Program Cool Czechia pro mladé africké vůdce
Program Cool Czechia pro mladé africké vůdce
27.07.2023 / 14:08 | Aktualizováno: 02.09.2023 / 15:57
Dnes začíná program Cool Czechia: Young African Leaders´ Study Trip. Projekt strategické komunikace a reach out vůči africkým partnerům má za cíl přiblížit skupině 19 mladých budoucích lídru a influencerů z 10 zemí napříč africkým kontinentem české, potažmo středoevropské vnímání zásadních geopolitických výzev, zejména ruské agrese vůči Ukrajině. Program v Praze, dnes přijetí u ST Radka Rubeše a oběd s VŘ SED a řediteli relevantních odborů a následný program v Telči, pokračuje do 3. 8. 2023. Z Ghany se programu zúčastní 2 influenceři.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic has selected Ghanaian Marketing Communications professional, Brand, Talent and Stakeholder Relationship Management Specialist, Jonathan Christopher Koney, for the Young African Leaders’ Study Tour in the Czech Republic dubbed COOL CZECHIA 2023.
Known widely as Chris Koney in the African Media and Creative Arts space, he will be joining several thought leaders from across the African continent for the study programme scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 3, 2023 in two Czech cities; Prague and Telč.
The programme will include sessions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, under the supervision of Directors of selected Departments, Office of the President of the Czech Republic, meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of the Czech Republic as well as a tour of the Chamber of Deputies, which has 200 elected members for four years.
The Editor-in-chief of ČRo Plus, Josef Pazderka will be hosting the participants at the Czech Public Radio (ČRo). There will be discussion with prominent figures from the Non-Governmental Organisation world on the Non-profit sector and the role of civil society at People in Need, a Czech non-governmental, non-profit organization active all over the world. In addition, there will be guided tours in both cities; Prague and Telč.
Chris Koney has transitioned from a full-time journalist into a Marketing Communications professional and has rebranded his image to reflect the output of his products. From serving as Media Officer for talent hunt shows to spearheading communications for state funded initiatives, Chris has made tremendous impact in the last 10 years within Africa’s corporate communications space.
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