Czech delegation and Czech companies at Dubai AirShow 2021
Czech delegation and Czech companies at Dubai AirShow 2021
22.11.2021 / 10:47 | Aktualizováno: 22.11.2021 / 12:07
On November 14 - 18, 2021, a delegation led by the Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces General Aleš Opata and a delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Mrs. Martina Tauberová, took part in the Dubai AirShow 2021.
The Czech official participation in the Dubai Air Show was in the form of a Czech stand located in the main exhibition hall with one L 410 NG Aircraft on display on runway. The participation was managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Association of Aircraft Manufacturers of the Czech Republic and the Exponex Company.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi with the section of the Military and Air Attaché and the Czech Trade and Czech Invest agencies also played a significant roles in the preparation of the event.
Ten Czech companies presented their products and services at the Czech stand and established contacts with business partners.
The Dubai AirShow was extremely important for the Czech aviation industry, as it was one of the few events on such a scale in the world. The Czech Republic did not lose out in strong competition; on the contrary, it introduced itself as a country with more than a century of tradition in the aviation industry, offering top products in this field.
L 39 NG
84 KB JPG (Picture / Photo) Nov 22, 2021
L 410 NG
107 KB JPG (Picture / Photo) Nov 22, 2021
firmy na Dubai AirShow
48 KB JPG (Picture / Photo) Nov 22, 2021
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