Jiří Zendulka
Akcie ve světě  |  14.12.2020 12:14:12

Tento týden nabídne dividendy od Gilead Sciences, Garmin, Merck a spousty dalších

Vstup do druhé poloviny prosince tradičně mnoho firemních hospodářských zpráv nepřinese. Za zmínku stojí středeční report výsledků od stavaře domů Lennar (LEN), čtvrteční od přepravní FedEx (FDX) a zejména páteční od zástupce indexu DJIA Nike (NKE). Týden bude nadprůměrný z hlediska rozhodných dnů na dividendu, když v tomto směru stanovilo termín téměř 500 korporací. Lze mezi nimi přitom nalézt jen jednoho zástupce prestižního hlavního indexu Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).

K vypořádání na akciovém trhu v USA dochází obdobně jako na pražské burze druhý pracovní den po obchodu (tzv. T+2). Z hlediska rozhodného dne pro nárok na dividendu se nicméně tradičně sleduje především tzv. ex-date. Jinými slovy první obchodní den, kdy se již akcie obchodují bez nároku na dividendu. Nakoupit akcie s nárokem na dividendu se tedy musí nejpozději den před „ex-date“.

Ze zmiňovaného indexu dividendu nabídne Merck (MRK), který dodržel tradici z posledních let a čtvrtletní dividendu na konci roku navýšil. Začne vyplácet o 4 centy více, tedy 0,65 USD. U farmaceutického titulu lze dividendový výnos indikativně aktuálně stanovit na více než 3 %.

Ze sektoru jistě rovnou nutno zmínit akcie výrobce léků Gilead Sciences (GILD), když firma dlouhodobě profituje také z dřívějších patentů profesora Holého týkající se především léčby HIV. Firma rozdělí opět 0,68 USD, což indikuje dividendový výnos 4,6 %.

maloobchodu lze pak vypíchnout řetězec Best Buy (BBY), který akcionářům rozdělí požitek opět ve výši 0,55 USD. Z technologického sektoru pak výrobce navigací Garmin (GRMN), který rozdělí dividendu 0,61 USD. Indikuje to dividendový výnos zhruba 2,5 %, tedy oproti akciím zmiňovaného řetězce nepatrně více. Nutno však uvést, že všechny dosud zmiňované korporace mají stanoven rozhodný den pro nárok na úterý 15. prosince. Na dnešek tak již ex-date, s aktuálním nárokem na uváděné požitky je tak šlo koupit naposledy v pátek.

Naposledy ještě dnes půjde s aktuálním nárokem koupit akcie Big Lots (BIG). Řetězec již téměř 3 roky udržuje čtvrtletní dividendu na 0,30 USD, což aktuálně indikuje dividendový výnos cca 2,3 %.

Až na čtvrtek je pak stanoven ex-date pro akcie British American Tobacco (BTI), které lze z velkých známých firem v týdnu vyhodnotit z hlediska dividendového výnosu jako nejatraktivnější. Lze jej stanovit na téměř 7 %, když akcionáři obdrží letos tradičních 0,6721 USD.  

Naopak zanedbatelný dividendový výnos nabízejí akcie General Electric (GE), když průmyslový konglomerát již dva roky udržuje pouze symbolickou centovou dividendu. Naopak králem z hlediska absolutní výše dividendy jsou v týdnu jistě akcie Broadcom (AVGO). „Polovodičový gigant“ letos čtvrtletně vyplácí 3,60 USD, což nyní indikuje dividendový výnos 3,5 %. Pokud navíc firma dodrží tradici z posledních let, akcionáři by se mohli v příštím roce dočkat dalšího navýšení požitku. Již tři roky naopak udržuje neměnnou dividendu 0,26 USD, také u nás aktivní, výrobce automobilových dílů Johnson Controls International (JCI). Nevýrazně nižší požitek 0,225 USD pak rozděluje provozovatel směnáren a zasilatel peněz Western Union (WU). U titulu to indikuje atraktivnější zhruba 4 % dividendový výnos oproti cca 2,3 % u JCI. Všechny v odstavci zmiňované tituly mají stanoveno ex-date na pátek 18. prosince.

V níže uvedeném přehledu lze i tento týden nalézt tituly s výraznou dividendou, resp. s aktuálním dvouciferným dividendovým výnosem. Zmínit lze například akcie fondu Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (CUBA), u kterých lze hovořit o dividendovém výnosu okolo 12 %. Fond investující v řadě zemí mimo USA třetí čtvrtletí v řadě vyplatí stabilních 0,15525 USD. Titul lze s aktuálním nárokem koupit naposledy ve středu, když na 17. prosince je již stanoven ex-date.

K vyhledávání v níže uvedeném přehledu doporučujeme příp. využít klávesovou zkratku Ctrl+F.

