(MZv ČR)
World  |  October 07, 2021 05:40:00, updated

The winner of the Jiří Theiner Award 2021 is South Korean professor Kim Gyu-Jin

The winner of the Jiří Theiner Award 2021 is South Korean professor Kim Gyu-Jin

07.10.2021 / 05:37 | Aktualizováno: 07.10.2021 / 05:40

From 23 to 26 September 2021, the 26th edition of the International Book Fair and Literary Festival World of Books Prague took place in Prague. The fair, which took place in the Industrial Palace at the Holešovice Exhibition Centre, was attended by 288 exhibitors from 27 countries and was visited by approximately 34,000 people interested in literature. Due to anti-pandemic measures the organisers did not expect such a large number of visitors. Within the Festival Professor Kim Gyu-Jin, a Korean bohemist, was given the Jiří Theiner Award.

Professor Kim Gyu-Jin, who was born in 1949, is a Korean linguist, scholar and translator from Czech language. His main areas of expertise include Czech and Slavic studies. Kim Gyu-Jin has visited the Czechia more than 25 times and published the book "Meet once in your lifetime Prague", which presents the beauty and history of the capital city of Prague.

The Jiří Theiner Award is named after the long-time editor-in-chief of Index on Censorship and it is awarded once a year as a part of an international book fair and literary festival by Svět knihy. The prize is awarded to a personality or an institution operating outside Czechia, who through their actions or long-term efforts made a significant contribution to the dissemination and promotion of Czech literature abroad. A honorary member of the award committee, the son of Theiner and donor of the prize money Pavel Theiner said that the winner should combine culture with a commitment to human rights, especially freedom of speech.

The 26th International Book Fair and Literary Festival World Book Prague was originally scheduled to take place in spring 2020, but due to the coronavirus pandemic and the threat to the entire book industry, it was moved to autumn 2021.

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