Jiří Zendulka
Akcie ve světě  |  08.03.2021 13:14:23

Tento týden nabídne dividendy od Coca-Cola, Hewlett Packard, NVIDIA, Gilead Sciences a spousty dalších

Po výrazně volatilním týdnu na Wall Street budou investory nadále ovlivňovat především jiné podněty než přímo firemní zprávy. Hospodářské výsledky zveřejní jen jednotky firem, z nich za zmínku stojí snad jen dnešní report producenta elektromobilů XPeng a především pak středeční softwarového giganta Oracle. Živěji bude na poli primárních emisí, když vstup plánuje 5 společností. Středem pozornosti bude zejména korejský e-commerce gigant Coupang, který si říká u investorů o 3,4 mld. USD, resp. jeho ocenění se cílí na 51 mld. USD. Velmi živo pak bude z hlediska dividend, když vlastně v návaznosti na ukončenou výsledkovou sezónu rozhodné datum pro nárok na dividendu stanovilo v týdnu přes 500 korporací.

K vypořádání na akciovém trhu v USA dochází obdobně jako na pražské burze druhý pracovní den po obchodu (tzv. T+2). Z hlediska rozhodného dne pro nárok na dividendu se nicméně tradičně sleduje především tzv. ex-date. Jinými slovy první obchodní den, kdy se již akcie obchodují bez nároku na dividendu. Nakoupit akcie s nárokem na dividendu se tedy musí nejpozději den před „ex-date“.

V týdnu lze nalézt v přehledu hned pět zástupců prestižního hlavního indexu Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Naposledy dnes se budou s nárokem na aktuální dividendu obchodovat akcie pojišťovny Travelers (TRV), která opět rozdělí 0,85 USD. Pokud firma dodrží každoroční tradici, akcionáři by se měli od příštího čtvrtletí dočkat ještě vyššího pravidelného požitku. Titul nicméně aktuálně indikuje dividendový výnos 2,3 %.

V týdnu z indexu DJIA v absolutních číslech nejvyšší dividendu však nabízejí akcie Home Depot (HD), které se s nárokem budou obchodovat naposledy v úterý 9. března. Řetězec je obecně z daného indexu premiantem ve zvyšování dividendy. Po roce přistupuje k dalšímu 10% navýšení, akcionáři se tak již mohou těšit dokonce na 1,65 USD.

Výraznou dividendu 1,25 USD rozdělí také UnitedHealth (UNH), avšak vzhledem k ceně akcie titul z daných emisí z indexu DJIA indikuje v týdnu nejnižší dividendový výnos 1,5 %. Ze zdravotnického sektoru dále dividendu v týdnu nabízejí akcie Merck (MRK), když firma již v minulém čtvrtletí navýšila dividendu na 0,65 USD. Dividendový výnos lze nyní stanovit na 3,4 %, stejně jako u akcií Coca-Cola (KO). Nápojový gigant po roce vlastně tradičně zvyšuje o cent dividendu na 0,42 USD. Dlouhodobý akcionář Warren Buffett, resp. společnost Berkshire Hathaway, která dlouhodobě drží na 400 mil. akcií nápojové firmy, se tak dočká čtvrtletního přítoku 168 mil. USD. Všechny tři tituly mají stanoven ex-date shodně na 12. března, s aktuálním nárokem se tak budou naposledy obchodovat ve čtvrtek.

Zmiňovaná Berkshire Hathaway se může také těšit na přítok financí od Kraft Heinz (KHC), když producent nejen kečupů rozdělí opět po 0,40 USD.

Z celé řady zástupců technologického sektoru lze v týdnu zmínit aktuálně 3 % dividendový výnos u akcií HP (HPQ), když po navýšení v minulém čtvrtletí společnost rozdělí opět 0,1938 USD. Podobně dividendu 0,12 USD zachovává i před lety odštěpená Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Již třetím rokem zachovává čtvrtletní dividendu 0,16 USD známý výrobce grafických karet NVIDIA (NVDA), což u jeho akcií indikuje spíše symbolický dividendový výnos cca 0,1 %. Zmiňované tři technologické tituly se s aktuálním nárokem na požitek budou naposledy obchodovat již jen dnes.

Vlastně s Českou republikou je výrazně spojena Gilead Sciences (GILD), když firma dlouhodobě profituje také z dřívějších patentů profesora Holého týkající se především léčby HIV. V posledním roce, vzhledem ke COVID-19, byznys firmy pozitivně ovlivnil také zájem o její lék Remdesivir. Rostoucí zisky firmy přináší po roce i další růst dividendy. Firma nově rozdělí o 3 centy více, tedy 0,71 USD. U titulu lze hovořit o dividendovém výnosu 4,3 %.

energetického sektoru pak solidní 6% dividendový výnos indikují akcie PPL (PPL), když firma pravidelně rozděluje 0,415 USD.

V týdenním přehledu lze nalézt řadu titulů s dvouciferným dividendovým výnosem. Za zmínku nicméně stojí zejména z hlediska výše aktuální dividendy ve finančním sektoru působící B. Riley Financial (RILY). Společnost navýšila čtvrtletní dividendu z 0,375 USD na 0,50 USD, resp. nyní navíc vyplatí speciální 3 USD dividendu. Celkem tedy 3,50 USD, když ex-date společnost stanovila na zítra 9. března.

