Blended learning - what is it?
Blended learning is the latest and most effective method of learning languages. The term “blended learning” is not usually translated into Czech. It is also referred to as b-learning. A Czech equivalent would be combined learning, or mixed learning.
Blended learning is a combination of face-to-face lessons and e-learning (lessons through the Internet and appropriately selected software). The fast development of information and communication technology requires us to include it in the learning process thanks to its indisputable advantages.
In blended learning, students study at time that is convenient for them, in their own pace, and they practice all language skills independently until they feel comfortable listening, speaking and comprehending.
Another undisputable advantage is “skipping”, or accelerating the subject that the student knows already. With regard to the fact that the student studies independently in the on-line environment, he or she can choose what to study in a greater detail, and skip what he or she already knows and has mastered. The student does not have to have consideration for other students, because there are no other students.
The follow-up face-to-face lesson with a teacher is used for clarification or revision of grammar that the student did not quite understand during the e-learning lesson, and most of the time in the lesson is devoted to practice and conversation. The teacher corrects mistakes and helps eliminate them. There is also enough time for conversation in the lesson. Between the individual face-to-face lessons, the student works independently on the assigned tasks (revision of the subject, broadening knowledge, learning new vocabulary, grammar, listening, and learning new skills).
Naturally, blended learning has its disadvantages. It is very easy to click the red cross of the browser and quickly and easily end the lesson.
Blended learning is used both in corporate education and in the formal educational system. A blended learning course uses less resources (human, financial, or time) and its effectiveness is verifiably higher thanks to the combination of two learning methods than when each method is used separately.
Modern technology and many multimedia resources, such as videos, on-line articles, audio inputs and other are used in this type of learning.
Main Benefits of BLENDED LEARNING:
- Personal selection of the content of the course;
- Personal time organization – I learn when it is convenient for me and when I want, and I can also finish a lesson at my own convenience;
- Phases during the week/day – I learn e.g. in shorter sections but more frequently;
- I do not get delayed with questions of other students, I learn what I want/need;
- I use the teacher for conversation, explanations of things I do not understand, and not for learning vocabulary, which I can do on my own – I use the teacher more effectively, I do not pay unnecessarily;
- The on-line course is a perfect supplement of standard lessons. You can combine face-to-face education of general language with the teacher and an on-line course of professional language (technical English, English for HR staff, business English, English for managers etc.).
For more information about this learning method, you can contact us any time, we will be happy to assist you.
Lucie Vlková
Ředitelka, jednatelka, převážné zaměření na HR činnosti, business rozvoj a business konzultace uvnitř firmy pro pobočky v rámci České republiky, aktivní networking jako součást rozvoje firmy. Studovala v České republice a ve Velké Británii. Před 18 lety s nejlepším kamarádem Petrem Paskem založila jazykovou školu a překladatelskou agenturu Slůně – svět jazyků.
Slůně - svět jazyků
Jazyky, jazyky, jazyky.
1) jazyková škola: profesionální jazyková výuka po celé České republice. Kvalifikovaní lektoři, on-line správa kurzů. Firemní kurzy, skupinový kurzy, individuální kurzy, dětské kurzy, všechny úrovně, všechny jazyky. Blended learning, on-line výuka, jazykové poradenství. Jazykový audit, administrace mezinárodních zkoušek a dotačních programů pro jazykovou výuku.
2) překladatelská agentura: profesionální překladatelé a tlumočníci, 115 jazyků, CAT nástroje na zkvalitnění, zrychlení a zlevnění procesu překladů, soudní ověření, výjezdy do zahraničí, velké překladatelské a tlumočnické projekty.
3) jazykové kurzy v zahraničí: 13 zemí, 7 jazyků, prověřené školy, dlouhodobá zkušenost, možnost kombinace výuky v ČR a zahraničí pro rychlejší zvládnutí jazyka. Manažerské jazykové kurzy, speciálně zaměřené jazykové kurzy, kurzy pro mládež a děti.
Slůně - svět jazyků je na trhu od roku 1998. Působí na celém území České republiky. Pobočky: Ostrava, Brno, Praha, Plzeň.
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