Ticker/Společnost Periodicita dividendy Dividenda Dividendový výnos Ex-date
AVK  Advent Convertible and Income Fund   monthly $0.1170 8.89% 12/14/2020
PINE  Alpine Income Property Trust   quarterly $0.22 5.69% 12/14/2020
AMBK  American Bank  
$0.48 4.00% 12/14/2020
APH  Amphenol   quarterly $0.29 1.01% 12/14/2020
ARCC  Ares Capital   quarterly $0.40 11.50% 12/14/2020
ARR  ARMOUR Residential REIT   monthly $0.10 11.30% 12/14/2020
BANC  Banc of California   quarterly $0.06 1.78% 12/14/2020
BDORY  BANCO DO BRASIL/S   quarterly $0.0160 0.95% 12/14/2020
BXS  BancorpSouth Bank   quarterly $0.19 3.29% 12/14/2020
BCE  BCE   quarterly $0.6250 6.13% 12/14/2020
BBY  Best Buy   quarterly $0.55 1.94% 12/14/2020
BGIO  BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.05 6.73% 12/14/2020
BHK  BlackRock Core Bond Trust   monthly $0.0750 5.67% 12/14/2020
HYT  BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund   monthly $0.0780 8.01% 12/14/2020
BTZ  BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust   monthly $0.0840 6.85% 12/14/2020
DSU  BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0605 7.00% 12/14/2020
BGR  BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust   monthly $0.0380 6.12% 12/14/2020
CII  BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund   monthly $0.0870 6.07% 12/14/2020
BDJ  BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust   monthly $0.05 8.20% 12/14/2020
BOE  BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0630 7.03% 12/14/2020
EGF  BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund   monthly $0.0410 3.75% 12/14/2020
BGY  BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0340 7.00% 12/14/2020
FRA  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0670 6.55% 12/14/2020
BGT  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust   monthly $0.0650 6.50% 12/14/2020
BME  BlackRock Health Sciences Trust   monthly $0.20 5.24% 12/14/2020
BKT  BlackRock Income Trust   monthly $0.0344 6.80% 12/14/2020
BKN  BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0680 4.70% 12/14/2020
BLW  BlackRock Limited Duration Income Trust   monthly $0.0980 7.46% 12/14/2020
BTA  BlackRock Long-Term Municipal Advantage Trust   none $0.0540 4.70% 12/14/2020
BZM  BlackRock Maryland Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0460 3.20% 12/14/2020
MHE  BlackRock Massachusetts Tax-Exempt Trust   monthly $0.0430 3.80% 12/14/2020
BIT  BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust   monthly $0.1240 8.69% 12/14/2020
MUI  BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund   monthly $0.0540 4.40% 12/14/2020
MUA  BlackRock MuniAssets Fund   monthly $0.0612 4.30% 12/14/2020
BKK  BlackRock Municipal 2020 Term Trust   monthly $0.2590 0.80% 12/14/2020
BTT  Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust   monthly $0.0620 2.98% 12/14/2020
BBK  BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0650 4.83% 12/14/2020
BAF  BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust   monthly $0.0620 5.02% 12/14/2020
BBF  BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Trust   monthly $0.0510 4.59% 12/14/2020
BYM  BlackRock Municipal Income Quality Trust   monthly $0.0580 4.67% 12/14/2020
BFK  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust   none $0.0590 4.70% 12/14/2020
BLE  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0625 4.90% 12/14/2020
MEN  BlackRock MuniEnhanced Fund   monthly $0.0470 4.70% 12/14/2020
MUC  BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.50% 12/14/2020
MUH  BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund II   monthly $0.0625 4.80% 12/14/2020
MHD  BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund   none $0.0610 4.50% 12/14/2020
MFL  BlackRock MuniHoldings Investment Quality Fund   monthly $0.0493 4.10% 12/14/2020
MUJ  BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund   monthly $0.0630 5.20% 12/14/2020
MHN  BlackRock MuniHoldings New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.70% 12/14/2020
MUE  BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II   none $0.0510 4.50% 12/14/2020
MUS  BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund   none $0.0550 4.90% 12/14/2020
MVT  BlackRock MuniVest Fund II   monthly $0.0585 4.70% 12/14/2020
MVF  BlackRock MuniVest Fund   monthly $0.0335 4.40% 12/14/2020
MZA  BlackRock MuniYield Arizona Fund   monthly $0.0564 4.30% 12/14/2020
MYC  Blackrock MuniYield California Fund   monthly $0.0430 3.50% 12/14/2020
MCA  BlackRock MuniYield California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.28% 12/14/2020
MYD  BlackRock MuniYield Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.70% 12/14/2020
MYF  BlackRock MuniYield Investment Fund   monthly $0.0568 4.70% 12/14/2020
MFT  BlackRock MuniYield Investment Quality Fund   monthly $0.06 4.90% 12/14/2020
MIY  BlackRock MuniYield Michigan Quality Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.70% 12/14/2020
MYJ  BlackRock MuniYield New Jersey Fund   monthly $0.0625 5.20% 12/14/2020
MYN  BlackRock MuniYield New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0515 4.70% 12/14/2020