K vyhledávání v níže uvedeném přehledu doporučujeme příp. využít klávesovou zkratku Ctrl+F.

Ticker/Společnost Periodicita dividendy Dividenda Dividendový výnos Ex-date
COLM  Columbia Sportswear   quarterly $0.26 1.11% 03.08.2021
CBSH  Commerce Bancshares   quarterly $0.2625 1.48% 03.08.2021
GLPI  Gaming and Leisure Properties   quarterly $0.65 5.89% 03.08.2021
HKXCY  Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing   semi-annual $0.5250
HBM  Hudbay Minerals   semi-annual $0.0079 0.20% 03.08.2021
KTB  Kontoor Brands   quarterly $0.40 3.59% 03.08.2021
KRO  Kronos Worldwide   quarterly $0.18 4.92% 03.08.2021
LANC  Lancaster Colony   quarterly $0.75 1.70% 03.08.2021
LGI  Lazard Global Total Return and Income Fund   monthly $0.1150 7.29% 03.08.2021
LMAT  LeMaitre Vascular   quarterly $0.11 0.86% 03.08.2021
LOB  Live Oak Bancshares   quarterly $0.03 0.21% 03.08.2021
ORI  Old Republic International   quarterly $0.22 4.40% 03.08.2021
PWOD  Penns Woods Bancorp   quarterly $0.32 5.20% 03.08.2021
SQFT  Presidio Property Trust   quarterly $0.1010 11.01% 03.08.2021
PEG  Public Service Enterprise Group   quarterly $0.51 3.54% 03.08.2021
RKT  Rocket Companies  
SWK  Stanley Black & Decker   quarterly $0.70 1.63% 03.08.2021
TFSL  TFS Financial   quarterly $0.28 5.50% 03.08.2021
TRUX  Truxton   none $1.30
UNF  UniFirst   quarterly $0.25 0.50% 03.08.2021
WRI  Weingarten Realty Investors   quarterly $0.30 4.55% 03.08.2021
AEE  Ameren   quarterly $0.65 3.55% 03.09.2021
ANTM  Anthem   quarterly $0.95 1.31% 03.09.2021
AGO  Assured Guaranty   quarterly $0.22 2.00% 03.09.2021
AUBN  Auburn National Bancorporation   quarterly $0.26 2.66% 03.09.2021
AVT  Avnet   quarterly $0.21 2.18% 03.09.2021
RILY  B. Riley Financial   quarterly $3.50 3.5% 03.09.2021
BBDC  Barings BDC   quarterly $0.19 8.00% 03.09.2021
BDX  Becton, Dickinson and   quarterly $0.83 1.28% 03.09.2021
BSY  Bentley Systems   quarterly $0.03 0.27% 03.09.2021
DHF  BNY Mellon High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0220 8.89% 03.09.2021
BXBLY  Brambles  
$0.5519 3.60% 03.09.2021
BWXT  BWX Technologies   quarterly $0.21 1.46% 03.09.2021
CNI  Canadian National Railway   quarterly $0.4803 1.90% 03.09.2021
CI  Cigna   quarterly $1.00 1.91% 03.09.2021
CME  CME Group   quarterly $0.90 1.88% 03.09.2021
CNO  CNO Financial Group   quarterly $0.12 2.08% 03.09.2021
CMP  Compass Minerals International   quarterly $0.72 4.56% 03.09.2021
ESNT  Essent Group   quarterly $0.16 1.45% 03.09.2021
FOX  FOX   quarterly $0.23 2.92% 03.09.2021
FOXA  FOX   semi-annual $0.23 1.40% 03.09.2021
FDP  Fresh Del Monte Produce   quarterly $0.10 1.51% 03.09.2021
GNK  Genco Shipping & Trading   quarterly $0.02 0.76% 03.09.2021
G  Genpact   quarterly $0.1080 1.02% 03.09.2021
HPE  Hewlett Packard Enterprise   quarterly $0.12 3.31% 03.09.2021
HPQ  HP   quarterly $0.1938 3.02% 03.09.2021
HYSNY  Hysan Development   semi-annual $0.2920
KIM  Kimco Realty   quarterly $0.17 3.67% 03.09.2021
KFY  Korn Ferry   quarterly $0.10 0.65% 03.09.2021
CASH  Meta Financial Group   quarterly $0.05 0.50% 03.09.2021
MGM  MGM Resorts International   quarterly $0.0025 0.03% 03.09.2021
MNRO  Monro   quarterly $0.22 1.40% 03.09.2021
NMRK  Newmark Group   quarterly $0.01 0.40% 03.09.2021
NVDA  NVIDIA   quarterly $0.16 0.11% 03.09.2021
OXY  Occidental Petroleum   quarterly $0.01 0.20% 03.09.2021
OMC  Omnicom Group   quarterly $0.70 4.17% 03.09.2021
PPL  PPL   quarterly $0.4150 5.91% 03.09.2021
RCI  Rogers Communications   quarterly $0.3914 3.40% 03.09.2021
SBAC  SBA Communications   quarterly $0.58 0.89% 03.09.2021
SBGI  Sinclair Broadcast Group   quarterly $0.20 2.60% 03.09.2021
SNLAY  Sino Land   semi-annual $0.0790
SUHJY  Sun Hung Kai Properties  
$0.7993 4.95% 03.09.2021
FLIC  The First of Long Island   quarterly $0.19 4.09% 03.09.2021
TRV  The Travelers Companies   quarterly $0.85 2.34% 03.09.2021
UMBF  UMB Financial   quarterly $0.32 1.83% 03.09.2021
UBCP  United Bancorp   quarterly $0.2430 7.06% 03.09.2021
UWMC  UWM Holdings Co. Class   quarterly $0.10 3.85% 03.09.2021
VFC  V.F.   quarterly $0.49 2.30% 03.09.2021
VCTR  Victory Capital   quarterly $0.09 1.41% 03.09.2021
PPR  Voya Prime Rate Trust   monthly $0.0108 4.00% 03.09.2021
WRB  W. R. Berkley   quarterly $0.12 0.72% 03.09.2021
CBH  AllianzGI Convertible & Income 2024 Target Term Fund   $0.0460
ACV  AllianzGI Diversified Income & Convertible Fund   monthly $0.1670 5.80% 03.10.2021
AAT  American Assets Trust   quarterly $0.28 3.79% 03.10.2021
ASTE  Astec Industries   quarterly $0.11 0.62% 03.10.2021
