Czechia has chosen new Members of the European Parliament. ANO 2011 is the winner of the elections with 26,14 %
9 June 2024
Voters throughout the European Union, after five years, decided about a new occupation of 720 seats in the European Parliament. Based on the election results, 21 seats of Members of the European Parliament allocated to Czechia will be distributed among 7 entities standing in the elections: ANO 2011, SPOLU, PŘÍSAHA a MOTORISTÉ, STAČILO!, Starostové a osobnosti, Piráti, SPD a Trikolora, The turnout reached 36.45%.
ANO 2011 is the winner of the elections with 26,14 % of votes and 7 seats. It is followed by SPOLU (ODS+KDU-ČSL+TOP09) winning 22,27% and 6 seats, further by PŘÍSAHA a MOTORISTÉ (10,26%, 2 seats), STAČILO!, koalice KSČM, SD-SN, ČSNS (9,56%, 2 seats), Starostové a osobnosti pro Evropu (8,70%, 2 seats), Česká pirátská strana (6,20%, 1 seat), and SPD a Trikolora (5,73%, 1 seat).
- Total voting results
- Results for territorial units
- Territorial overviews of the turnout
- Seats allocation to parties
The winning ANO 2011 won in total in 13 from 14 Regions, the second SPOLU won in 1 Region, namely in the Praha Region.
“Czechia will be represented by 13 men and 8 women in the European Parliament. Their average age is 47 years. The oldest elected is 71 years old, the youngest one is 31 years old. The highest number of preferential votes, 171 142, was gained by Klára Dostálová elected for ANO, followed by Filip Turek for PŘÍSAHA a MOTORISTÉ with 152 196 votes and Alexandr Vondra for SPOLU with 152 196 preferential votes,” Marek Rojíček, President of the Czech Statistical Office, says.
“36,45% voters came to polling stations, more than five years ago. At that time, the turnout reached 28.72%. The interest in elections was far the highest in the Praha, where 42,58% voters came to the elections. On the other hand, the lowest interest was recorded in the Karlovarský Region with the turnout of 30,21% of eligible voters,” Eva Krumpová, First Vice President of the Czech Statistical Office, summarises data about the turnout.
Election results including the open data format, down to the level of individual wards, are available at the website of the Czech Statistical Office at .
In the territory of Czechia, a seat was contested by 674 candidates in total on 30 lists of candidates. Data from the last ward were received for the processing on Saturday at 7.40 p.m. In compliance with the law, t he Czech Statistical Office was allowed to release the result on Sunday after 11 p.m. at the earliest. On Monday, the State Electoral Committee will discuss the results of voting and after their approval they will be published in the Collection of Laws.
Jan Cieslar
Spokesman of the CZSO
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