Should I study a new language on-line or off-line?
Do you think that online learning will soon replace offline language
schools? Online language learning will use artificial intelligence to teach
foreign languages. We do believe in off-line studying as the most important
part of the learning process.
You can find a lot of information on the Internet about on-line studying
and all the accessible methods and "super-fast" and
"super-easy" ways to learn. Do you trust all of them? Modern language
learners don’t want to rely only on self-study and prefer getting help from
Why would you choose offline language schools?
Language learning content with Integrity and quality
Language learners can’t define the quality of the educational content which is
relevant to their learning goals - this is a fact. They opt to pay for
systematic approach offered by language schools (with professional teachers) to
guide and instruct them. Without wasting time and focusing on the most
important elements.
Realistic educational goal
Is it necessary to improve your English to Advance level or to prepare for an
international language exam? Language schools know how to reach these goals. That
is why learners delegate their learning job to language schools. Sometimes students
rely completely on the language school to teach them a foreign language.
Learners pay and believe that from now on their job is done and the learning
can go by itself. Of course, students need to participate and study themselves
as well.
Environment that helps
We, people are lazy, everybody. We all need external motivation: dates and times, rules and deadlines, homework. Thus learners find themselves in the environment which pushes and motivates them. Student want to be motivated and pay for that to a language school.
Internal motivation of students
Learning a language is more efficient if students have internal motivation to study. Socializing with class mates and teachers brings that motivation. This must be supported by positive feedback, feeling of discovery and tangible results. That is a task of the language school.
A teacher should be a role-model who knows the student’s educational goal and knows how to get there. Teachers design their courses and adjust them to the student’s level and personal characteristics. Teachers reinforce positive attitude and self-confidence of their students.
Pleasant hobby
Learning foreign languages can be a pleasant hobby and entertainment. It’s about meeting new people, learning new cultures and improving your life, keeping your brain running. Students many times do not have any specific learning goals. They enjoy the process of studying.
So, as you can see: professional language schools have several unique advantages the students should be aware of. Contemporary language students know it and that is why off-line language school will still be around.
Lucie Vlková
Ředitelka, jednatelka, převážné zaměření na HR činnosti, business rozvoj a business konzultace uvnitř firmy pro pobočky v rámci České republiky, aktivní networking jako součást rozvoje firmy. Studovala v České republice a ve Velké Británii. Před 18 lety s nejlepším kamarádem Petrem Paskem spoluzaložila v Ostravě jazykovou školu a překladatelskou agenturu Slůně – svět jazyků.
Slůně - svět jazyků
Jazyky, jazyky, jazyky.
1) jazyková škola: profesionální jazyková výuka po celé České republice. Kvalifikovaní lektoři, on-line správa kurzů. Firemní kurzy, skupinový kurzy, individuální kurzy, dětské kurzy, všechny úrovně, všechny jazyky.
2) překladatelská agentura: profesionální překladatelů a tlumočníci, 115 jazyků, CAT nástroje na zkvalitnění, zrychlení a zlevnění procesu překladů, soudní ověření, výjezdy do zahraničí, velké překladatelské projekty. 3) jazykové kurzy v zahraničí: 13 zemí, 7 jazyků, prověřené školy, dlouhodobá zkušenost, možnost kombinace výuky v ČR a zahraničí pro rychlejší ovládnutí jazyka.
Slůně - svět jazyků je na trhu od roku 1998. Aktuálně působí díky svým pobočkám v Praze, Ostravě, Brnu, Plzni, Pardubicích a Hradci Králové po celém území České republiky.
"Slůně, svět jazyků"
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