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Entry into the territory of the Czech Republic - new regulation from 23 August 2021

Entry into the territory of the Czech Republic - new regulation from 23 August 2021

20.08.2021 / 17:55 | Aktualizováno: 23.08.2021 / 08:24

Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic announced new regulations for entering from and into the territory of the Czech Republic. According to the regulation from August 23, 2021, Kosovo belongs among countries with very high risk of COVID-19 - dark red category.

The text of the valid Protective Measure determining the restriction of crossing the state border of the Czech Republic can be found here, details can be found in actual Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.

Travelling from the Czech Republic

The general recommendation to consider all trips to countries with a high risk of COVID-19 transmission still remains.

Travelling to the Czech Republic

The complete list of categories of persons who are allowed to enter the Czech Republic is determined by Article II.2 of the Protective Measure. Travelers entering the Czech Republic must submit a completed Public Health Passenger Locator Form before entering the Czech Republic. All travelers must also provide a negative RT-PCR test not older than 72 hours upon arrival. Between 5th and 14th day after entry in the Czech Republic travelers have to take another RT-PCR test to assess the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Until the result of the second PCR test, passengers have to self-isolate (free movement is limited to journeys necessary to provide basic necessities and childcare, journeys strictly necessary to procure and care for animals, use of necessary financial and postal services, refueling; acute trips to medical facilities, trips to social services facilities; travel for urgent official matters and funerals).

These rules do not apply to fully vaccinated persons (they only have to fill in the Public Health Passenger Locator Form, please pay attention to the conditions, see below), children under six years of age (children under 12 years of age do not have to take a PCR test before travelling to the Czech Republic, but they must take the test within 5 days from entering the Czech Republic and until the test result is obtained they have to self-isolate - please plan well, Parents may take the test in the Czech Republic no earlier than the fifth day, children 6-12 years must take the test within five days).

According to the valid rules, only a person who holds an EU COVID digital certificate, a country certificate that is bilaterally recognized by the Czech Republic or that is recognized in accordance with EU regulations, is considered a vaccinated person. Vaccination must also be carried out with a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency or the WHO. Lists of recognized vaccines and certificates can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.

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