Invitation to the Nordic Financial Digital Transformation Summit
Invitation to the Nordic Financial Digital Transformation Summit
11.04.2022 / 09:36 | Aktualizováno: 14.04.2022 / 10:44
The Czech IT company Enehano Solutions organises an online event called the Nordic Financial Digital Transformation Summit on 28 April 2022, where leading financial managers from the Northern European region will share their experience and discuss opportunities and dangers of the digital world.
Czech IT company Enehano Solutions s.r.o. has within five years become a Czech leader in the area of implementing business and marketing solutions based on the global Salesforce platform, especially for banking and insurance. The company is also experiencing its first successes in Northern Europe, where they have already successfully approached several medium-sized FinTech companies and implemented first successful projects for them.
Their latest activity in relation to the northern European region is an online event called the Nordic Financial Digital Transformation Summit, where leading financial managers from the region will share their experiences and discuss opportunities and dangers of the digital world. The event will take place on April 28, 2022 and registration is completely free. Detailed information about the event, including registration, can be found here.
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