DCF  BNY Mellon Alcentra Global Credit Income 2024 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.05 6.60% 03.10.2021
CAI  CAI International   quarterly $0.30 2.89% 03.10.2021
CCK  Crown   quarterly $0.20 0.83% 03.10.2021
DHIL  Diamond Hill Investment Group   quarterly $1.00 2.82% 03.10.2021
DSL  DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund   monthly $0.11 7.40% 03.10.2021
DBL  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund   monthly $0.11 6.70% 03.10.2021
DLY  DoubleLine Yield Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1167 7.20% 03.10.2021
CEV  Eaton Vance California Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0471 4.30% 03.10.2021
EFL  Eaton Vance Floating-Rate 2022 Target Term Trust   monthly $0.0340 4.70% 03.10.2021
EVV  Eaton Vance Limited Duration Income Fund   monthly $0.10 9.50% 03.10.2021
EVN  Eaton Vance Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0477 4.30% 03.10.2021
EVY  Eaton Vance New York Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0458 4.00% 03.10.2021
EVF  Eaton Vance Senior Income Trust   monthly $0.0340 6.09% 03.10.2021
FNV  Franco-Nevada   quarterly $0.26 0.90% 03.10.2021
GORO  Gold Resource   monthly $0.0033 1.40% 03.10.2021
NSP  Insperity   quarterly $0.40 1.80% 03.10.2021
INSW  International Seaways   quarterly $0.06 1.31% 03.10.2021
BTO  John Hancock Financial Opportunities Fund   quarterly $0.55 6.04% 03.10.2021
HEQ  John Hancock Hedged Equity & Income Fund   quarterly $0.29 9.84% 03.10.2021
JHS  John Hancock Income Securities Trust   quarterly $0.1970 4.92% 03.10.2021
HTY  John Hancock Investments - John Hancock Tax-Advantaged Global Shareholder Yield Fund   quarterly $0.16 10.68% 03.10.2021
JHI  John Hancock Investors Trust   quarterly $0.3210 7.20% 03.10.2021
HPI  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund   monthly $0.1230 7.73% 03.10.2021
HPF  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund II   monthly $0.1230 7.81% 03.10.2021
HPS  John Hancock Preferred Income Fund III   monthly $0.11 7.76% 03.10.2021
PDT  John Hancock Premium Dividend Fund   monthly $0.0975 8.40% 03.10.2021
HTD  John Hancock Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income Fund   monthly $0.1380 7.68% 03.10.2021
MDU  MDU Resources Group   quarterly $0.2125 3.12% 03.10.2021
NRIM  Northrim BanCorp   quarterly $0.37 3.60% 03.10.2021
OBCI  Ocean Bio-Chem   quarterly $0.03 0.70% 03.10.2021
ORA  Ormat Technologies   quarterly $0.12 0.53% 03.10.2021
PCM  PCM Fund   monthly $0.08 8.50% 03.10.2021
PCQ  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0650 4.36% 03.10.2021
PCK  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.0320 4.29% 03.10.2021
PZC  PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0380 4.37% 03.10.2021
PTY  PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.13 8.66% 03.10.2021
PCN  PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund   monthly $0.1120 7.81% 03.10.2021
PCI  PIMCO Dynamic Credit and Mortgage Income Fund   monthly $0.1740 9.38% 03.10.2021
PDI  PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund   monthly $0.2210 9.34% 03.10.2021
NRGX  PIMCO Energy and Tactical Credit Opportunities Fund   quarterly $0.17 6.61% 03.10.2021
PGP  PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income Fund   monthly $0.0690 7.89% 03.10.2021
PHK  PIMCO High Income Fund   monthly $0.0480 9.00% 03.10.2021
PKO  PIMCO Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.19 8.61% 03.10.2021
PFL  PIMCO Income Strategy Fund   monthly $0.09 9.20% 03.10.2021
PFN  PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II   monthly $0.08 9.34% 03.10.2021
PMF  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0540 4.63% 03.10.2021
PML  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.0590 4.87% 03.10.2021
PMX  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III   monthly $0.0460 4.53% 03.10.2021
PNI  PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II   monthly $0.04 4.41% 03.10.2021
RCS  PIMCO Strategic Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 8.40% 03.10.2021
POOL  Pool   quarterly $0.58 0.69% 03.10.2021
RMT  Royce Micro-Cap Trust   quarterly $0.16 5.10% 03.10.2021
RVT  Royce Value Trust   quarterly $0.26 5.70% 03.10.2021
SR  Spire   quarterly $0.65 4.06% 03.10.2021
TU  TELUS   quarterly $0.2450 4.70% 03.10.2021
BKEAY  The Bank of East Asia   semi-annual $0.0270
HD  The Home Depot   quarterly $1.65 2.39% 03.10.2021
TRU  TransUnion   quarterly $0.0750 0.35% 03.10.2021
