COVID-19: Traveling to the Czech Republic during the pandemic (15.10.2020)
COVID-19: Traveling to the Czech Republic during the pandemic
23.09.2020 / 19:30 | Aktualizováno: 15.10.2020 / 20:52
The updated Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health, concerning the restriction of crossing the state border and issues of entry into the territory of the Czech Republic, which took an effect on September 21, 2020.
A new way of reporting the arrival into the Czech Republic to a regional hygienic station - before entering the territory of the Czech Republic
All persons (including Czech citizens) with the exception of specified categories (international transport workers, EU citizens and foreigners with permanent or long-term residence in the EU who transit through the Czech Republic within 12 hours, diplomats and officials of international organizations registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs days and children under 5 years of age) who have stayed more than 12 hours in the last 14 days in the territory of countries that are not on the list of countries with a low risk of COVID-19 according to point I./2. Protective Measure must:
1. notify an office of relevant regional hygienic station by filling out the electronic Arrival Form - see, before entering the territory of the Czech Republic;
2. submit the confirmation of completing the online form upon an entry into the Czech Republic or on request of immigration authorities; and
3. immediately (no later than within 5 days after entering the territory of the Czech Republic) to undergo an RT-PCR test at their own expense at any testing spot in the territory of the Czech Republic.
Recognition of RT-PCR tests from other EU MS
EU citizens and third-country nationals with a long-term or permanent residence permit in an EU Member State can now undergo an RT-PCR test in another EU Member State (their own expense) before arriving in the Czech Republic. This can replace the obligation to pass the RT-PCR test upon arriving in the Czech Republic. The test must not be older than 72 hours when shown as a proof for entry to the Czech Republic (see point III./4 of the new Protective Measure).
Prohibition of free movement
Prohibition of free movement of persons, who have stayed for more than 12 hours in the last 14 days in the territory of states that are not on the list of countries with a low risk of COVID - 19, throughout the Czech Republic (except for the routes explicitly listed in point II. Protective Measure) must be observed.
Entry of non-Czech citizens to the Czech Republic is currently restricted.
Until further notice, US passport holders are not allowed to enter the Czech Republic for the purpose of leisure/tourism, business/conference, visiting extended family/friends, etc. A quick reference-guide for travelers is updated on the IATA website (must click on the map of CZECHIA).
Prior leaving the USA for Europe, we recommend that all travelers should check with their airline carrier on conditions for boarding a plane, as well as boarding conditions at transit airports.
US passport holders without residency permit in the Czech Republic currently fall within the category C-4 and can travel to the Czech Republic only in exceptional cases specified in the table. At the same time, the conditions set out in columns 2 and 3 of the table must be fulfilled.
Generally, all persons traveling to the Czech Republic from the US are obliged to contact a respective regional hygiene station by telephone or other remote access after the entry and to undergo a PCR test at their own expense.
In spite of the travel restrictions, US passport holders are not required to obtain visas to enter the Czech Republic for a short-term non-profit stay (up to 90 days in any 180-day period).
1. Updated information on existing rules for entering the territory of the Czech Republic is available on the website of the Ministry of Interior (homepage, English version)
For specific questions contact the Ministry of Interior Contact Center by e-mail (written in Czech or in English):
The Consulate General of the Czech Republic is not in charge of border controls.
2. Public Health Measures, Quarantine/PCR Test Regime, Restriction of Free movement, Epidemic Situation
Contacts for all Regional Hygienic Authorities are listed at
The complete and up-to-date overview of all measures in place on the website of the Czech Government.
The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic keeps foreigners residing in our country updated on the situation related to COVID-19 through the English version of its website. The Ministry's information portal covers the official hygienic measures, recommendations for public and Q&A in relation to the novel coronavirus in the Czech Republic.
Map of Czech towns with public COVID-19 testing centers (in Czech language only) is listed on the Ministry of Health website. Blue marked centers are open to everyone on commercial basis. The red ones only for public with health insurance coverage for the testing. Some of them provide Rapid Tests only.
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