CEZ – company submitted two second-highest bids in privatization of Bulgarian distributors
Investiční bankovnictví KB
    All five investors placed binding bids in privatization of Bulgarian distributors. CEZ, Enel and Public Power Corp placed bids for all three packages, while E.ON and EVN bid for only two of them. According to the Bulgarian privatization agency, Austrian EVN placed the highest bids for Southeastern and Western packaged of EUR 271m and EUR 302m respectively. E.ON placed the highest bid for Northern package of EUR 140.7m. CEZ placed the second highest bids for Western and Northeastern packages of EUR 281.5m and EUR 121.5m respectively. Bulgarian government plans to select the privatization winner by the end of July. The main criterion should be the price; each investor could buy only one package.
    Given the privatization conditions, CEZ has the highest chances to privatize the Western package. If CEZ does not succeed in the privatization, the market could react positively in short-term, as the probability of higher extraordinary dividend would increase.
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