Czech Small Scale Projects - Call for proposals
Call for proposals: Czech Small Scale Projects
03.09.2023 / 13:24 | Aktualizováno: 03.09.2023 / 13:37
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tehran wishes to announce a call for proposals of the so-called “Small Scale Projects” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the framework of the Czech development cooperation.
The Small Scale Projects (SSP) are one of the instruments of the development cooperation of the Czech Republic. SSPs are identified by the respective Embassies of the Czech Republic (through applications submitted by potential implementers) and approved by headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). SSP aims to contribute to the local subject by small-scale development activities in accordance with the beneficiary country´s national development priorities.
- Implementer of the SSP is a local subject with legal personality in the country of the project implementation;
- Implementer must be eligible to sign contract with MFA CZ that establishes jurisdiction of Czech laws and Czech courts;
- It is desirable that the implementer would cooperate with Czech subjects, e.g. would purchase Czech products, use Czech know-how etc.;
- It is also desirable that the SSP focuses on environmental issues or disadvantaged or neglected groups;
- Previous or ongoing cooperation with the EU or UN will be considered as an advantage;
- Czech financial contribution for the project is 200 000 – 500 000 CZK, i.e. approximately 8 300 – 20 000 EUR (co-financing from other sources is arbitrary and desirable), and the total cost of salary/fee, subsistence allowance, accommodation, travel cost and eventual insurance and vaccination of the experts must not exceed 25 % of the project´s total costs;
- Funds are allocated to non-political and non-governmental organizations only;
- Submitted proposals can be changed based on the notice from the Embassy until the deadline set by the Embassy.
- Implementation of the project can be started only after signing the contract;
- Project implementation can start in early 2024 (usually March) and must not exceed 31st October 2024 (project billing must also be done by this date);
- SSP does not include the payment of the implementer´s administrative costs;
- The financial amount approved for the implementation of the SSP in CZK is also binding for the conversion into foreign currency, which is always made using the Czech embassy’s exchange rate;
- Exchange rates for September (which the applicant should use for filling in the proposal form) are as follows: 1 IRR = 0,000046 CZK, 1 EUR = 24,376 CZK
- One of the crucial condition is a project sustainability (meaning the project would be able to run in the future without further financial support);
- Tangible assets of the project should be marked with a logo of the Czech development cooperation. In the case of project´s intangible assets, it is always necessary to mention the financial support of the Czech development cooperation;
- The transfer of funds between items in the approved identification form must be justified in writing to the Embassy and described in the final report;
- The Embassy will monitor the implementation of the project as well as its final outcomes;
- The Embassy might publish reports about the project on its website and in other media.
- The project implementer is obliged to submit a written final project report, incl. financial report to the Embassy no later than one month after the end of the project;
- The photo documentation of the project outcomes has to be attached to the final report by the implementer.
The application for the grant must include:
- The filled-in identification form in English, signed and stamped by the organization;
- A verified copy of the certification that the applicant has legal subjectivity in Iran (i.e. it is officially registered);
- A confirmation that the person signed on the Identification Form has the mandate to sign the identification form.
The above documentation must be delivered by October 10, 2024, both electronically (to e-mail address: and in a printed and signed version to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tehran at the following address:
Embassy of the Czech Republic
No. 36, Nastaran Alley, Bostan St.
North Pasdaran Ave, Upper Farmaniyeh Crossroads
Islamic Republic of Iran
After approval of the project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tehran will sign the contract about the implementation of the project with a successful applicant no later than March 15, 2024.
SSP Project Identification Form (XLS, 71 KB)
Czech Development Cooperation Logo
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