Third Meeting of the European Board for Digital Services
On April 25, 2024, DG CONNECT hosted the third meeting of the European Board for Digital Services to discussions on DSA election guidelines, the results of the stress test of platforms election readiness, and updates regarding disinformation and hate speech codes.

During this meeting, Digital Services Coordinators (DSCs) discussed the Digital Services Act (DSA) Elections guidelines, with a debrief on the stress test (table-top exercise) of 24 April, and DSCs reporting on their activities. During the meeting, the Commission announced the work on guidelines on Article 28 of the DSA, and provided an update on the conversion of the disinformation and hate speech codes on conduct.
The Board also discussed the latest developments on DSA implementation and enforcement and proposed working arrangements in the case of incidents. Further, the Board had a discussion on its Rules of Procedure and Mission Statement.
Finally, the Board was updated on the ongoing work on data access, including a related workshop in the context of the TTC (EU-US Trade and Technology Council).
The next Board meeting will take place virtually on 28 May.
The DSA fully entered into application as of 17 of February, and now applies to all online intermediaries in the EU. It also created the obligation for Member States to appoint and empower, by that date, Digital Services Coordinators, which are independent regulators that work with the Commission to ensure the correct application of the DSA in their respective areas of competence.
The European Board for Digital Services is an independent advisory group that will ensure that the DSA is applied consistently across the EU and will be consulted on the enforcement of the DSA.
For more information, visit the Digital Services Act policy page .