Eurostat (Eurostat)
Macroeconomics  |  January 29, 2025 11:00:00, updated

Spacecraft & space transport exports: €1 340 million

A satellite in the atmosphere.
© Andrei Armiagov/

In 2022, EU exports of spacecraft and space transport services totalled €1 340 million after experiencing a 36% drop compared with 2021 (€2 108 million). In 2022, 84% of all exports, or €1 129 million, went to countries outside the EU.

The EU exports peaked in 2012, at €3 273 million, and declined until they fell to €1 913 million in 2016. A sharp recovery occurred in 2017, with exports rising to €2 961 million, before significant drops occurred, notably in 2020, when exports fell to €1 562 million due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU exports of spacecraft and space transport services, 2010-2022, € million

Source dataset: data on the European space economy
(based on FIGARO balanced view of international trade)

EU imports of spacecraft and space transport services amounted to €1 274 million in 2022, a 33% decline compared with 2021 (€1 902 million). Most of the imports, 83%, or €1 063 million, came from countries outside the EU.

Imports peaked in 2015, at €2 978 million, and again in 2017, at €2 708 million. However, a significant decline followed in the subsequent years, bringing imports down to € 1 479 million in 2019. Subsequent developments included a short period of recovery, with imports rising to €1 902 million in 2021.

EU imports of spacecraft and space transport services, 2010-2022, € million

Source dataset: data on the European space economy
(based on FIGARO balanced view of international trade)

This article coincides with the 17th European Space Conference, taking place in Brussels on 28-29 January 2025.


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