Šárka Trchová (UNIS ČR)
Mutual Funds  |  November 08, 1999 14:21:41, updated

Assets in the open-end funds of the UNIS ČR members increased to 44.1 billion CZK in October 99

Press Release

November 8, 1999 Prague

Assets in the open-end funds of the UNIS ČR members

increased to 44.1 billion CZK in October 99

The assets of 61 open-end funds managed by the Union of Investment Companies of the Czech Republic (UNIS ČR) members increased in the course of October from 42.517 to 44.133 billion CZK, i.e. by 1.616 billion CZK.

The volume of sales in this period presented 3.036 billion CZK and the volume of redemption amounted to 1.593 billion CZK. Net sales in October thus amounted to 1.443 billion CZK.

The other component of the asset increase within the open-end funds by the above 1.616 billion CZK is represented by its evaluation. This is manifested in the increase of share rates and it amounted to 173 million CZK.

The flow of the means into the open-end funds was, even during October, most affected by the money market funds. There were sales at 2.269 billion CZK whereby net sales amounted to 1.332 billion CZK.

Type of fund


Assets in million CZK (29. 10. 1999)






4 796.330

Money Market


23 558.314



15 368.868

Fund of funds





44 133.174

Currently, the Union of Investment Companies of the Czech Republic has 19 members, out of which 9 are full and 10 associate members.

Contact: Ms. Šárka Trchová, UNIS ČR

tel.: +420-2-2491 9114, 2491 8119
fax: +420-2-2491 9115

mobile: +420-602-171 604
trchova@uniscr.cz, www.uniscr.cz


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