0.6275 4.26% 09.11.2019
Merchants Bancorp (MBIN) quarterly $0.07 1.78% 09.12.2019
Meta Financial Group (CASH) -- $0.05 0.60% 09.09.2019
Methanex (MEOH) quarterly $0.36 3.33% 9/13/2019
MGM Resorts International (MGM) quarterly $0.13 1.71% 09.09.2019
Monroe Capital (MRCC) quarterly $0.35 13.90% 9/13/2019
Motorola Solutions (MSI) quarterly $0.57 1.26% 09.12.2019
Movado Group (MOV) -- $0.20 3.80% 09.09.2019
MTS Systems (MTSC) quarterly $0.30 2.03% 9/13/2019
MutualFirst Financial (MFSF) quarterly $0.20 2.64% 09.12.2019
Nabors Industries (NBR) quarterly $0.01 1.90% 09.10.2019
Nasdaq (NDAQ) quarterly $0.47 1.93% 09.12.2019
National Storage Affiliates Trust (NSA) quarterly $0.32 3.84% 09.12.2019
National-Oilwell Varco (NOV) quarterly $0.05 1.09% 09.12.2019
Nedbank Group (NDBKY) semi-annual $0.3590
New Mountain Finance (NMFC) quarterly $0.34 10.05% 09.12.2019
NewMarket (NEU) quarterly $1.90 1.69% 9/13/2019
Newmont Goldcorp (NEM) quarterly $0.14 1.42% 09.11.2019
News (NWS) semi-annual $0.10
News (NWSA) semi-annual $0.10
NexPoint Residential Trust (NXRT) quarterly $0.2750 2.55% 09.12.2019
Northern Trust (NTRS) quarterly $0.70 2.82% 09.12.2019
NorthWestern (NWE) quarterly $0.5750 3.23% 09.12.2019
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income (NVG) monthly $0.0650 4.70% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Amt-Free Municipal Value Fund (NUW) monthly $0.0470 3.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Amt-Free Quality Municpl Incm Fnd (NEA) monthly $0.0540 4.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Arizona Premium Income Mun Fd (NAZ) -- $0.0438 3.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund (NCA) -- $0.0285 3.20% 09.12.2019
Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund 2 (NCB) monthly $0.0430 3.30% 09.12.2019
Nuveen California Quality Muncpl IncmFnd (NAC) monthly $0.0520 4.05% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Connecticut Premium Income Mun Fd (NTC) -- $0.0410 3.60% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund (JCE) quarterly $0.25 7.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund (JQC) monthly $0.1040 16.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Diversified Dividend & Income Fd. (JDD) quarterly $0.2180 8.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund (NAD) monthly $0.0540 4.40% 09.12.2019
NUVEEN EMERGING/SH SH (JEMD) -- $0.0380 5.10% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Crdt Opptys Fd (NZF) monthly $0.0660 4.80% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Value Fund (NEV) monthly $0.0560 4.60% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund (JFR) monthly $0.0620 7.70% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportnty Fd (JRO) monthly $0.06 7.80% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Georgia Dividend Advntg Mncpl Fd2 (NKG) monthly $0.0370 3.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Global High Income Fund (JGH) monthly $0.1020 8.00% 09.12.2019
NUVEEN HIGH IN/COM (JHD) monthly $0.0320 3.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen High Income Nov2021 Trgt Trm Fund (JHB) monthly $0.0410 5.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Intermediate Duration Munpl Tm Fd (NID) monthly $0.0430 3.70% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Intermediate Duration Qlty Mun FD (NIQ) monthly $0.0320 2.70% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Massachusetts Pre Income Mun Fd (NMT) -- $0.0410 3.40% 09.12.2019
NUVEEN MN QLTY/SHS (NMS) monthly $0.0490 4.10% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Mortgage Opportunity Term Fund (JLS) monthly $0.1130 5.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Mortgage Opportunity Term Fund 2 (JMT) monthly $0.1120 6.10% 09.12.2019
