(Evropská komise)
Evropská unie  |  06.09.2023 15:55:43

The secret to using your manager’s feedback as a catalyst for growth

The secret to using your manager’s feedback as a catalyst for growth" />

Have a positive attitude

Negative feedback is never nice to hear and can often be demotivating. However, try not take any bad feedback personally your manager is on your side. Don’t rush to react, and take some time before responding. You should try and embrace the feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow. Listen to it with an open mind and ask questions to clarify the points raised. This will show your manager that you are professional and keen to move forward. Remember, your manager wants the best for you and wants to help you reach your goals and aspirations within the company.

Create an action plan

Work with your manager to create an action plan moving forward. The key here is to identify specific and actionable steps that you can take to implement your manager’s feedback. Then, think about the activities and actions you need to take to reach your goals. Try to make these achievable and manageable, assigning deadlines and levels of priority for each task. An action plan doesn’t have to be a concrete document, you can update and revise it. Think about how you will monitor and evaluate your progress and how you aim to track your performance and results. This is important to ensure that you are successfully taking on your manager’s feedback.

Recognise your strengths

Feedback is essential to help you make improvements in key areas and take you to the next level in your professional development. We tend to focus on our weaknesses, but be sure to also recognise your strengths. This is important, as your strengths can help you implement your manager’s feedback to the fullest. Write a list of all your strengths in one column, and in another column write down your manager’s feedback and action points. From here, it should be clear which strength can be used to successfully implement an action point. For example, if you have strong communication skills, you can use this strength to improve the winning work aspect of your position. It is important to remember your strengths and how they can contribute to your company.

Follow-up and update

Keeping in regular contact with your manager post-feedback is one of the best ways to demonstrate that you are on track to implement their feedback. Schedule bi-weekly or monthly meetings online or in person to discuss your progress and any challenges you may face. If you are struggling, it is better to raise this. You should prepare specific examples beforehand to show your manager how you are addressing previous feedback. Remember, your manager is there to help you, so don’t hesitate to ask for more feedback and support.

Want more advice on how to succeed in your career? Check out our article on the soft skills that will boost your professional development.


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