New travel rules to the Czech Republic for vaccinated people against COVID-19
New travel rules for vaccinated people against COVID-19
30.08.2021 / 17:48 | Aktualizováno: 30.08.2021 / 18:18
From 23 August 2021, a new Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic entered into force. It regulates new conditions for travelling to the Czech Republic concerning vaccinated persons.
The Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic further stipulates that the restrictions of the visa agenda does not apply to applicants who, are considered to be fully vaccinated persons based on fulfilling the obligatory conditions in this valid Protective Measure. The full text of the Protection Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic can be found here.
According to the valid rules, only a person who is:
1) holder of a EU COVID digital certificate (DCC), OR
2) holder of a third country certificate, which is bilaterally recognized by the Czech Republic, OR
3) holder of a third country certificate that was recognized as equivalent to the EU COVID digital certificate.
and also
vaccination must be carried out with a substance approved by the European Medicines Agency or the WHO for emergency use and at least 14 days have elapsed since the completion of the vaccination schedule.
Lists of currently recognized certificates and vaccines are published and regularly updated on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
If you meet the above mentioned mandatory conditions for the fully vaccinated person, when applying, you will be asked to:
(2) confirm that you have been fully vaccinated by signing a DECLARATION (DOCX, 44 KB).
Entry will only be allowed upon presenting the VACCINATION CERTIFICATE. The visa itself does not guarantee entry
Fill out an entry form before arrival. No additional quarantine measures apply to fully vaccinated persons.
Important notice: No certificates of completed vaccination are currently recognized by the Czech Republic in the countries of consular jurisdiction of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Accra (i.e. Ghana, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Sierra Leone and Liberia).
43 KB DOCX (FILE_TYPE_DOCX) Aug 22, 2021
Zprávy a články ke koronaviru a nemoci COVID-19
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