MPA  BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.50% 12/14/2020
MQT  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund II   monthly $0.0549 4.70% 12/14/2020
MYI  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund III   monthly $0.0515 4.40% 12/14/2020
MQY  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund   monthly $0.0635 4.60% 12/14/2020
BSE  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Quality Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.59% 12/14/2020
BNY  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0560 4.70% 12/14/2020
BFY  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.06 5.02% 12/14/2020
BCX  Blackrock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust   monthly $0.04 6.73% 12/14/2020
BST  BlackRock Science and Technology Trust   monthly $0.1870 4.50% 12/14/2020
BSD  BlackRock Strategic Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0590 4.93% 12/14/2020
BBN  BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.1170 5.29% 12/14/2020
BUI  BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.1210 6.01% 12/14/2020
BHV  BlackRock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0455 3.40% 12/14/2020
BR  Broadridge Financial Solutions   quarterly $0.5750 1.57% 12/14/2020
RA  Brookfield Real Assets Income Fund   monthly $0.1990 14.20% 12/14/2020
CWH  Camping World   none $1.00 1.20% 12/14/2020
CSWC  Capital Southwest   quarterly $0.41 11.10% 12/14/2020
CEN  Center Coast Brookfield MLP & Energy Infrastructure Fund   quarterly $0.2250 8.76% 12/14/2020
CPK  Chesapeake Utilities   quarterly $0.44 1.78% 12/14/2020
COFS  ChoiceOne Financial Services   quarterly $0.22 2.90% 12/14/2020
COFS  ChoiceOne Financial Services   quarterly $0.22 2.95% 12/14/2020
CMA  Comerica   quarterly $0.68 5.57% 12/14/2020
CTBI  Community Trust Bancorp   quarterly $0.3850 4.84% 12/14/2020
CNMD  CONMED   quarterly $0.20 0.80% 12/14/2020
CNMD  CONMED   quarterly $0.20 0.81% 12/14/2020
CLM  Cornerstone Strategic Value Fund   monthly $0.1853 19.50% 12/14/2020
CRF  Cornerstone Total Return Fund   monthly $0.1796 19.20% 12/14/2020
CPG  Crescent Point Energy   quarterly $0.0020 0.64% 12/14/2020
CCI  Crown Castle International   quarterly $1.33 3.25% 12/14/2020
DLR  Digital Realty Trust   quarterly $1.12 3.30% 12/14/2020
DPZ  Domino's Pizza   quarterly $0.78 0.78% 12/14/2020
DTF  DTF Tax-Free Income   monthly $0.04 3.30% 12/14/2020
DUC  Duff & Phelps Utility and Corporate Bond Trust   monthly $0.05 6.50% 12/14/2020
DPG  Duff & Phelps Utility and Infrastructure Fund   quarterly $0.35 13.22% 12/14/2020
EMN  Eastman Chemical   quarterly $0.69 2.81% 12/14/2020
ECL  Ecolab   quarterly $0.48 0.87% 12/14/2020
EFSC  Enterprise Financial Services   quarterly $0.18 2.45% 12/14/2020
EPM  Evolution Petroleum   quarterly $0.0250 4.65% 12/14/2020
EPM  Evolution Petroleum   quarterly $0.0250 4.60% 12/14/2020
EXR  Extra Space Storage   quarterly $0.90 3.12% 12/14/2020
FFG  FBL Financial Group   quarterly $0.50 3.87% 12/14/2020
AGM  Federal Agricultural Mortgage   quarterly $0.80 4.81% 12/14/2020
AGM.A  Federal Agricultural Mortgage   quarterly $0.80 5.70% 12/14/2020
FCRD  First Eagle Alternative Capital BDC   quarterly $0.10 13.56% 12/14/2020
FINN  First National of Nebraska   none $90.00
GBL  GAMCO Investors   quarterly $0.02 0.62% 12/14/2020
GRMN  Garmin   quarterly $0.61 2.50% 12/14/2020
GATX  GATX   quarterly $0.48 2.73% 12/14/2020
GILD  Gilead Sciences   quarterly $0.68 4.63% 12/14/2020
SELF  Global Self Storage   quarterly $0.0650 6.42% 12/14/2020
GPK  Graphic Packaging   quarterly $0.0750 1.92% 12/14/2020
GGM  Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund   monthly $0.1810 11.23% 12/14/2020
GPM  Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Income Fund   quarterly $0.12 7.40% 12/14/2020
GOF  Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1820 11.48% 12/14/2020
GBAB  Guggenheim Taxable Municipal Managed Duration Trust   monthly $0.1260 6.13% 12/14/2020
HLNE  Hamilton Lane   quarterly $0.3125 1.70% 12/14/2020
HCAP  Harvest Capital Credit   monthly $0.16 48.98% 12/14/2020
HWBK  Hawthorn Bancshares   quarterly $0.13 2.63% 12/14/2020
HRTG  Heritage Insurance   quarterly $0.06 2.47% 12/14/2020
HES  Hess   quarterly $0.25 1.96% 12/14/2020
HUN  Huntsman   quarterly $0.1625 2.60% 12/14/2020
VKI  Invesco Advantage Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0465 4.90% 12/14/2020
VBF  Invesco Bond Fund   monthly $0.0565 3.20% 12/14/2020
VCV  Invesco California Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0475 4.40% 12/14/2020
VTA  Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0750 8.70% 12/14/2020
IHIT  Invesco High Income 2023 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.05 7.30% 12/14/2020
VLT  Invesco High Income Trust II   monthly $0.0964 8.50% 12/14/2020
OIA  Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.0316 5.00% 12/14/2020
VMO  Invesco Municipal Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.90% 12/14/2020
VKQ  Invesco Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.90% 12/14/2020
