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Commencement of the H2 Mobility + Energy Show and Establishment of the Korean Hydrogen Council

Commencement of the H2 Mobility + Energy Show and Establishment of the Korean Hydrogen Council

14.09.2021 / 07:05 | Aktualizováno: 14.09.2021 / 08:34

The 4-day international fair entitled H2 Mobility + Energy Show is a major commercial hydrogen technology event held for the second year now. More than 150 companies and organizations from 12 countries are showcasing hydrogen-related products, technologies, and services in the fields of hydrogen mobility, hydrogen charging/infrastructure, and hydrogen energy.

Among other state-of-art technological innovations, participants displayed hydrogen-powered passenger cars, buses, trams, and bicycle, as well as advanced unmanned drones, mobile charging stations, and variety of hydrogen infrastructure components.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Seoul and CzechInvestment Agency participated in the fair together with the local representative of the Czech advanced hydrogen technology equipment manufacturer Vitkovice Cylinders a.s., - Vitkovicecylinders Co., Ltd.

Vitkovice Cylinders recently acquired necessary certifications and was displaying high-pressure hydrogen storage vessels, which are soon to be exported to Korea.

Also at the occasion of the fair commencement leaders of the 15 major conglomerates involved in the hydrogen sector, including most powerful Hyundai Motor Group, SK Group, and POSCO inaugurated the 'Korean Hydrogen Council'. This non-governmental organization will aim to stimulate investment in the sector, and secure key technologies for the future hydrogen economy, such as hydrogen liquefaction or carbon capture and utilization (CCU), at an early stage.

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