Presentation about the Czech Republic for high school students in Tokyo
Presentation about the Czech Republic for high school students in Tokyo
14.09.2021 / 03:00 | Aktualizováno: 14.09.2021 / 06:29
A representative of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo introduced the Czech Republic to Japanese students as part of a Tokyo City Hall project prepared for Japanese primary and secondary schools.
On 9 September 2021, one week after the end of the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo continued with a successful project organized and supported by the Tokyo City Hall for Primary and Secondary Schools prepared in connection with the Olympics in Japan, in which embassy representatives introduced their countries to Japanese schoolchildren and students. It was an interesting form of expanding teaching about foreign countries, which was connected to athletes coming to Japan from different countries. This time, the Czech Republic was introduced to students of Suzugamori Junior High School, based in the Shinagawa district of Tokyo.
In her lecture, which took place online due to the coronavirus pandemic, Ms. Monika Dobiášová, Consul of the Embassy, introduced not only basic information about the Czech Republic, but also many other interesting cultural attractions to the students from Suzugamori Junior High School. The lecture was followed by a total of 136 students who showed a keen interest in learning more about the Czech Republic.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic is glad to actively participate in this inspiring project of the Tokyo City Hall and looks forward to working with other Japanese schools.
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