(Evropská komise)
Evropská unie  |  11.07.2023 15:51:27

CountEmissionsEU - Questions and Answers

What is the Commission proposing?

CountEmissionsEU will be a common framework for quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions of transport services across different modes. The Commission is proposing a single methodology for calculating these emissions, a set of default values that can feed in calculations, and additional standards for the verification of the resulting output data and use of calculation tools, supporting sound implementation. The initiative covers both freight and passenger transport operations and includesemissions stemming from hub operations.

Why is this initiative important?

A common methodology and harmonised set of default values are needed for reliable and accurate GHG emissions data, and to allow a fair comparison between various transport services. More transparency of GHG emissions data can influence the decisions of transport users and create incentives to use more sustainable transport options. Industry experience shows that this can drive innovation and behavioural change – both among the transport service organisers and their customers.

What is the common reference methodology to calculate GHG emissions from transport services?

The methodology for emissions calculation is central to CountEmissions EU. Following our own analysis and having garnered stakeholders' views, we propose to use the methodology established by the new standard EN ISO14083:2023. This standard establishes a common set of rules and emissions calculation principles for transport operations based on the ‘well-to-wheel' concept, including emissions from both vehicle use and vehicle energy provision. Due to its international nature, EN ISO 14083:2023 can also be used for calculating emissions from international transport operations, including those involving more than one transport mode.

Will the calculation of GHG emissions from transport services be mandatory for businesses?

CountEmissions EU establishes a methodological framework, but does not regulate where it has to be used. However, any entity that decides to calculate and disclose information on GHG emissions from transport services, will have to adhere to the CountEmissions EU rules. This guarantees that the GHG emissions data reaching a shipper, passenger or an e-commerce customer is accurate and comparable for different transport services and operations.

The regulatory predictability and level playing field for GHG emissions accounting that CountEmissions EU provides, is expected to result in gradual market take-up, including by SMEs that often offer their services to bigger transport organisers and intermediaries.

Is a verification system planned for GHG emissions data disclosed on the market?

The verification of GHG emissions data and the underlying calculation processes is key to the initiative; it is needed to improve trust in these data on the market. However, being mindful of associated costs for the sector, we have paid close attention to keeping the rules proportional, and not to produce extra red tape that would be counterproductive to the uptake of CountEmissions EU in wider business practice. This is of particular relevance for SMEs that very often are under pressure in terms of resources and costs. Therefore, this proposal exempts SMEs from mandatory verification of adherence to CountEmissions EU rules.

What types of data should be used to calculate GHG emissions from transport services?

The quality and reliability of the data needed to calculate emissions are as important as the calculation methodology itself. To maximise the reliability of calculations, CountEmissions EU will prioritise the use of primary data, that is data obtained during actual carrying out of a transport operation. However, primary data is often unavailable or too expensive to generate for certain stakeholders, especially for SMEs. Therefore, CountEmissionsEU also allows the use of secondary data, including default values and modelled data.

In this respect, this initiative will offer a harmonised set of default values that, depending on their type, will be published in central EU databases, or provided through external databases developed by third parties. The external databases will undergo a specific quality check. As regards the modelled data, they may be used if the model is established in accordance with CEN ISO 14083 standard.

Will external calculation tools available on the market be allowed?

Yes. The availability of technical calculation tools (such as web-based applications, models or software) is key to facilitating the uptake of the common emissions accounting methodology among transport stakeholders. External calculation tools offered on the market for broader commercial and non-commercial use can serve this initiative well, offering functionalities for the automated calculation of emissions. However, the providers of these tools should guarantee that they conform to the requirements of CountEmissions EU, including the common reference methodology, modelling parameters and the input data. Therefore, the regulation will require these external calculation tools to be certified under the CountEmissions EU framework.

Would this framework not be too complex and burdensome for SMEs?

SMEs represent the vast majority of entities operating in the transport sector, and very often do not have the full capacity to measure and calculate emissions from their transport activities. This has been taken int account. SMEs are, for example, exempt from the mandatory verification system. Other rules have also been designed with SMEs in mind, including the provision of a harmonised set of default values, and the possibility to use external GHG emissions calculation tools.

For More Information

Press Release



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