COVID-19: Traveling to the Czech Republic during the pandemic. Exception extends to people vaccinated in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.
COVID-19: Traveling to the Czech Republic during the pandemic
01.06.2021 / 18:00 | Aktualizováno: 01.06.2021 / 18:01
As of 1st June, 2021 updated Ministry of Health Protective measure regarding the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic comes into the force.
The exception for the people vaccinated against Covid-19 will be extended to the wider group of people. In addition to persons vaccinated in the territory of the Czech Republic, the exception extends to people vaccinated in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.
List of countries with a low, medium and high risk of COVID-19 transmission is here
For more information about new measures, visit the Czech Interior Ministry website.
Email hotline for inquiries related to the entry into the territory of the Czech Republic:
All passengers travelling to the Czech republic from the countries that are not on the list of the countries with a low risk of COVID-19 contagion have to fill the Public Health Passenger Locator Form before entering the country.
On-line form is available on the website:
Please note that the on-line form (Passenger Card) does not replace documents proving the purpose of your stay in the Czech Republic.
Please note, that there is no direct flight between the US and the Czech Republic. Please check first with the airline company and all transit countries whether you will be allowed to travel to the Czech Republic AND back to the USA.
It is the responsibility of the traveler to prove that he/she fulfils the requirements set out in the Protective measure of the Czech Ministry of Health and in the respective table published on the web site of the Czech Ministry of Interior.
Neither the Czech Ministry of Interior nor our Consulate grant any individual exemptions for entry into the territory of the Czech Republic.
Map of Czech towns with public COVID-19 testing centers (in Czech language only) is listed on the Ministry of Health website. Blue marked centers are open to everyone on commercial basis. The red ones only for public with health insurance coverage for the testing. Some of them provide Rapid Tests only.
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