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Ze světa  |  24.08.2021 00:00:00

Changes in travel health insurance for stays over 90 days in the territory of the Czech Republic

Changes in travel health insurance for stays over 90 days

24.08.2021 / 08:23 | Aktualizováno: 24.08.2021 / 08:31

From 2 August 2021, in connection with the entry into force of the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners, there was a fundamental change in the submission of proof of travel health insurance for stays of more than 90 days.

These changes are as follows: 1) extension of insurance coverage in the scope of necessary and urgent health care to the scope of comprehensive health care, 2) exclusively Pojišťovna VZP a.s. will be entitled to arrange travel health insurance in the scope of comprehensive health care for a period of five years (ie from 2 August 2021 to 2 August 2026), 3) this obligation does not apply to foreigners who are members of public health insurance or who are reimbursed for health care under an international agreement, or who hold valid EHIC and GHIC health insurance cards, and EU citizens and their close family members. If a foreigner has applied for a long-term visa or stay before 1 August 2021 inclusive, he may enter the territory of the Czech Republic with travel health insurance to the extent of necessary and urgent health care valid for the entire stay and agreed with an insurance company other than VZP a.s. (submits this insurance contract to the embassy before issuing the visa); however, he is obliged to take out insurance in the scope of comprehensive health care with Pojišťovna VZP a.s. no later than 90 days from the date of entry into the territory of the Czech Republic. If the foreigner submitted an application for a long-term visa or stay on 2 August 2021 and later submits to the embassy before the visa is issued: - for the first 90 days of stay travel health insurance in the scope of necessary and urgent care (concluded with an insurance company other than VZP authorized to arrange insurance according to § 180j par. 2 ZPC) and for the remaining period travel health insurance in the scope of comprehensive health care (concluded only with the Insurance Company) VZP et al.). - or for the entire period of travel travel health insurance in the scope of comprehensive care concluded with Pojišťovna VZP as An insurance contract in the scope of comprehensive care concluded with another insurance company for the entire length of stay can be submitted only provided that the insurance contract was concluded no later than 1.8. 2021

English version is a courtesy - for binding information kindly consult Czech version .


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