NEW CONDITIONS FOR ENTRY to the Czech Republic: inclusion of Colombia in the list of countries with low risk of COVID-19
NEW CONDITIONS FOR ENTRY to the Czech Republic: inclusion of Colombia in the list of countries with low risk of COVID-19
06.07.2021 / 21:30 | Aktualizováno: 29.11.2021 / 21:38
As of November 8, 2021, Colombia is newly included in the list of countries with a low risk of infection (green at traffic lights).
Since 8.11. 2021 - The Ministry of Health ( included Argentina, Colombia, Namibia and Peru in the list of countries with low risk of infection (at the green traffic light).
This simplifies the conditions for entry to the Czech Republic:
Before traveling to the Czech Republic, passengers must notify their arrival to the competent regional hygienic station according to the place of residence by completing the arrival form.
Before entering the territory or no later than 5 days after entering the territory of the Czech Republic, carry out a test to determine the presence of SARS-CoV-2.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus test means
- an antigen test that is no more than 48 hours from the date it was performed or
- an RT-PCR test not older than 72 hours from the date it was performed
- Vaccinated people (with completed vaccination + 14 day (Vaccination certificate recognized by the Czech Republic) and people with COVID-19 disease, without the need for tests, only with arrival form
- Children up to 12 years old without the need for exams and arrival form
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Zprávy a články ke koronaviru a nemoci COVID-19
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