Entering the Czech Republic During the Coronavirus Pandemics - Slovenia Labeled "Orange" from 16th August
Entering the Czech Republic During the Coronavirus Pandemics - Slovenia Labeled "Orange" from 16th August
24.08.2021 / 15:15 | Aktualizováno: 24.08.2021 / 15:20
From 16th August 2021 Slovenia is labeled as "Orange". Traveling from Slovenia to the Czech Republic would be possible according to the rules, which may be found HERE |
Traveling to the Czech Republic for tourist reasons is possible. Full details about the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic are available on the website of the Czech Ministry of Interior. We highly recommend visiting the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for up-to-date information about the conditions for entering. |
Slovenia is classified as "Orange" country.
The persons who have stayed in Slovenia longer than 12 hours in the last 14 days may enter the Czech Republic upon following conditions (a brief overview, full details are available at the wepage of the Ministry of Interior):
All persons who stayed in an "Orange" country longer than 12 hours in the last 14 days are obliged:
- To fill in the electronic Public Health Passenger Locator Form available at www.prijezdovyformular.cz, which serves as a low-risk country arrival announcement to the locally competent regional public health authority (hygiene station), before the arrival
- to provide a negative result of the PCR test, which is not older than 72 hours before arrival, or to provide a negative result of the Antigen test, which is not older than 48 hours, before arrival or within 5 days after the arrival.
- Provide, upon request, the confirmation of fulfillment of the Public Health Passenger Locator Form or a written statement of an applicable exception
The PCR or antigen test may be replaced either by:
- Written confirmation of a physician that the person has undergone COVID-19 in the last 180 days and that no less than 11 days have passed since the outbreak of the disease.
- Vaccination in the EU+ country, if at least:
- 14 days since the second dose in case of a double-dose scheme (incl. Astra Zeneca) have passed,
- 14 days since the vaccination in case of a single-dose scheme have passed.
There is a list of exceptions with specific rules of entry:
- International transport workers,
- Transit up to 12 hours through the Czech Republic
- Travel to the Czech Republic for the period of time not exceeding 12 hours for essential reasons
- Diplomats and international organization officials traveling for business purpose - the stay in / outside of the Czech territory not exceeding 72 hours
- Children below the age of 6 and persons with mental disability with medical proof;
- Cross-border workers, pupils and students working or studying in the neighbouring countries
- Policemen performing escort activities or security escort of aircraft
- Members of the critical infrastructure working in the interest of the Czech Republic
More detailed information is available on the special website of the Government of the Czech Republic on COVID-19 rules and measures.
Protective measure (Ministry of Health) - 1.3.2021
KB (FILE_TYPE_) Apr 4, 2021
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