Makroekonomika  |  17.03.2023 09:13:37

Demografie, revue pro výzkum populačního vývoje - č. 1/2023


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Anna Šťastná
Rodičovství a péče o děti v době pandemie Covid-19 v období 2020 a 2021 v ČeskuAbstract

Demografie, 65(1): 3–22

This paper examines how couples with children aged 14 or under provided full-time childcare during three major Covid-19 lockdowns in Czechia. The analyses are based on the most recent data from the Czech GGS Covid pilot collected between December 2020 and February 2021, with a follow-up in April 2021. The results show that in all three lockdown periods, women were significantly more likely to be the ones left solely responsible for providing all-day childcare in the couple, even they were working as well as their partner. The odds of the woman being the sole provider of childcare increased with decreasing age and education, but also with the inability to flexibly adjust working hours.

Childcare, gendered division of care, fathers’ involvement, lockdown, Covid-19, Czechia, GGS


The 14th Conference of Young Demographers

Životní jubileum Borise Burcina

Životní jubileum Jitky Langhamrová

7. ročník soutěže České demografické společnosti o nejlepší kvalifikační práci v oboru demografie

Naděžda Křečková Tůmová
Náhradní výživné v České a Slovenské republiceAbstract

Demografie, 65(1): 31–48

The advance of maintenance payment is a recently introduced social benefit that has existed in the Czech Republic since July 2021 and is available to parents as support for dependent children if the parents are not receiving adequate maintenance payments from their co-parent, i.e. the amount of support they receive is low or they receive nothing at all. In Slovakia, the history of this social benefit payment goes back to 2004, and the conditions for its provision have been released several times. Compared to the Czech Republic, in Slovakia the conditions for the provision of this social benefit are more open, more children are supported, and higher sums are spent on this benefit from the state budget. Also, the average amount of this benefit is higher in the Slovak Republic than in the Czech Republic, even in relation to the living minimum for a dependent child.

advance of maintenance payment, divorce, single parents, parent's maintenance obligation, conditions for providing advance of maintenance payment in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

Dominika Perdoch Sladká
Partnerská soužití v Česku podle vzdělanostní struktury – vývoj v manželstvích a kohabitacích mezi lety 2010 a 2020Abstract

Demografie, 65(1): 49–60

The educational structures of partnerships have been studied intensively in the Czech Republic in the last two decades. Most research on educational homogamy in marriages in the Czech Republic covers the time period up to the year 2016, and the educational structure of cohabitations over time is still an unexplored subject. In this study, the educational structure of marriages and cohabitations is analysed using data from the European Social Survey and vital statistics from the years 20102020.

educational structure of partnerships, educational homogamy, marriage, cohabitation, Czech Republic

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