UVE  Universal Insurance   quarterly $0.16 4.36% 03.10.2021
AIO  Virtus AllianzGI Artificial Intelligence & Technology Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1250 5.40% 03.10.2021
NCV  Virtus AllianzGI Convertible & Income Fund   monthly $0.0430 8.85% 03.10.2021
NCZ  Virtus AllianzGI Convertible & Income Fund II   monthly $0.0380 8.89% 03.10.2021
VGI  Virtus Global Multi-Sector Income Fund   monthly $0.10 10.50% 03.10.2021
ZTR  Virtus Total Return Fund   monthly $0.08 11.40% 03.10.2021
GOLF  Acushnet   quarterly $0.1650 1.60% 03.11.2021
ALB  Albemarle   quarterly $0.39 1.02% 03.11.2021
AEO  American Eagle Outfitters   quarterly $0.1375 2.16% 03.11.2021
AMSF  AMERISAFE   quarterly $0.29 1.94% 03.11.2021
ANGPY  Anglo American Platinum  
$0.4983 2.46% 03.11.2021
AU  AngloGold Ashanti   annual $0.4805 0.40% 03.11.2021
AY  Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure   quarterly $0.42 4.50% 03.11.2021
ADP  Automatic Data Processing   quarterly $0.93 2.26% 03.11.2021
BDC  Belden   quarterly $0.05 0.45% 03.11.2021
BGFV  Big 5 Sporting Goods   quarterly $0.15 4.38% 03.11.2021
DMF  BNY Mellon Municipal Income   monthly $0.0350 4.80% 03.11.2021
DSM  BNY Mellon Strategic Municipal Bond Fund   monthly $0.03 4.60% 03.11.2021
LEO  BNY Mellon Strategic Municipals   monthly $0.0350 5.00% 03.11.2021
BSIG  BrightSphere Investment Group   quarterly $0.01 0.20% 03.11.2021
CFFI  C&F Financial   quarterly $0.38 3.49% 03.11.2021
CHY  Calamos Convertible and High Income Fund   monthly $0.10 7.80% 03.11.2021
CHI  Calamos Convertible Opportunities and Income Fund   monthly $0.0950 7.77% 03.11.2021
CCD  Calamos Dynamic Convertible and Income Fund   monthly $0.1950 6.93% 03.11.2021
CHW  Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund   monthly $0.07 8.32% 03.11.2021
CGO  Calamos Global Total Return Fund   monthly $0.10 7.53% 03.11.2021
CSQ  Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund   monthly $0.1020 7.26% 03.11.2021
CTXS  Citrix Systems   quarterly $0.37 1.10% 03.11.2021
CCOI  Cogent Communications   quarterly $0.7550 4.80% 03.11.2021
FIX  Comfort Systems USA   quarterly $0.1150 0.70% 03.11.2021
CRWS  Crown Crafts   quarterly $0.08 4.04% 03.11.2021
ECC  Eagle Point Credit   monthly $0.08 11.20% 03.11.2021
EIC  Eagle Point Income   monthly $0.08 7.20% 03.11.2021
ENS  EnerSys   quarterly $0.1750 0.75% 03.11.2021
EXPO  Exponent   quarterly $0.20 0.89% 03.11.2021
STAY  Extended Stay America   quarterly $0.09 2.22% 03.11.2021
STAY  Extended Stay America   quarterly $0.09 0.20% 03.11.2021
FMNB  Farmers National Banc   quarterly $0.11 3.02% 03.11.2021
FBSS  Fauquier Bankshares   quarterly $0.1250 2.50% 03.11.2021
FIS  Fidelity National Information Services   quarterly $0.39 1.26% 03.11.2021
FDUS  Fidus Investment   none $0.38 8.60% 03.11.2021
FFNW  First Financial Northwest   quarterly $0.11 3.41% 03.11.2021
FHN  First Horizon   quarterly $0.15 4.20% 03.11.2021
FUSB  First US Bancshares   quarterly $0.03 1.35% 03.11.2021
FFIC  Flushing Financial   quarterly $0.21 3.81% 03.11.2021
FTAI  Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors   quarterly $0.33 4.90% 03.11.2021
GPN  Global Payments   quarterly $0.1950 0.39% 03.11.2021
GFI  Gold Fields   semi-annual $0.2183 3.00% 03.11.2021
HVT.A  Haverty Furniture Companies   quarterly $0.20 2.16% 03.11.2021
HVT  Haverty Furniture Companies   quarterly $0.22 2.44% 03.11.2021
HFBA  HFB Financial   semi-annual $0.40
HSBC  HSBC   annual $0.7450 2.45% 03.11.2021
IIIN  Insteel Industries   quarterly $0.03 0.41% 03.11.2021
IFFT  International Flavors & Fragran   quarterly $0.75 6.20% 03.11.2021
ICMB  Investcorp Credit Management BDC   quarterly $0.15 11.65% 03.11.2021
KFRC  Kforce   quarterly $0.23 1.95% 03.11.2021
KIO  KKR Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1050 8.60% 03.11.2021
KIROY  Kumba Iron Ore   semi-annual $0.7370
LHX  L3Harris Technologies   quarterly $1.02 2.21% 03.11.2021
LCII  LCI Industries   quarterly $0.75 1.96% 03.11.2021
LAD  Lithia Motors   quarterly $0.31 0.30% 03.11.2021
MANT  ManTech International   quarterly $0.38 1.84% 03.11.2021
MGPI  MGP Ingredients   quarterly $0.12 0.80% 03.11.2021
MFGP  Micro Focus International   annual $0.1550 8.50% 03.11.2021
NDAQ  Nasdaq   quarterly $0.49 1.40% 03.11.2021
NTES  NetEase   quarterly $0.06 0.22% 03.11.2021
SNR  New Senior Investment Group   quarterly $0.0650 4.30% 03.11.2021
NEXA  Nexa Resources   annual $0.2643 2.50% 03.11.2021
NAT  Nordic American Tankers   quarterly $0.02 12.50% 03.11.2021
