Wood & Co. - komentář k výsledkům Altria - PM ČR
PHILIP MORRIS CR (PMCR): The parent Altria Group released 1H2004 results yesterday. The tobacco shipment volume to the Central European subsidiaries reportedly decreased by 4.4% y/y in first 6 months of 2004. In the Czech Republic, PMCR's brands Petra and Sparta lost share to very low-price competitive brands, however Marlboro brand‘s market share has reportedly increased. In the Slovak Republic, comparisons were affected by the timing of shipments in advance of the 2003 excise tax increase and a lower total market due to an increase in illegal cigarette sales. (Altria Group) We see PMCR sales to decrease by 5% y/y in 1H2004. Although we expect the company to have benefited from strong local currencies against the US$ in 1H, we project a drop in profit margins as a result of a shift to relatively cheaper brands. Based on our current earnings projections (see the table on the right hand side), the stock is yielding at 8.6% based on the stock price of CZK 17,151. Our longterm buy rating is maintained. Major 1H2004 figures are expected to be released by end-July. Kompletní ranní komentář naleznete ZDE (formát PDF) |
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