Chemopetrol could potentially face similar situation from summer of 2002
Investiční bankovnictví KB
    The transformation of Ceska Rafinerska into a cost center could be delayed by one year, as several problems emerged. E.g., disposition of by-products in oil refinery for which the shareholders would not be interested. Moreover, there is reportedly threat that Chemopetrol could face again the possibility of raw materials supply shut down. Representatives of Chemopetrol said that current agreement between Ceska Rafinerska and Chemopetrol expires by the end of the year and that the current conditions are not acceptable for them.
    If the situation from summer of this year is repeated it would have again negative effect on the group’s financial performance. Chemopetrol and Ceska Rafinerska are important companies of the group and are highly linked. Moreover, the situation could have negative effect of Unipetrol’s privatization.
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Příbuzné stránky
- 2002 - rok 2002. Co se událo v roce 2002?
- ECL 2002 (1st European Conference on Landslides 2002) , Hřensko IČO 26536153 - Obchodní rejstřík firem
- Fotografie NATO Praha 2002 středa 20.11.2002 - Diskuze, názory, doporučení a hodnocení
- Program ZOH 2002 - 12.02.2002
- Program ZOH 2002 - 11.02.2002
- Aktuální pohledávky z 4.3.2002 (5.3.2002)
- Zprávy NATO 2002 - NATO 2002
- § 2002 paragraf 2002 - Nový občanský zákoník č. 89/2012 Sb.
- Program ZOH 2002 - 10.02.2002 + výsledky
- Program ZOH 2002 - 20.02.2002
- Program ZOH 2002 - 16.02.2002
- Program ZOH 2002 - 24.02.2002
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