VPV  Invesco Pennsylvania Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.05 4.80% 12/14/2020
IQI  Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.90% 12/14/2020
VVR  Invesco Senior Income Trust   monthly $0.0210 6.40% 12/14/2020
VGM  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade Municipals   monthly $0.0535 4.90% 12/14/2020
VTN  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals   monthly $0.0458 4.40% 12/14/2020
IIM  Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0620 4.50% 12/14/2020
IRM  Iron Mountain   quarterly $0.6185 9.29% 12/14/2020
KAMN  Kaman   quarterly $0.20 1.54% 12/14/2020
KBR  KBR   quarterly $0.10 1.64% 12/14/2020
KNL  Knoll   quarterly $0.06 1.70% 12/14/2020
LEG  Leggett & Platt   quarterly $0.40 3.65% 12/14/2020
LDOS  Leidos   quarterly $0.34 1.64% 12/14/2020
MMD  MainStay MacKay DefinedTerm Municipal Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0850 4.71% 12/14/2020
MAXR  Maxar Technologies   quarterly $0.01 0.15% 12/14/2020
MBIN  Merchants Bancorp   quarterly $0.08 1.18% 12/14/2020
MRK  Merck & Co., Inc.   quarterly $0.65 3.24% 12/14/2020
MSI  Motorola Solutions   quarterly $0.71 1.70% 12/14/2020
NSA  National Storage Affiliates Trust   quarterly $0.35 3.84% 12/14/2020
NHS  Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0905 9.30% 12/14/2020
NHS  Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.09 9.27% 12/14/2020
NML  Neuberger Berman MLP and Energy Income Fund   monthly $0.0135 4.70% 12/14/2020
NRO  Neuberger Berman Real Estate Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.04 11.30% 12/14/2020
NEU  NewMarket   quarterly $1.90 2.11% 12/14/2020
NREF  NexPoint Real Estate Finance   quarterly $0.40 11.72% 12/14/2020
NREF  NexPoint Real Estate Finance   quarterly $0.40 11.70% 12/14/2020
NXRT  NexPoint Residential Trust   quarterly $0.3410 2.97% 12/14/2020
NWE  NorthWestern   quarterly $0.60 4.30% 12/14/2020
NWE  NorthWestern   quarterly $0.60 4.26% 12/14/2020
NVG  Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.1550 11.29% 12/14/2020
NUW  Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0390 2.88% 12/14/2020
NEA  Nuveen AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.71% 12/14/2020
NAZ  Nuveen Arizona Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.05 3.90% 12/14/2020
NCB  Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund 2   monthly $0.0850 6.62% 12/14/2020
NCA  Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0265 3.00% 12/14/2020
NAC  Nuveen California Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.40% 12/14/2020
NXC  Nuveen California Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio  
$0.0437 3.29% 12/14/2020
JCE  Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund   quarterly $0.2250 6.52% 12/14/2020
JHB  Nuveen Corporate Income November 2021 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0210 2.75% 12/14/2020
JCO  Nuveen Credit Opportunities 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0470 6.90% 12/14/2020
JQC  Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund   monthly $0.0810 15.48% 12/14/2020
JDD  Nuveen Diversified Dividend and Income Fund   quarterly $0.1960 8.90% 12/14/2020
JEMD  Nuveen Emerging Markets Debt 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0335 5.40% 12/14/2020
NEV  Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.2950 23.02% 12/14/2020
JFR  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund   monthly $0.0490 6.75% 12/14/2020
JRO  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0470 6.57% 12/14/2020
NKG  Nuveen Georgia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0450 4.20% 12/14/2020
JGH  Nuveen Global High Income Fund   quarterly $0.0860 2.30% 12/14/2020
NID  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.82% 12/14/2020
NIQ  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Quality Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.04 3.31% 12/14/2020
NMY  Nuveen Maryland Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.60% 12/14/2020
NMT  Nuveen Massachusetts Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0460 3.70% 12/14/2020
NUM  Nuveen Michigan Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 4.20% 12/14/2020
NMS  Nuveen Minnesota Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 4.18% 12/14/2020
NOM  Nuveen Missouri Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.70% 12/14/2020
JLS  Nuveen Mortgage and Income Fund   monthly $0.0680 4.17% 12/14/2020
JMM  Nuveen Multi-Market Income Fund   monthly $0.0245 4.50% 12/14/2020
NHA  Nuveen Municipal 2021 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0040 0.49% 12/14/2020
NZF  Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.0660 5.03% 12/14/2020
NMZ  Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0620 5.39% 12/14/2020
NMI  Nuveen Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0330 3.50% 12/14/2020
NUV  Nuveen Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0310 3.33% 12/14/2020
QQQX  Nuveen Nasdaq 100 Dynamic Overwrite Fund   quarterly $0.39 6.08% 12/14/2020
