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Entry into the territory of the Czech Republic

Entry into the territory of the Czech Republic

13.08.2021 / 15:20 | Aktualizováno: 23.08.2021 / 12:33

As of July 19, 2021, the Ministry of Health updated the Protective Measure regarding the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic.

Rules for entry and return to the Czech Republic:
For nationals of the EU+ countries, including Swiss and Liechtenstein, it is possible to enter the Czech Republic for any reason (e.g. tourism).

Switzerland and Liechtenstein belong to the category of the high-risk countries – red. Detailed entry conditions into the territory of Czechia can be found on the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

Entry in to the Czech Republic

Entry in to the Czech Republic

Information regarding entry to other countries is the responsibility of the embassies in the countries of destination and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For more information about the rules for entering the Czech Republic and quarantine measures go to the website of the Ministry of Health.


Rules for entry and return to the Czech Republic (as of... - 156 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Aug 3, 2021

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