NUVEEN MUN 2021/COM (NHA) monthly $0.0150 1.80% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Municipal High Income Oppty Fund (NMZ) monthly $0.06 5.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Municipal Income Fund (NMI) -- $0.0360 3.80% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Municipal Value Fund (NUV) monthly $0.0310 3.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantg Mncpl (NXJ) monthly $0.0540 4.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund (NJV) monthly $0.0410 4.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen New York AMT-Fr Qty Mnpl Incm Fd (NRK) monthly $0.0450 4.00% 09.12.2019
Nuveen New York Dividend Advntg Mncpl Fd (NAN) -- $0.0480 4.10% 09.12.2019
Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund 2 (NYV) monthly $0.0360 3.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen North Carol Premium Incom Mun Fd (NNC) -- $0.0390 3.40% 09.12.2019
Nuveen NY Municipal Value (NNY) -- $0.03 3.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen NY Select Tax-Free Income Portfol (NXN) -- $0.0395 3.40% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Ohio Quality Income Muncpl Fund (NUO) -- $0.0418 3.20% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Pennsylvania Invsmt Qlty Mncpl Fd (NQP) -- $0.0505 4.30% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Pennsylvania Municipal Value Fund (NPN) monthly $0.0380 3.10% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Preferred & Income Oprtnts Fnd (JPC) monthly $0.0610 7.30% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Preferred & Income Securities Fnd (JPS) monthly $0.0560 6.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund (JRI) monthly $0.1060 7.40% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (JRS) quarterly $0.19 6.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen S&P 500 Buy-Write Income Fund (BXMX) quarterly $0.2330 7.10% 09.12.2019
Nuveen S&P 500 Dynamic Overwrite Fund (SPXX) quarterly $0.2650 6.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Select Tax-Free Incom Portfolio 3 (NXR) monthly $0.0430 3.20% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio (NXP) -- $0.0455 3.40% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Senior Income Fund (NSL) monthly $0.0360 7.90% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Short Duration Credit Opp Fund (JSD) monthly $0.0970 8.20% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (NBB) monthly $0.0970 5.50% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Dividend Growth Fd (JTD) quarterly $0.31 7.30% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Ttl Rtrn Strtgy Fd (JTA) quarterly $0.24 8.80% 09.12.2019
Nuveen Va Premium Income Municipal Fund (NPV) -- $0.0435 3.80% 09.12.2019
NXP Semiconductors (NXPI) quarterly $0.3750 1.47% 9/13/2019
Oaktree Specialty Lending (OCSL) quarterly $0.0950 7.20% 09.12.2019
Oaktree Strategic Income (OCSI) quarterly $0.1550 7.43% 09.12.2019
Occidental Petroleum (OXY) quarterly $0.79 6.27% 09.09.2019
Old Line Bancshares, Inc. (MD) (OLBK) quarterly $0.12 1.81% 09.12.2019
OTC Markets Group (OTCM) quarterly $0.15 1.64% 09.11.2019
Owens & Minor (OMI) quarterly $0.0020 0.18% 9/13/2019
Packaging Corp Of America (PKG) quarterly $0.79 3.12% 09.12.2019
PCM Fund (PCM) -- $0.08 8.70% 09.12.2019
Penns Woods Bancorp (PWOD) -- $0.47 4.60% 09.09.2019
PGIM Global Short Duration Hgh Yd Fd (GHY) monthly $0.1050 8.50% 09.12.2019
PGIM High Yield Bond Fund (ISD) monthly $0.1050 8.40% 09.12.2019
Pimco CA Muni. Income Fund II (PCK) monthly $0.0350 4.20% 09.12.2019
Pimco CA Muni. Income Fund III (PZC) monthly $0.0420 4.40% 09.12.2019
Pimco CA Municipal Income Fund (PCQ) monthly $0.0770 4.60% 09.12.2019