NJV  Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0320 2.71% 12/14/2020
NXJ  Nuveen New Jersey Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.89% 12/14/2020
NRK  Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0480 4.35% 12/14/2020
NYV  Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund 2   monthly $0.09 7.25% 12/14/2020
NNY  Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0255 3.00% 12/14/2020
NAN  Nuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 4.40% 12/14/2020
NXN  Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0395 3.60% 12/14/2020
NUO  Nuveen Ohio Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0490 3.70% 12/14/2020
NPN  Nuveen Pennsylvania Municipal Value Fund   -- $0.0842 2.60% 12/14/2020
NQP  Nuveen Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.70% 12/14/2020
JPC  Nuveen Preferred & Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0530 6.88% 12/14/2020
JPS  Nuveen Preferred Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 6.46% 12/14/2020
NAD  Nuveen Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.06 4.79% 12/14/2020
JRI  Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund   monthly $0.0970 8.73% 12/14/2020
JRS  Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund   quarterly $0.19 8.98% 12/14/2020
BXMX  Nuveen S&P 500 Buy-Write Income Fund   quarterly $0.2150 6.85% 12/14/2020
SPXX  Nuveen S&P 500 Dynamic Overwrite Fund   quarterly $0.2450 6.59% 12/14/2020
NIM  Nuveen Select Maturities Municipal Fund   -- $0.0473 3.00% 12/14/2020
NXP  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0455 3.30% 12/14/2020
NXQ  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 2   monthly $0.0420 3.30% 12/14/2020
NXR  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 3   monthly $0.0430 3.12% 12/14/2020
NSL  Nuveen Senior Income Fund   monthly $0.0310 7.27% 12/14/2020
JSD  Nuveen Short Duration Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0730 6.78% 12/14/2020
NBB  Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0930 4.81% 12/14/2020
JTD  Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Dividend Growth Fund   quarterly $0.2940 8.45% 12/14/2020
JTA  Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Total Return Strategy Fund   quarterly $0.1920 8.25% 12/14/2020
NPV  Nuveen Virginia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0485 3.70% 12/14/2020
NXPI  NXP Semiconductors   quarterly $0.3750 0.99% 12/14/2020
OCSL  Oaktree Specialty Lending   quarterly $0.11 8.29% 12/14/2020
OCSI  Oaktree Strategic Income   quarterly $0.1450 7.80% 12/14/2020
OVV  Ovintiv   quarterly $0.0940 4.12% 12/14/2020
OMI  Owens & Minor   quarterly $0.0020 0.03% 12/14/2020
PCH  PotlatchDeltic   quarterly $0.41 3.56% 12/14/2020
APTS  Preferred Apartment Communities   quarterly $0.1750 10.30% 12/14/2020
PFBI  Premier Financial Bancorp   quarterly $0.15 4.20% 12/14/2020
PB  Prosperity Bancshares   quarterly $0.49 3.60% 12/14/2020
PSB  PS Business Parks   quarterly $1.05 3.70% 12/14/2020
PSA  Public Storage   quarterly $2.00 3.47% 12/14/2020
RICK  RCI Hospitality   quarterly $0.04 0.56% 12/14/2020
RNR  RenaissanceRe   quarterly $0.35 0.84% 12/14/2020
RCII  Rent-A-Center   quarterly $0.31 3.54% 12/14/2020
SBR  Sabine Royalty Trust   monthly $0.1240 7.80% 12/14/2020
SCI  Service Co. International   quarterly $0.21 1.71% 12/14/2020
SCI  Service Co. International   quarterly $0.21 1.68% 12/14/2020
SJR  Shaw Communications   monthly $0.0741 5.50% 12/14/2020
SFNC  Simmons First National   quarterly $0.17 4.02% 12/14/2020
TSLX  Sixth Street Specialty Lending   quarterly $0.41 9.00% 12/14/2020
SLG  SL Green Realty   monthly $2.00 37.56% 12/14/2020
SAH  Sonic Automotive   quarterly $0.10 1.09% 12/14/2020
FUND  Sprott Focus Trust   quarterly $0.2150 7.70% 12/14/2020
SCM  Stellus Capital Investment   none $0.31 11.80% 12/14/2020
STC  Stewart Information Services   quarterly $0.30 2.78% 12/14/2020
STM  STMicroelectronics   quarterly $0.0420 0.42% 12/14/2020
STM  STMicroelectronics  
$0.15 0.51% 12/14/2020
SMMF  Summit Financial Group   quarterly $0.17 3.27% 12/14/2020
TROW  T. Rowe Price Group   quarterly $0.90 2.63% 12/14/2020
TECK  Teck Resources   quarterly $0.0382 1.00% 12/14/2020
TDF  Templeton Dragon Fund   -- $3.1975 0.60% 12/14/2020
EMF  Templeton Emerging Markets Fund   quarterly $0.6570 14.86% 12/14/2020
TEI  Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund   monthly $0.0410 6.21% 12/14/2020
GIM  Templeton Global Income Fund   monthly $0.0170 3.76% 12/14/2020
TRNO  Terreno Realty   quarterly $0.29 1.93% 12/14/2020
SSP  The E.W. Scripps   quarterly $0.05 1.77% 12/14/2020
SSP  The E.W. Scripps   quarterly $0.05 1.90% 12/14/2020
TMO  Thermo Fisher Scientific   quarterly $0.22 0.17% 12/14/2020
TRMLF  Tourmaline Oil  
$0.4292 3.14% 12/14/2020
UGI  UGI   quarterly $0.33 3.61% 12/14/2020
UCBI  United Community Banks   quarterly $0.18 3.32% 12/14/2020
UNIT  Uniti Group   quarterly $0.15 6.27% 12/14/2020
OLED  Universal Display   quarterly $0.15 0.30% 12/14/2020
UTMD  Utah Medical Products   quarterly $0.2850 1.30% 12/14/2020
VLY  Valley National Bancorp   quarterly $0.11 4.77% 12/14/2020
