Press release - Metsola to European Council: We are strongest when we act together
On Ukraine:
“We must keep pushing for solidarity with Ukraine - in political, economic, humanitarian and military terms. We need to keep explaining why it is existential for Europe to stand with Ukraine. Why the price of liberty is not too high. I am grateful for the unity around this table.”
“Peace must remain the ultimate goal and the EU is uniquely placed to help that. But in order for there to be peace there must be a Ukraine. And there will not be without our support.”
“We need to keep thinking of the next steps:
- The delivery and joint procurement of ammunition agreement represents a landmark moment - for Ukraine and Europe. The joint procurement brings us one-step further towards a more focused European defence and security policy.
- Ten packages of sanctions have hit Russia hard, they are necessary and proportionate. But we must close any remaining loopholes. Sanctions must be properly implemented and we must keep engaging with third countries to bring them on board
- More has to be done to prevent the humanitarian situation in Ukraine spiralling further out of control - particularly for children. Some 16,000 children have been impacted by unlawful deportations and transfers from occupied areas of Ukraine to Russia. Putin and his accomplices at every level must be sanctioned and held to account.
- We welcome the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants and we support the establishment of a special international Tribunal for the crime of aggression committed against Ukraine.
- European Union should continue to offer practical, economic and political support to Moldova, which is standing firm against Russian attempts to undermine them, as well as democratic forces in Georgia and Belarus.
“Russia’s agenda of splitting the world into opposing factions is clear. We have to stand against that.”
On investments and competitiveness in Europe:
“The prosperity of Europe and the improvement of European citizens’ lives lies at the cornerstone of our European Union construction. Our Single Market provides a springboard for European businesses to enter global markets. EU economies are competitive and need to remain so.”
“The EU’s twin transition can happen, with the commitment of people, but only if we create favourable conditions for that transition to occur. We need to explain that going green will pay-off for people, businesses and their families. It won’t happen without public support.”
“For this we need pointed investments, with clear objectives and performance indicators. Businesses will only invest in the green transition with a clear business case and incentives. We have to do better with easier access to existing funding, and less red tape. And we need a level-playing field, but let’s avoid a protectionist race.”
“We also need private investment, so that our SMEs and start-ups stay in Europe. It is crucial to complete the Capital Markets Union, which is still too fragmented.”
“What matters for all of us is legislative predictability. The European Parliament is committed to working efficiently on proposals on the electricity market, the Green Industrial Plan, the NetZero Industry Pact, the Critical Raw Material Act.”
“Eurozone banking sector is resilient, we have put in place robust safeguards and the European Central Bank stands ready to intervene if necessary. Nevertheless, completing the Banking Union remains a priority to ensure further financial stability.”
On migration:
“The European Parliament will play its part - we are ready to vote next week. The Parliament asks the Council to deliver on the remaining solidarity files: the regulation on asylum and migration management and the regulation on crisis and force majeure.”
“By doing this we achieve the critical balance that we need on these issues that will allow us:
To protect borders, to offer protection and dignity to those in need, to return efficiently those not eligible and to smash the business model of human traffickers profiting off the most vulnerable.”
“We must continue to act in unison and deliver on more Europe where it matters.“
“More Europe does not mean making everyone homogenous. We are different and proud to be. This narrative about Europe trying to make everyone the same is simply not correct. We value our unity in diversity. We understand that we must be big on big things and small on small things - and there is nothing bigger for us to deal with than the issues on the table today. “
President Metsola´s full speech can be found here.