Rules for entering the Czech Republic from Malaysia (31.12.2021)
Rules for entering the Czech Republic
04.06.2021 / 05:00 | Aktualizováno: 31.12.2021 / 03:41
Malaysia is listed on the dark red list of countries with a high risk of infection, therefore for NOT VACCINATED persons ONLY ESSENTIAL TRAVEL to the Czech Republic is allowed (NOT tourism, visit of friends/family, business). Exemptions for fully vaccinated persons apply.
Persons who are fully vaccinated with one of the EU approved vaccines in one of the countries given below can arrive with no additional requirements for any purpose (conditions apply, see below).
Who is considered to be a fully vaccinated person:
Fully vaccinated persons (= at least 14 days after administration of a second dose, in case of a two-phased vaccine) with one of the following vaccines:
? AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria)
? Moderna (Spikevax)
? Pfizer BioNTech (Comirnaty)
? Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
? Covishield
in one of the countries whose vaccination certificate CZE recognizes (Malaysia is on that list), can arrive to the Czech Republic (or apply for any visa - see article on visa services) for any purpose (INCLUDING tourism, visit of friends/family, business) without needing to observe any additional quarantine measures (i.e. no need to get tested after arrival or to self-isolate). You will only be required to fill out an Czech arrival entry form before arriving (not necessary for children under the age of six years of age).
In order to be allowed entry as a fully vaccinated person, you will be required to present your VACCINATION CERTIFICATE.
For more information, please visit the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.
Not vaccinated minors, if accompanied by vaccinated adult(s), are allowed to travel to the Czech Republic under same conditions as fully vaccinated persons (see above).
Kindly consult your airline company for pre-fligh covid test requirements.
Persons vaccinated with any other vaccine (e.g. Sinovac) are considered as un-vaccinated persons. Such status is not changed by accepting a booster dose by the EU recognized vaccine.
For un-vaccinated persons general entry rules to the Czech Republic apply (only essential travel is allowed).
Based on Protective Measure issued by the Czech Ministry of Health starting on December 27, 2021, foreigners (fully vaccinated persons and persons with a certificate of recovery from Covid-19 not older than 180 days) entering the territory of the Czech Republic must submit certificate of a negative PCR test (not older than 72 hours before entering the country). Exempted are children, vaccinated below the age of 18 and all persons vaccinated with a booster shot (3rd vaccine). For citizens of the Czech Republic, the rules do not change.
For un-vaccinated persons (only essential travel is allowed) a negative PCR test is required followed by a second PCR test after the arrival to the Czech Republic. This second test must be conducted between the 5th and 7th day after the arrival. Detailed measures are available in Czech language on the website of the Czech Ministry of Health.
As of November 22, 2021, accommodation, restaurants, beauty and sports services and others can be accessed only by fully vaccinated persons (see above, who is considered to be fully vaccinated) and persons recovered from Covid-19 (with few exceptions, see below). The aim of this measure is to reverse the current rapid spread of Covid-19 in the Czech Republic.
Following services and places can be accessed by fully vaccinated persons or recovered persons only:
- Restaurants
- Accommodation provided publicly, such as hotels, B&Bs, Airbnb
- Beauty services, such as hairdressers, cosmetics, pedicure / manicure
- Sporting services and facilities, such as swimming pools, fitness and other indoor sporting
- Organised public events
Valid certificate of recovery:
- EU COVID Digital Certificate , no longer than 180 days after positive RT-PRC test
- Third-country certificates that were recognized as equivalent to the EU COVID digital certificate
Please refer to an overview of all of these certificates at the Ministry of Health website.
Exceptions apply to the following categories of persons, i.e. the following persons can access these facilities and services with a PCR test (valid for 72 hours):
- Children and youngsters up to 18 years of age (only if accompanied by a fully vaccinated adult)
- Persons with indicated contraindications to Covid-19 vaccines – this information must have been entered into their health records (Czech Information System on Communicable Diseases)
- Persons who are in the process of being vaccinated and have received at least the first dose of the two-dose series
Kindly note that the last two mentioned exemptions do not apply for entry to the Czech Republic but for use of the above mentioned facilities only.
Additional Information
Measures for Leisure Activities (in Czech)
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