VLY  Valley National Bancorp   quarterly $0.11 4.80% 12/14/2020
VRSK  Verisk Analytics   quarterly $0.27 0.50% 12/14/2020
VIACA  ViacomCBS   quarterly $0.24 3.11% 12/14/2020
VIAC  ViacomCBS   quarterly $0.24 3.39% 12/14/2020
VIACA  ViacomCBS   quarterly $0.24 3.10% 12/14/2020
WRB  W. R. Berkley   quarterly $0.12 0.71% 12/14/2020
WWE  World Wrestling Entertainment   quarterly $0.12 1.30% 12/14/2020
WOR  Worthington Industries   quarterly $0.25 2.60% 12/14/2020
WYND  Wyndham Destinations   quarterly $0.30 3.40% 12/14/2020
WH  Wyndham Hotels & Resorts   quarterly $0.08 0.58% 12/14/2020
XFLT  XAI Octagon Floating Rate & Alternative Income Term Trust   monthly $0.0730 11.50% 12/14/2020
ALLE  Allegion   quarterly $0.32 1.13% 12/15/2020
AEO  American Eagle Outfitters   quarterly $0.1380 2.88% 12/15/2020
FINS  Angel Oak Financial Strategies Income Term Trust   monthly $0.1080 7.54% 12/15/2020
BIG  Big Lots   quarterly $0.30 2.27% 12/15/2020
CPT  Camden Property Trust   quarterly $0.83 3.36% 12/15/2020
CINF  Cincinnati Financial   quarterly $0.60 3.04% 12/15/2020
FOF  Cohen & Steers Closed-End Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0870 9.30% 12/15/2020
UTF  Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund   monthly $0.1550 8.30% 12/15/2020
LDP  Cohen & Steers Limited Duration Preferred and Income Fund   monthly $0.1430 7.40% 12/15/2020
MIE  Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0150 12.10% 12/15/2020
RQI  Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund   monthly $0.08 8.40% 12/15/2020
RNP  Cohen & Steers REIT and Preferred Income Fund   monthly $0.1240 7.20% 12/15/2020
PSF  Cohen & Steers Select Preferred and Income Fund   monthly $0.1570 7.20% 12/15/2020
RFI  Cohen & Steers Total Return Realty Fund   monthly $0.08 7.80% 12/15/2020
CIK  Credit Suisse Asset Management Income Fund   monthly $0.0230 8.71% 12/15/2020
CIK  Credit Suisse Asset Management Income Fund   monthly $0.0225 8.50% 12/15/2020
DHY  Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund   monthly $0.0165 8.60% 12/15/2020
EVC  Entravision Communications   quarterly $0.0250 5.26% 12/15/2020
ESSA  ESSA Bancorp   quarterly $0.11 2.70% 12/15/2020
FCAP  First Capital   quarterly $0.24 1.45% 12/15/2020
FFIN  First Financial Bankshares   quarterly $0.13 1.70% 12/15/2020
FSK  FS KKR Capital   quarterly $0.60 14.42% 12/15/2020
FSKR  FS KKR Capital Corp. II   quarterly $0.55 14.45% 12/15/2020
FSKR  FS KKR Capital Corp. II   quarterly $0.55 14.30% 12/15/2020
GWRS  Global Water Resources   monthly $0.0243 2.40% 12/15/2020
GES  Guess'   quarterly $0.1125 2.63% 12/15/2020
HRC  Hill-Rom   quarterly $0.22 1.00% 12/15/2020
HOFT  Hooker Furniture   quarterly $0.18 2.24% 12/15/2020
HMN  Horace Mann Educators   quarterly $0.30 3.01% 12/15/2020
ICE  Intercontinental Exchange   quarterly $0.30 1.30% 12/15/2020
ITPOF  Intertape Polymer Group   quarterly $0.1180 3.09% 12/15/2020
IVH  Ivy Funds - Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.09 8.41% 12/15/2020
LOGN  Logansport Financial   quarterly $0.40 3.20% 12/15/2020
MCN  Madison Covered Call & Equity Strategy Fund   quarterly $0.18 11.08% 12/15/2020
MTEX  Mannatech   none $1.16 3.70% 12/15/2020
MCY  Mercury General   quarterly $0.6320 6.16% 12/15/2020
MCR  MFS Charter Income Trust   monthly $0.0590 8.34% 12/15/2020
MGF  MFS Government Markets Income Trust   monthly $0.0287 7.50% 12/15/2020
CXE  MFS High Income Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0210 5.13% 12/15/2020
CMU  MFS High Yield Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0185 5.10% 12/15/2020
CIF  MFS Intermediate High Income Fund   monthly $0.0194 8.90% 12/15/2020
MIN  MFS Intermediate Income Trust   monthly $0.0280 8.80% 12/15/2020
CXH  MFS Investment Grade Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0370 4.62% 12/15/2020
MMT  MFS Multimarket Income Trust   monthly $0.0420 8.37% 12/15/2020
MFM  MFS Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0260 4.70% 12/15/2020
MFV  MFS Special Value Trust   monthly $0.0448 8.90% 12/15/2020
MRCC  Monroe Capital   quarterly $0.25 10.80% 12/15/2020
NJR  New Jersey Resources   quarterly $0.3330 3.80% 12/15/2020
NMFC  New Mountain Finance   quarterly $0.30 11.55% 12/15/2020
NMFC  New Mountain Finance   quarterly $0.30 11.50% 12/15/2020
OXLC  Oxford Lane Capital   monthly $0.0675 17.40% 12/15/2020
OXSQ  Oxford Square Capital   monthly $0.0350 16.30% 12/15/2020
PHM  PulteGroup   quarterly $0.14 1.31% 12/15/2020
NX  Quanex Building Products   quarterly $0.08 1.50% 12/15/2020
REG  Regency Centers   quarterly $0.5950 5.20% 12/15/2020
REG  Regency Centers   quarterly $0.5950 6.99% 12/15/2020
STFC  State Auto Financial   quarterly $0.10 2.47% 12/15/2020
TDS  Telephone and Data Systems   quarterly $0.17 3.49% 12/15/2020
TY  Tri-Continental   none $0.6180 3.80% 12/15/2020
TNP  Tsakos Energy Navigation   semi-annual $0.1250 2.70% 12/15/2020
VST  Vistra   quarterly $0.1350 3.11% 12/15/2020
AFT  Apollo Senior Floating Rate Fund   monthly $0.0740 6.36% 12/16/2020
AIF  Apollo Tactical Income Fund   monthly $0.0760 6.50% 12/16/2020
