(MZv ČR)
World  |  November 13, 2024 09:48:00, updated

The Council for the Development of Cambodia Mission Visited Prague

12.11.2024 / 11:42 | Aktualizováno: 13.11.2024 / 09:48

Sun Chanthol, Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia leading a delegation of the Council for the Development of Cambodia and accompanied by businessmen visited the Czech Republic on November 7.-8.. High level meetings and business matchmaking for a took place at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic.

The visit to the Czech republic after visiting France was a part of CDC – EU Roadshow, aiming to attract European investors and strengthen business to business cooperation. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Cambodian delegation was welcomed by Jiří Kozák, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, followed by a business meeting with representatives of Czech business associations and selected companies. Business to business matchmaking forum with the Czech Confederation of Industry member companies took place at the Ministry of Trade and Industry. A the same, the Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chantol and the CDC delegation had a discussion and exchange of views with Director General David Műller and his team from the Section of European Union and Foreign Trade.

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