NTRS  Northern Trust   quarterly $0.70 2.95% 03.11.2021
PRGO  Perrigo   quarterly $0.24 2.32% 03.11.2021
GHY  PGIM Global High Yield Fund   monthly $0.1050 8.40% 03.11.2021
ISD  PGIM High Yield Bond Fund   monthly $0.1050 8.04% 03.11.2021
PRMW  Primo Water   quarterly $0.06 1.60% 03.11.2021
PHM  PulteGroup   quarterly $0.14 1.21% 03.11.2021
RICK  RCI Hospitality   quarterly $0.04 0.25% 03.11.2021
RS  Reliance Steel & Aluminum   quarterly $0.6875 2.19% 03.11.2021
SNDR  Schneider National   quarterly $0.07 1.30% 03.11.2021
SWM  Schweitzer-Mauduit International   quarterly $0.44 3.85% 03.11.2021
SAMG  Silvercrest Asset Management Group   quarterly $0.16 4.50% 03.11.2021
SOUHY  South32  
$0.12 1.12% 03.11.2021
SYBT  Stock Yards Bancorp   quarterly $0.27 2.20% 03.11.2021
RGR  Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.   quarterly $0.71 4.15% 03.11.2021
TXT  Textron   quarterly $0.02 0.15% 03.11.2021
THG  The Hanover Insurance Group   quarterly $0.70 2.30% 03.11.2021
KHC  The Kraft Heinz   quarterly $0.40 4.72% 03.11.2021
WMB  The Williams Companies   quarterly $0.41 7.69% 03.11.2021
TG  Tredegar   quarterly $0.12 3.15% 03.11.2021
TCBK  TriCo Bancshares   quarterly $0.25 2.20% 03.11.2021
TRTN  Triton International   quarterly $0.57 4.30% 03.11.2021
USPH  U.S. Physical Therapy   quarterly $0.35 1.20% 03.11.2021
UBSI  United Bankshares   quarterly $0.35 3.72% 03.11.2021
UNTY  Unity Bancorp   quarterly $0.08 1.61% 03.11.2021
WM  Waste Management   quarterly $0.5750 2.09% 03.11.2021
WSTG  Wayside Technology Group   quarterly $0.17 2.70% 03.11.2021
EOD  Wells Fargo Advantage Funds - Wells Fargo Global Dividend Opportunity Fund   quarterly $0.1270 9.48% 03.11.2021
EAD  Wells Fargo Advantage Funds - Wells Fargo Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0558 8.20% 03.11.2021
ERC  Wells Fargo Advantage Multi-Sector Income Fund   monthly $0.0914 9.00% 03.11.2021
ERH  Wells Fargo Advantage Utilities and High Income Fund   monthly $0.0707 7.20% 03.11.2021
WSBC  WesBanco   quarterly $0.33 4.09% 03.11.2021
AVK  Advent Convertible and Income Fund   monthly $0.1170 8.01% 03.12.2021
AMH  American Homes 4 Rent   quarterly $0.10 1.26% 03.12.2021
AME  AMETEK   quarterly $0.20 0.66% 03.12.2021
ANH  Anworth Mortgage Asset   quarterly $0.04 8.50% 03.12.2021
ARCC  Ares Capital   quarterly $0.40 9.00% 03.12.2021
ARR  ARMOUR Residential REIT   monthly $0.10 10.30% 03.12.2021
ATRI  Atrion   quarterly $1.75 1.09% 03.12.2021
CDMOP  Avid Bioservices   quarterly $0.6563 8.70% 03.12.2021
BANC  Banc of California   quarterly $0.06 1.24% 03.12.2021
BDORY  BANCO DO BRASIL/S   quarterly $0.0190 1.42% 03.12.2021
BXS  BancorpSouth Bank   quarterly $0.19 2.68% 03.12.2021
BCE  BCE   quarterly $0.6816 5.80% 03.12.2021
BRY  Berry   quarterly $0.04 3.03% 03.12.2021
BGIO  BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.05 6.54% 03.12.2021
BHK  BlackRock Core Bond Trust   monthly $0.0750 5.74% 03.12.2021
HYT  BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund   monthly $0.0780 8.01% 03.12.2021
BTZ  BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust   monthly $0.0840 6.91% 03.12.2021
DSU  BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0605 6.70% 03.12.2021
BGR  BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust   monthly $0.0380 5.28% 03.12.2021
CII  BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund   monthly $0.0870 5.54% 03.12.2021
BDJ  BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust   monthly $0.05 6.73% 03.12.2021
BOE  BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0630 6.87% 03.12.2021
EGF  BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund   monthly $0.0410 3.83% 03.12.2021
BGY  BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust   monthly $0.0340 6.87% 03.12.2021
FRA  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0670 6.21% 03.12.2021
BGT  BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust   monthly $0.0650 6.23% 03.12.2021
BME  BlackRock Health Sciences Trust   monthly $0.20 5.14% 03.12.2021
BKT  BlackRock Income Trust   monthly $0.0344 6.80% 03.12.2021
BKN  BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0680 4.60% 03.12.2021
BLW  BlackRock Limited Duration Income Trust   monthly $0.0980 7.31% 03.12.2021
BTA  BlackRock Long-Term Municipal Advantage Trust   monthly $0.0510 4.83% 03.12.2021
BZM  BlackRock Maryland Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0460 3.70% 03.12.2021
MHE  BlackRock Massachusetts Tax-Exempt Trust   monthly $0.0430 3.70% 03.12.2021