ARES  Ares Management   quarterly $0.40 3.80% 12/16/2020
BHLB  Berkshire Hills Bancorp   quarterly $0.12 2.87% 12/16/2020
TCPC  BlackRock TCP Capital   quarterly $0.30 11.94% 12/16/2020
DMB  BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.53% 12/16/2020
BRT  BRT Apartments   quarterly $0.22 6.50% 12/16/2020
CHSCP  CHS   quarterly $0.50 6.90% 12/16/2020
CHSCO  CHS   quarterly $0.4922 7.10% 12/16/2020
CHSCL  CHS   quarterly $0.4688 6.50% 12/16/2020
CIZN  Citizens   quarterly $0.24 4.69% 12/16/2020
DSL  DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund   none $0.1220 8.00% 12/16/2020
DBL  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund   monthly $0.4970 30.55% 12/16/2020
KTF  DWS Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0744 4.40% 12/16/2020
KSM  DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0754 4.60% 12/16/2020
FFWC  FFW   quarterly $0.25 2.42% 12/16/2020
FNF  Fidelity National Financial   quarterly $0.36 4.75% 12/16/2020
FSFG  First Savings Financial Group   quarterly $0.17 1.09% 12/16/2020
GPN  Global Payments   quarterly $0.1950 0.50% 12/16/2020
HI  Hillenbrand   quarterly $0.2150 2.21% 12/16/2020
HRZN  Horizon Technology Finance   monthly $0.10 10.10% 12/16/2020
MAGS  Magal Security Systems   variable $1.0790
MEOH  Methanex   quarterly $0.0280 0.29% 12/16/2020
NYMT  New York Mortgage Trust   quarterly $0.10 10.42% 12/16/2020
NRIM  Northrim BanCorp   quarterly $0.35 4.20% 12/16/2020
OLP  One Liberty Properties   quarterly $0.45 9.50% 12/16/2020
PATI  Patriot Transportation   none $3.00
PFLT  PennantPark Floating Rate Capital   monthly $0.0950 10.45% 12/16/2020
PNNT  PennantPark Investment   quarterly $0.12 10.39% 12/16/2020
PCQ  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.01 0.65% 12/16/2020
PCK  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.01 1.32% 12/16/2020
PZC  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0120 1.38% 12/16/2020
PMF  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.08 6.84% 12/16/2020
PMX  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0120 1.20% 12/16/2020
PGZ  Principal Real Estate Income Fund   monthly $0.08 8.80% 12/16/2020
RYN  Rayonier   quarterly $0.27 3.86% 12/16/2020
RWT  Redwood Trust   quarterly $0.14 6.40% 12/16/2020
RFM  RiverNorth Flexible Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.1042 6.20% 12/16/2020
RMM  Rivernorth Managed Duration Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0917 6.50% 12/16/2020
RMI  RiverNorth Opportunistic Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0917 5.30% 12/16/2020
RIV  RiverNorth Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.18 14.00% 12/16/2020
OPP  RiverNorth/DoubleLine Strategic Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.18 15.30% 12/16/2020
SWBI  Smith & Wesson Brands   quarterly $0.05 1.26% 12/16/2020
SLRC  Solar Capital   quarterly $0.41 9.79% 12/16/2020
SNV  Synovus Financial   quarterly $0.33 4.04% 12/16/2020
TRMT  Tremont Mortgage Trust   none $0.53
UNTY  Unity Bancorp   quarterly $0.08 1.90% 12/16/2020
UHT  Universal Health Realty Income Trust   quarterly $0.6950 4.33% 12/16/2020
VGR  Vector Group   quarterly $0.20 6.85% 12/16/2020
AAP  Advance Auto Parts   quarterly $0.25 0.64% 12/17/2020
AL  Air Lease   quarterly $0.16 1.89% 12/17/2020
ALRS  Alerus Financial   quarterly $0.15 2.40% 12/17/2020
ALRS  Alerus Financial   quarterly $0.15 2.44% 12/17/2020
AFB  AllianceBernstein National Municipal Income Fund   -- $0.0013 4.50% 12/17/2020
AIMC  Altra Industrial Motion   quarterly $0.06 0.50% 12/17/2020
AMKR  Amkor Technology   quarterly $0.04 1.42% 12/17/2020
AVNT  Avient   quarterly $0.2125 2.60% 12/17/2020
AVNT  Avient   quarterly $0.2130 2.67% 12/17/2020
BDC  Belden   quarterly $0.05 0.50% 12/17/2020
BTI  British American Tobacco   quarterly $0.6721 6.94% 12/17/2020
CB  Chubb   quarterly $0.78 2.11% 12/17/2020
CNSWF  Constellation Software   quarterly $1.00 0.36% 12/17/2020
DEX  Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund   monthly $0.0540 6.74% 12/17/2020
VCF  Delaware Investments Colorado Municipal Income Fund   -- $0.0590 3.40% 12/17/2020
DDF  Delaware Investments Dividend and Income Fund   monthly $0.0565 8.90% 12/17/2020
VMM  Delaware Investments Minnesota Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.0325 3.00% 12/17/2020
VFL  Delaware Investments National Municipal Income Fund   -- $0.0590 4.00% 12/17/2020
PLOW  Douglas Dynamics   quarterly $0.28 2.74% 12/17/2020
ENS  EnerSys   quarterly $0.1750 0.89% 12/17/2020
FBSS  Fauquier Bankshares   quarterly $0.1250 3.10% 12/17/2020
FSLF  First Eagle Senior Loan Fund   monthly $0.07 6.10% 12/17/2020
FMBI  First Midwest Bancorp   quarterly $0.14 3.90% 12/17/2020
GEF  Greif   quarterly $0.44 3.40% 12/17/2020
HBAN  Huntington Bancshares   quarterly $0.15 6.19% 12/17/2020
JOF  Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund   annual $0.3441 1.30% 12/17/2020
MGU  Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund   monthly $0.0750 4.34% 12/17/2020
MC  Moelis & Company   none $2.00
CAF  Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund  