Pimco Corporate & Income Strategy Fund (PCN) monthly $0.1120 7.50% 09.12.2019
PIMCO Corporate&Income Opportunity Fund (PTY) monthly $0.13 8.60% 09.12.2019
Pimco Dynamic Credit and MortggeIncmFund (PCI) monthly $0.1740 8.60% 09.12.2019
PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (PDI) monthly $0.2210 8.30% 09.12.2019
Pimco Enrg Tctcl Crt Oppo Cf (NRGX) quarterly $0.40 5.50% 09.12.2019
PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income Fund (PGP) monthly $0.0940 9.80% 09.12.2019
PIMCO High Income Fund (PHK) -- $0.0613 9.40% 09.12.2019
PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund (PKO) monthly $0.19 8.60% 09.12.2019
Pimco Income Strategy Fund (PFL) -- $0.09 9.40% 09.12.2019
Pimco Income Strategy Fund II (PFN) monthly $0.08 9.20% 09.12.2019
Pimco Municipal Income Fund (PMF) monthly $0.06 4.80% 09.12.2019
Pimco Municipal Income Fund II (PML) monthly $0.0650 5.00% 09.12.2019
Pimco Municipal Income Fund III (PMX) monthly $0.0510 4.80% 09.12.2019
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund III (PNI) monthly $0.04 4.00% 09.12.2019
PolyOne (POL) quarterly $0.1950 2.64% 09.12.2019
Popular (BPOP) quarterly $0.30 2.34% 09.12.2019
Potlatchdeltic (PCH) quarterly $0.40 4.14% 09.12.2019
PPL (PPL) quarterly $0.4125 5.59% 09.09.2019
Preferred Apartment Communities (APTS) quarterly $0.2620 7.29% 09.12.2019
Premier Financial Bancorp (PFBI) quarterly $0.15 3.95% 9/13/2019
Prosperity Bancshares (PB) quarterly $0.41 2.36% 9/13/2019
PS Business Parks (PSB) quarterly $1.05 2.38% 09.11.2019
Public Storage (PSA) quarterly $2.00 3.06% 09.11.2019
QUALCOMM (QCOM) quarterly $0.62 3.35% 09.11.2019
Quanex Building Products (NX)
Quarterhill (QTRH) quarterly $0.0090 2.67% 09.12.2019
Range Resources (RRC) quarterly $0.02 2.12% 09.12.2019
Rayonier (RYN) quarterly $0.27 3.65% 09.12.2019
RCI Hospitality (RICK) quarterly $0.13 3.23% 09.09.2019
Red Rock Resorts (RRR) quarterly $0.10 2.28% 09.12.2019
Redwood Trust (RWT) quarterly $0.30 7.10% 9/13/2019
REMY COINTREAU/ADR (REMYY) annual $0.2070 1.43% 09.10.2019
RenaissanceRe (RNR) quarterly $0.34 0.75% 09.12.2019
Renasant (RNST) quarterly $0.22 2.74% 9/13/2019
Retail Opportunity Investments (ROIC) quarterly $0.1970 4.41% 09.11.2019
Riverview Financial (RIVE) quarterly $0.0750 3.01% 09.12.2019
Ross Stores (ROST) quarterly $0.2550 0.95% 09.11.2019
Royce Micro Capital Trust (RMT) -- $0.17 9.30% 09.12.2019
Royce Value Trust (RVT) quarterly $0.27 9.00% 09.12.2019
Sabine Royalty Trust (SBR)
Saratoga Investment (SAR) quarterly $0.56 9.11% 09.12.2019
Scorpio Tankers (STNG) quarterly $0.10 1.59% 09.09.2019
Service Co. International (SCI) quarterly $0.18 1.53% 09.12.2019
Shaw Communications (SJR)
Ship Finance International (SFL) quarterly $0.35 10.29% 09.11.2019
Schneider National (SNDR) quarterly $0.06 1.24% 09.12.2019
Silvercrest Asset Management Group (SAMG) quarterly $0.15 4.61% 09.12.2019
Simmons First National (SFNC) quarterly $0.16 2.51% 9/13/2019
Sonic Automotive (SAH) quarterly $0.10 1.47% 09.12.2019
SOTHERLY HOTELS/SH SH (SOHO) quarterly $0.13 7.32% 09.12.2019
South Jersey Industries (SJI) quarterly $0.2870 3.36% 09.09.2019
SpartanNash (SPTN) quarterly $0.19 7.07% 9/13/2019
Spire (SR) quarterly $0.5920 2.87% 09.10.2019
Spirit AeroSystems (SPR) quarterly $0.12 0.59% 9/13/2019
ST BK CORP/SH SH (SBAZ) quarterly $0.0750 2.42% 09.12.2019
Steris (STE) quarterly $0.37 0.97% 09.09.2019
Stewart Information Services (STC) quarterly $0.30 3.35% 9/13/2019
Stock Yards Bancorp (SYBT) quarterly $0.26 2.88% 9/13/2019
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fnd (EDF)
Stone Harbor Emerging Mkt Total Incom FD (EDI)
Strategic Global Government Fund Inc. Closed-End Fund (RCS) -- $0.0612 7.90% 09.12.2019
Strattec Security (STRT) quarterly $0.14 2.62% 09.12.2019