BIT  BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust   monthly $0.1240 8.36% 03.12.2021
MUI  BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund   monthly $0.0540 4.35% 03.12.2021
MUA  BlackRock MuniAssets Fund   monthly $0.0525 4.30% 03.12.2021
BTT  Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust   monthly $0.0620 2.93% 03.12.2021
BBF  BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Trust   monthly $0.0510 4.50% 03.12.2021
BYM  BlackRock Municipal Income Quality Trust   monthly $0.0580 4.70% 03.12.2021
BFK  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0580 4.58% 03.12.2021
BLE  BlackRock Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0620 4.90% 03.12.2021
MEN  BlackRock MuniEnhanced Fund   monthly $0.0470 4.77% 03.12.2021
MUC  BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.40% 03.12.2021
MFL  BlackRock MuniHoldings Investment Quality Fund   monthly $0.0485 4.10% 03.12.2021
MUJ  BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund   monthly $0.0630 5.20% 03.12.2021
MHN  BlackRock MuniHoldings New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.70% 03.12.2021
MUE  BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II   monthly $0.0510 4.58% 03.12.2021
MVT  BlackRock MuniVest Fund II   monthly $0.0585 4.80% 03.12.2021
MVF  BlackRock MuniVest Fund   monthly $0.0335 4.50% 03.12.2021
MZA  BlackRock MuniYield Arizona Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.40% 03.12.2021
MYC  Blackrock MuniYield California Fund   monthly $0.0430 3.50% 03.12.2021
MCA  BlackRock MuniYield California Quality Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.38% 03.12.2021
MYD  BlackRock MuniYield Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.70% 03.12.2021
MYF  BlackRock MuniYield Investment Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.90% 03.12.2021
MFT  BlackRock MuniYield Investment Quality Fund   monthly $0.06 5.00% 03.12.2021
MIY  BlackRock MuniYield Michigan Quality Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.60% 03.12.2021
MYJ  BlackRock MuniYield New Jersey Fund   monthly $0.0625 5.20% 03.12.2021
MYN  BlackRock MuniYield New York Quality Fund   monthly $0.0515 4.70% 03.12.2021
MPA  BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund   monthly $0.0550 4.50% 03.12.2021
MQT  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund II   monthly $0.0540 4.70% 03.12.2021
MYI  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund III   monthly $0.0515 4.40% 03.12.2021
MQY  BlackRock MuniYield Quality Fund   monthly $0.0630 4.80% 03.12.2021
BSE  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Quality Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.35% 03.12.2021
BNY  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0560 4.36% 03.12.2021
BFY  BlackRock New York Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.06 4.80% 03.12.2021
BCX  Blackrock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust   monthly $0.04 5.18% 03.12.2021
BST  BlackRock Science and Technology Trust   monthly $0.2260 4.83% 03.12.2021
BSTZ  BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II   monthly $0.1710 3.80% 03.12.2021
BSD  BlackRock Strategic Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0590 4.86% 03.12.2021
BBN  BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.1170 5.66% 03.12.2021
BUI  BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.1210 5.64% 03.12.2021
BHV  BlackRock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust   monthly $0.0455 3.40% 03.12.2021
BR  Broadridge Financial Solutions   quarterly $0.5750 1.55% 03.12.2021
BPYUP  Brookfield Property REIT   quarterly $0.3984 6.40% 03.12.2021
CWH  Camping World   none $0.23 1.10% 03.12.2021
CSWC  Capital Southwest   quarterly $0.42 8.80% 03.12.2021
CVE  Cenovus Energy   quarterly $0.0137 0.80% 03.12.2021
CPK  Chesapeake Utilities   quarterly $0.44 1.65% 03.12.2021
COFS  ChoiceOne Financial Services   quarterly $0.22 3.32% 03.12.2021
CHRYY  Chorus  
$1.2113 4.27% 03.12.2021
CMCT  CIM Commercial Trust  
CMA  Comerica   quarterly $0.68 3.91% 03.12.2021
CBU  Community Bank System   quarterly $0.42 2.41% 03.12.2021
CTBI  Community Trust Bancorp   quarterly $0.3850 4.17% 03.12.2021
CSVI  Computer Services   quarterly $0.25 1.64% 03.12.2021
CIX  CompX International   quarterly $0.20 5.40% 03.12.2021
CIX  CompX International   quarterly $0.20 5.41% 03.12.2021
CNMD  CONMED   quarterly $0.20 0.63% 03.12.2021
CORE  Core-Mark   quarterly $0.13 1.44% 03.12.2021
CLM  Cornerstone Strategic Value Fund   monthly $0.1602 17.10% 03.12.2021
