The Czech Republic participated in the presentation of Human Rights Awards in Mongolia
The Czech Republic participated in the presentation of Human Rights Awards in Mongolia
07.09.2021 / 08:44 | Aktualizováno: 07.09.2021 / 10:45
As part of the "European Union Human Rights Award" event organized by the EU Delegation in Mongolia, on 26 August 2021, the Deputy Head of Mission Ing. Josef Kostiha awarded the prize to Mrs. Ariunaa Shagdarsuren, an activist in the field of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of women in Mongolia.
Democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights are principles that support human dignity, and their monitoring and maintenance are among the basic principles of Czech foreign policy. For this reason, the Embassy of the Czech Republic has long supported the initiatives of the Delegation of the European Union in Mongolia in this area and participated in the selection of this year's nominees.
Mrs. Ariunaa Shagdarsuren began her career in 2000 as a journalist for the Mongoljingoo newspaper and also worked for the Mongolian Women’s Federation (MWF). Since 2003, she has been the head of the news department in the magazine and later held the position of executive director of MWF twice.
In 2014, Mrs. Ariunaa Shagdarsuren founded the Mongolian Labor Promotion Association, continuously preparing reports on civil society for the United Nations (Human Rights Committee) while contributing her contributions and incentives to government activities in Mongolia. She also defended other women's rights, such as the right to return to the original workplace after maternity leave, linked to childcare.
As Mrs. Ariunaa Shagdarsuren has worked in the field of women's rights for many years and has earned the respect of the entire human rights community in Mongolia for her work, she has also earned the recognition of Mongolian women and also deserves the respect of the Czech Embassy.
The awards ceremony of Ms. Ariuna Šagdarsuren was broadcast on social networks and the DEU website in Mongolia. The whole event and the award ceremony took place in a dignified form and documented the interest and support that the embassy and the Czech Republic are devoting to this area.
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