MSD  Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Debt Fund   quarterly $0.1050 4.60% 12/17/2020
EDD  Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Domestic Debt Fund   quarterly $0.1050 6.70% 12/17/2020
IIF  Morgan Stanley India Investment Fund   semi-annual $0.0038
NEWT  Newtek Business Services   quarterly $0.47 10.82% 12/17/2020
NDSN  Nordson   quarterly $0.39 0.80% 12/17/2020
OCCI  OFS Credit   quarterly $0.52 17.63% 12/17/2020
PCAR  PACCAR   none $0.70
PLD  Prologis   quarterly $0.58 2.39% 12/17/2020
QCRH  QCR   quarterly $0.06 0.66% 12/17/2020
UTG  Reaves Utility Income Fund   monthly $0.18 6.60% 12/17/2020
RNST  Renasant   quarterly $0.22 2.69% 12/17/2020
REPYY  Repsol   semi-annual $0.28
RBCAA  Republic Bancorp   quarterly $0.2860 3.12% 12/17/2020
SRE  Sempra Energy   quarterly $1.0450 3.18% 12/17/2020
EDF  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund   monthly $0.08 14.80% 12/17/2020
EDI  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund   monthly $0.08 13.50% 12/17/2020
SYX  Systemax   none $2.00
TSM  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing   quarterly $0.4253 1.70% 12/17/2020
THQ  Tekla Healthcare Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1125 6.80% 12/17/2020
THW  Tekla World Healthcare Fund   monthly $0.1167 8.90% 12/17/2020
HCKT  The Hackett Group   quarterly $0.0950 2.61% 12/17/2020
THG  The Hanover Insurance Group   quarterly $0.70 2.39% 12/17/2020
CUBA  The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund   quarterly $0.1550 12.20% 12/17/2020
IRL  The New Ireland Fund   annual $0.3052 3.03% 12/17/2020
TTEC  TTEC   none $2.14
TPB  Turning Point Brands   quarterly $0.05 0.53% 12/17/2020
UUGRY  United Utilities Group   semi-annual $0.3650
VRS  Verso   quarterly $0.10 4.51% 12/17/2020
VOD  Vodafone Group   semi-annual $0.5325 6.10% 12/17/2020
XIN  Xinyuan Real Estate   quarterly $0.0125 2.11% 12/17/2020
ADT  ADT   quarterly $0.0350 1.94% 12/18/2020
AFG  American Financial Group   none $2.00
AINV  Apollo Investment   quarterly $0.36 13.60% 12/18/2020
AGX  Argan   quarterly $0.25 2.10% 12/18/2020
AVGO  Broadcom   quarterly $3.60 3.53% 12/18/2020
IGR  CBRE Clarion Global Real Estate Income Fund   monthly $0.05 8.94% 12/18/2020
CHMG  Chemung Financial   quarterly $0.26 3.06% 12/18/2020
GLV  Clough Global Dividend and Income Fund   monthly $0.1008 12.60% 12/18/2020
GLQ  Clough Global Equity Fund   monthly $0.1104 11.00% 12/18/2020
GLO  Clough Global Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0897 10.80% 12/18/2020
DTE  DTE Energy   quarterly $1.0850 3.60% 12/18/2020
DX  Dynex Capital   monthly $0.13 8.60% 12/18/2020
ESLT  Elbit Systems   quarterly $0.44 1.40% 12/18/2020
ERIE  Erie Indemnity   none $2.00
FISI  Financial Institutions   quarterly $0.26 4.86% 12/18/2020
FXNC  First National   quarterly $0.11 2.77% 12/18/2020
GE  General Electric   quarterly $0.01 0.36% 12/18/2020
PCF  High Income Securities Fund   monthly $0.0820 11.80% 12/18/2020
HPP  Hudson Pacific Properties   quarterly $0.25
ISSC  Innovative Solutions and Support   quarterly $0.50
JJSF  J & J Snack Foods   quarterly $0.5750 1.52% 12/18/2020
JCI  Johnson Controls International   quarterly $0.26 2.28% 12/18/2020
KYN  Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund   quarterly $0.15 9.23% 12/18/2020
KMF  Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure   quarterly $0.09 6.19% 12/18/2020
KBAL  Kimball International   quarterly $0.09 3.52% 12/18/2020
KFY  Korn Ferry   quarterly $0.10 0.98% 12/18/2020
LAMR  Lamar Advertising   quarterly $0.50 2.50% 12/18/2020
OFLX  Omega Flex  
OMC  Omnicom Group   quarterly $0.65 4.02% 12/18/2020
PKG  Packaging Co. of America   quarterly $1.00 2.95% 12/18/2020
HNW  Pioneer Diversified High Income Trust   -- $0.09 9.00% 12/18/2020
QSR  Restaurant Brands International   quarterly $0.52 3.90% 12/18/2020
SEIC  SEI Investments   semi-annual $0.37 1.30% 12/18/2020
SSNT  SilverSun Technologies  
SPE  Special Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0940 9.30% 12/18/2020
SYBT  Stock Yards Bancorp   quarterly $0.27 2.60% 12/18/2020
BANX  StoneCastle Financial   none $0.43 7.40% 12/18/2020
BKE  The Buckle   quarterly $2.30 29.58% 12/18/2020
IFN  The India Fund   quarterly $0.50 9.90% 12/18/2020
SWZ  The Swiss Helvetia Fund   quarterly $0.1380 6.49% 12/18/2020
WU  The Western Union   quarterly $0.2250 4.08% 12/18/2020
TR  Tootsie Roll Industries   quarterly $0.09 1.20% 12/18/2020
UTZ  Utz Brands   quarterly $0.05
WHF  WhiteHorse Finance   quarterly $0.3550 12.60% 12/18/2020

Poznámka: dividendový výnos (na roční bázi) uveden ve vztahu ke kurzu titulu k 11.12.; datum uveden ve formátu mm/dd/rrrr či mm.dd.rrrr; zdroj dat marketbeat.com

Jako každý týden závěrem snad jen zopakovat, že akcionáři se od většiny výše uvedených firem dané dividendy dočkají obvykle do 2 týdnů po rozhodném dnu. Výše uvedená data je nutné brát jako orientační, resp. doporučujeme si je v případě „obchodování“ aktuálně ověřit u svého obchodníka s cennými papíry.

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