ČEZ - privatization of Slovenske elektrarne should be reopened within a few days
Investiční bankovnictví KB
    PricewaterhouseCoopers, advised for privatization of Slovenske elektrarne (SE), said that it should renew tender in the coming days. Investors should be able to submit bids for whole or restructured SE. According to new economy minister Pavol Rusko, decision on acceptable privatization method and optimal structure of SE should be made within a month. The minister said earlier that he considers privatization of whole SE as more advantageous. Among the possible investors are CEZ, E.ON, EDF, British Energy, International Power, ENEL and Electrabel.
    Based on the latest news, CEZ is interested in whole SE and the last comment of the economy minister slightly favors CEZ. Nevertheless, overall chances of CEZ in privatization of SE could be assessed only after the privatization conditions are announced.
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