CRF  Cornerstone Total Return Fund   monthly $0.1537 16.60% 03.12.2021
CJREF  Corus Entertainment   quarterly $0.0470 5.03% 03.12.2021
CCI  Crown Castle International   quarterly $1.33 3.20% 03.12.2021
DVN  Devon Energy   quarterly $0.11 2.91% 03.12.2021
DLR  Digital Realty Trust   quarterly $1.16 3.50% 03.12.2021
DLR  Digital Realty Trust   quarterly $1.16 3.49% 03.12.2021
DNIF  Dividend and Income Fund  
$1.25 10.56% 03.12.2021
DPZ  Domino's Pizza   quarterly $0.94 1.10% 03.12.2021
DTE  DTE Energy   quarterly $1.0850 3.66% 03.12.2021
DTF  DTF Tax-Free Income   monthly $0.04 3.20% 03.12.2021
DUC  Duff & Phelps Utility and Corporate Bond Trust   monthly $0.05 6.00% 03.12.2021
DPG  Duff & Phelps Utility and Infrastructure Fund   quarterly $0.35 12.15% 03.12.2021
EMN  Eastman Chemical   quarterly $0.69 2.54% 03.12.2021
EFSC  Enterprise Financial Services   quarterly $0.18 1.93% 03.12.2021
EXR  Extra Space Storage   quarterly $1.00 3.38% 03.12.2021
FFG  FBL Financial Group   quarterly $0.52 3.63% 03.12.2021
FBSI  First Bancshares   annual $0.25 1.79% 03.12.2021
FCNCA  First Citizens BancShares   quarterly $0.47 0.32% 03.12.2021
FCRD  First Eagle Alternative Capital BDC   quarterly $0.10 10.42% 03.12.2021
GRMN  Garmin   quarterly $0.61 2.50% 03.12.2021
GGB  Gerdau   -- $0.0239 0.50% 03.12.2021
GILD  Gilead Sciences   quarterly $0.71 4.31% 03.12.2021
SELF  Global Self Storage   quarterly $0.0650 5.78% 03.12.2021
GOVB  Gouverneur Bancorp   semi-annual $0.12
GPK  Graphic Packaging   quarterly $0.0750 1.90% 03.12.2021
GTN.A  Gray Television   quarterly $0.08 1.77% 03.12.2021
GTN  Gray Television   quarterly $0.08 1.76% 03.12.2021
GECC  Great Elm Capital   quarterly $0.10 12.82% 03.12.2021
GGM  Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund   monthly $0.1810 10.60% 03.12.2021
GPM  Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Income Fund   quarterly $0.12 6.90% 03.12.2021
GOF  Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.1820 10.33% 03.12.2021
GBAB  Guggenheim Taxable Municipal Bond & Investment Grade Debt Trust   monthly $0.1260 6.29% 03.12.2021
HLNE  Hamilton Lane   quarterly $0.3130 1.61% 03.12.2021
HWBK  Hawthorn Bancshares   quarterly $0.13 2.79% 03.12.2021
HRTG  Heritage Insurance   quarterly $0.06 2.26% 03.12.2021
HUN  Huntsman   quarterly $0.1625 2.35% 03.12.2021
IBP  Installed Building Products   quarterly $0.30 0.98% 03.12.2021
IPAR  Inter Parfums   quarterly $0.25 1.39% 03.12.2021
VKI  Invesco Advantage Municipal Income Trust II   monthly $0.0485 5.00% 03.12.2021
VBF  Invesco Bond Fund   monthly $0.0565 3.40% 03.12.2021
VCV  Invesco California Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0475 4.40% 03.12.2021
VTA  Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0750 8.09% 03.12.2021
IHIT  Invesco High Income 2023 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.05 6.50% 03.12.2021
VLT  Invesco High Income Trust II   monthly $0.0964 8.40% 03.12.2021
OIA  Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust   monthly $0.0316 4.80% 03.12.2021
VMO  Invesco Municipal Opportunity Trust   monthly $0.0540 4.90% 03.12.2021
VKQ  Invesco Municipal Trust   monthly $0.0535 4.90% 03.12.2021
VPV  Invesco Pennsylvania Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.05 4.70% 03.12.2021
IQI  Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0520 4.90% 03.12.2021
VVR  Invesco Senior Income Trust   monthly $0.0210 5.99% 03.12.2021
VGM  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade Municipals   monthly $0.0550 4.90% 03.12.2021
VTN  Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals   monthly $0.0458 4.20% 03.12.2021
IIM  Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust   monthly $0.0640 4.60% 03.12.2021
IRM  Iron Mountain   quarterly $0.6180 7.13% 03.12.2021
JRVR  James River Group   quarterly $0.30 2.61% 03.12.2021
KNL  Knoll   quarterly $0.06 1.51% 03.12.2021
LEG  Leggett & Platt   quarterly $0.40 3.66% 03.12.2021
LDOS  Leidos   quarterly $0.34 1.31% 03.12.2021
MMD  MainStay MacKay DefinedTerm Municipal Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0850 4.70% 03.12.2021
MAXR  Maxar Technologies   quarterly $0.01 0.08% 03.12.2021
MBIN  Merchants Bancorp   quarterly $0.09 1.08% 03.12.2021
MRK  Merck & Co., Inc.   quarterly $0.65 3.40% 03.12.2021
MLR  Miller Industries   quarterly $0.18 1.69% 03.12.2021
MSI  Motorola Solutions   quarterly $0.71 1.60% 03.12.2021
NSA  National Storage Affiliates Trust   quarterly $0.35 3.60% 03.12.2021
NTST  NETSTREIT   quarterly $0.20 4.56% 03.12.2021
