(MZv ČR)
Ze světa  |  13.09.2021 13:14:00

As of 13 September 2021 UAE COVID-19 vaccination certificate recognised in the Czech Republic

NEWS: As of 13 September 2021 UAE COVID-19 vaccination certificate recognised

13.09.2021 / 13:08 | Aktualizováno: 13.09.2021 / 13:14

For the purposes of entering the Czech Republic and accessing services in the Czech Republic, certificates issued by other third countries that issue certificates, which can be verified as valid, can also be used, most often by using any QR code reader.

As of 13 September 2021 the below noted UAE vaccination certificate is recognised by the Czech Republic.

Who can present a certificate:

  • anybody regardless of citizenship

Conditions for certificate validity:

  • at least 14 days after the fully-completed vaccination
  • vaccination was administered using a vaccine authorised by the European Medicines Agency (Vaxzevria/AstraZeneca; Spikevax/Moderna; Comirnaty/Pfizer; Janssen) or a vaccine manufactured in accordance with a patent for the above vaccines that is approved by the World Health Organization for emergency use – see list below
  • it must be a written certificate issued at least in English by an authorised body operating in a third country and contain the details of the person vaccinated, the type of vaccine administered, the date of administration of the vaccine, identification of the body that issued the certificate, and these details must be verifiable by remote access directly from the written certificate

For the purposes of Protective Measure laying down the conditions for entry into the Czech Republic and for the purposes of other extraordinary measures authorising exemptions from anti-epidemic measures for fully vaccinated persons,

a medicinal product containing a COVID-19 vaccine which has been granted a marketing authorisation under Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, means:

a medicinal product manufactured in accordance with a patent for the above medicinal product approved by the World Health Organization for emergency use, means

  • the Covishield vaccine

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