(Evropský parlament)
European Union  |  November 27, 2024 13:04:00, updated

Press release - Over €116 million in EU aid for Germany and Italy following floods in 2024

The €116,031,553 in aid from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) will be distributed as follows:

  • Germany, for floods in May 2024 in the southern part of the country: €112.1 million;
  • Italy, for floods in June 2024 in Valle d‘Aosta: €4 million.

The EUSF assistance will cover part of the costs of emergency and recovery operations, including repairing damaged infrastructure, safeguarding cultural heritage, and conducting clean-up operations.

MEPs express their “deepest solidarity with all the victims, their families and all the individuals affected by the destructive floods in Germany and Italy as well as with the national, regional and local authorities involved in the relief efforts”. They point to the “increasing number of severe, destructive and deadly natural disasters in Europe" and believe the “budget of the EUSF or its equivalent should be significantly expanded in view of the upcoming Commission proposal on the new Multiannual Financial Framework”.

The aid package was approved by 660 votes in favour, 11 votes against and 4 abstentions.

More information can be found here (Commission proposal) and in the EP draft report by the Committee on Budgets under the rapporteurship of Giuseppe Lupo (S&D, IT).


Since its inception in 2002, the EUSF has mobilised over €8.6 billion for 130 disasters (110 natural disasters and 20 health emergencies) in 24 Member States (plus the UK), and four accession countries (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye).

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