Summit Financial Group (SMMF) quarterly $0.15 2.44% 9/13/2019
T. Rowe Price Group (TROW) quarterly $0.76 2.77% 09.12.2019
Taubman Centers (TCO) -- $0.6750 6.70% 9/13/2019
Teck Resources (TECK) -- $0.0376 0.90% 09.12.2019
Telephone & Data Systems (TDS) quarterly $0.1650 2.66% 9/13/2019
TELUS (TU) quarterly $0.4260 4.78% 09.09.2019
Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund (TEI) monthly $0.0570 8.80% 9/13/2019
Templeton Global Income Fund (GIM) monthly $0.0280 6.90% 9/13/2019
Texas Roadhouse (TXRH) quarterly $0.30 2.33% 09.10.2019
Textron (TXT) quarterly $0.02 0.16% 09.12.2019
The Coca-Cola (KO) quarterly $0.40 3.08% 9/13/2019
The Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust (GDV) monthly $0.11 6.20% 9/13/2019
The Western Union (WU) quarterly $0.20 3.92% 9/13/2019
THL Credit (TCRD) quarterly $0.21 12.54% 9/13/2019
THL Credit Senior Loan Fund (TSLF) monthly $0.1010 8.30% 9/13/2019
Total System Services (TSS) quarterly $0.13 0.38% 09.12.2019
TPG Specialty Lending (TSLX) quarterly $0.39 7.53% 09.12.2019
Travelers Companies (TRV) quarterly $0.82 2.20% 09.09.2019
Tredegar (TG) quarterly $0.12 3.03% 09.12.2019
TriCo Bancshares (TCBK) quarterly $0.22 2.44% 09.12.2019
U.S. Global Investors (GROW)
U.S. Silica (SLCA) quarterly $0.0630 2.13% 09.12.2019
UMB Financial (UMBF) quarterly $0.30 1.76% 09.09.2019
United Bancorp (UBCP) quarterly $0.1380
United Bankshares (UBSI) quarterly $0.34 3.77% 09.12.2019
United Community Banks (UCBI) quarterly $0.17 2.50% 09.12.2019
UnitedHealth Group (UNH) quarterly $1.08 1.77% 9/13/2019
Unity Bancorp (UNTY) quarterly $0.08 1.66% 09.12.2019
Universal Display (OLED) quarterly $0.10 0.19% 9/13/2019
Universal Health Realty Income Trust (UHT) -- $0.68 2.80% 9/13/2019
Univest Financial (UVSP) quarterly $0.20 3.22% 09.09.2019
Urban Edge Properties (UE) quarterly $0.22 5.31% 09.12.2019
Utah Medical Products (UTMD) quarterly $0.2750 1.14% 09.12.2019
Valley National Bancorp (VLY) quarterly $0.11 4.35% 09.12.2019
Verisk Analytics (VRSK) quarterly $0.25 0.63% 09.12.2019
VF (VFC) quarterly $0.43 1.93% 09.09.2019
Viacom (VIA) quarterly $0.20 2.34% 9/13/2019
Viacom (VIAB) quarterly $0.20 2.70% 9/13/2019
Viad (VVI) quarterly $0.10 0.62% 09.12.2019
Victory Capital (VCTR) quarterly $0.05 1.25% 09.09.2019
Virtus Global Multi-Sector Income Fund (VGI) monthly $0.1260 12.34% 09.12.2019
Vishay Intertechnology (VSH) quarterly $0.0950 2.36% 09.11.2019
Vistra Energy (VST) quarterly $0.1250 1.98% 9/13/2019
Voya Prime Rate Trust (PPR) -- $0.0260 6.80% 09.09.2019
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE) quarterly $0.30 4.39% 9/13/2019
Wellesley Bancorp (WEBK) quarterly $0.06 0.77% 09.10.2019
Wells Fargo Global Dividend Oppty Fund (EOD) quarterly $0.1460 11.00% 09.12.2019
Williams Companies (WMB) quarterly $0.38 6.63% 09.12.2019
Winnebago Industries (WGO) quarterly $0.11 1.37% 09.10.2019
World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) quarterly $0.12 0.68% 09.12.2019
Worthington Industries (WOR) quarterly $0.24 2.52% 09.12.2019
Wyndham Destinations (WYND) quarterly $0.45 4.27% 09.12.2019
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts (WH) quarterly $0.29 2.35% 09.12.2019
XAI OCTAGON FR/COM (XFLT) monthly $0.0730 9.79% 9/13/2019
Xcel Energy (XEL) quarterly $0.4050 2.53% 09.12.2019

Poznámka: dividendový výnos (na roční bázi) uveden ve vztahu ke kurzu titulu k 6.9.; datum uveden ve formátu mm.dd.rrrr příp. mm/dd/rrrr

Závěrem snad jen dodat, že akcionáři se od většiny výše uvedených firem dané dividendy dočkají obvykle 2 týdnů po rozhodném dnu. Výše uvedená data je nutné brát jako orientační, resp. doporučujeme si je v případě „obchodování“ aktuálně ověřit u svého obchodníka s cennými papíry.

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