Conditions of Entry to the Czech Republic from July 31, 2021
Conditions of Entry to the Czech Republic
05.02.2021 | Aktualizováno: 01.08.2021 / 13:40
Due to the unfavourable development of the pandemic and concerns about the spread of new coronavirus mutations, new rules for travel to the Czech Republic and for the return of Czech nationals are still in force. Last update is valid from July 31, 2021.
You can find the whole overview of the conditions on this website.
Iran is assigned to very-high-risk group of countries (Dark red list) - you can find the detailed step-by-step guide for entry to Czechia here.
- VERY HIGH RISK (dark red): Before traveling to the Czech Republic, foreigners traveling from these countries must fill in an arrival form and undergo a PCR test (antigen is not sufficient), administered no more than 72 hours before the beginning of the trip and have a written confirmation of the result. Subsequently, they must submit a second PCR test (antigen is not sufficient) administered in the Czech Republic, which can be administered no earlier than the 5th day and no later than the 14th day after entry. Self-isolation is required until confirmation of a negative test result. It is also mandatory to wear an FFP2 (KN95, N95, P2, DS) respirator everywhere outside the home for 14 days after arrival. / Czech citizens, their family members, EU citizens with a certificate of temporary residence and foreigners with a permanent residence permit must fill in an arrival form before entering the Czech Republic and undergo an antigen or PCR test, administered no more than 24 hours (antigen) or 72 hours (PCR) before the beginning of the trip and have a written confirmation of the result. Subsequently, they must submit a second PCR test (antigen is not sufficient) administered in the Czech Republic, which can be administered no earlier than the 5th day and no later than the 14th day after entry. Self-isolation is required until confirmation of a negative test result. It is also mandatory to wear an FFP2 (KN95, N95, P2, DS) respirator everywhere outside the home for 14 days after arrival. / Czech citizens and EU citizens with a temporary or permanent residence permit issued in the Czech Republic who have recovered from Covid-19 in an EU country in the last 180 days or are fully vaccinated may undergo a PCR test in the Czech Republic immediately upon arrival. / An exemption from testing applies to: 1) persons who have recovered from Covid-19 in the last 180 days (must be proved by a certificate from a doctor from the EU+ country where the isolation took place); 2) persons vaccinated in EU+ countries, where at least 22 days have passed since the first dose in the case of a two-dose vaccine or 14 days in the case of a single-dose vaccine (must be demonstrated by a national certificate); 3) citizens of the Czech Republic and EU+ citizens with a temporary or permanent residence permit issued in the Czech Republic who have been fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the EMA in countries outside the EU+ (must be proved by a national certificate).
Note: The testing period is calculated from the time the test was taken to the start of the journey. For example, confirmation of a negative PCR test must not be older than 72 hours before departure from the destination.
Restrictive measures in Czechia
You can find all current conditions conditions regarding the entrance to Czechia on the website of the Ministry of Interior or Ministry of Health. You can find all the measures on the website of the government including description of model situation here.
Also conditions for wearing respirators and surgical masks have been changed. It is required to to wear a surgical mask and in selected places with high concentration of people the FFP2 respirator is required, especially in public transport and shops.
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