NHS  Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund   monthly $0.0905 8.70% 03.12.2021
NML  Neuberger Berman MLP and Energy Income Fund   monthly $0.0148 4.40% 03.12.2021
NRO  Neuberger Berman Real Estate Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.0312 8.60% 03.12.2021
NEU  NewMarket   quarterly $1.90 2.01% 03.12.2021
NREF  NexPoint Real Estate Finance   quarterly $0.4750 9.70% 03.12.2021
NXRT  NexPoint Residential Trust   quarterly $0.3413 3.20% 03.12.2021
NL  NL Industries   quarterly $0.06 3.79% 03.12.2021
NWE  NorthWestern   quarterly $0.62 4.39% 03.12.2021
NVZMY  Novozymes A/S  
$0.8492 1.38% 03.12.2021
NVG  Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.0680 4.92% 03.12.2021
NEA  Nuveen AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.76% 03.12.2021
NAZ  Nuveen Arizona Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.05 4.00% 03.12.2021
NAC  Nuveen California Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0545 4.40% 03.12.2021
JCE  Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund   quarterly $0.3040 8.32% 03.12.2021
JHAA  Nuveen Corporate Income 2023 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.04 4.85% 03.12.2021
JHB  Nuveen Corporate Income November 2021 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0210 2.70% 03.12.2021
JCO  Nuveen Credit Opportunities 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0470 6.80% 03.12.2021
JQC  Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund   monthly $0.0680 12.59% 03.12.2021
JDD  Nuveen Diversified Dividend and Income Fund   quarterly $0.1960 8.62% 03.12.2021
JEMD  Nuveen Emerging Markets Debt 2022 Target Term Fund   monthly $0.0305 4.60% 03.12.2021
NEV  Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0610 4.73% 03.12.2021
JFR  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 6.20% 03.12.2021
JRO  Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0575 6.20% 03.12.2021
NKG  Nuveen Georgia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0450 4.23% 03.12.2021
JGH  Nuveen Global High Income Fund   monthly $0.1130 6.70% 03.12.2021
NID  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.83% 03.12.2021
NIQ  Nuveen Intermediate Duration Quality Municipal Term Fund   monthly $0.04 3.33% 03.12.2021
NMY  Nuveen Maryland Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0530 4.60% 03.12.2021
NMT  Nuveen Massachusetts Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0460 3.90% 03.12.2021
NMS  Nuveen Minnesota Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 4.14% 03.12.2021
NOM  Nuveen Missouri Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0440 3.70% 03.12.2021
JLS  Nuveen Mortgage and Income Fund   monthly $0.0830 4.00% 03.12.2021
JMM  Nuveen Multi-Market Income Fund   monthly $0.03 4.30% 03.12.2021
NZF  Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund   monthly $0.0660 4.92% 03.12.2021
NMCO  Nuveen Municipal Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0620 5.29% 03.12.2021
NMZ  Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund   monthly $0.0620 5.15% 03.12.2021
NMI  Nuveen Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0330 3.50% 03.12.2021
NUV  Nuveen Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0310 3.36% 03.12.2021
QQQX  Nuveen Nasdaq 100 Dynamic Overwrite Fund   quarterly $0.4490 6.62% 03.12.2021
NXJ  Nuveen New Jersey Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0580 4.92% 03.12.2021
NRK  Nuveen New York AMT-Free Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0480 4.28% 03.12.2021
NYV  Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund 2   monthly $0.0290 2.38% 03.12.2021
NNY  Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund   monthly $0.0255 3.20% 03.12.2021
NAN  Nuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0520 4.50% 03.12.2021
NXN  Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0370 3.10% 03.12.2021
NUO  Nuveen Ohio Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0490 3.80% 03.12.2021
NQP  Nuveen Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0560 4.80% 03.12.2021
JPC  Nuveen Preferred & Income Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0530 6.94% 03.12.2021
JPT  Nuveen Preferred and Income 2022 Term Fund   monthly $0.1190 5.91% 03.12.2021
JPS  Nuveen Preferred Securities Income Fund   monthly $0.0510 6.52% 03.12.2021
NAD  Nuveen Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.06 4.82% 03.12.2021
JRI  Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund   monthly $0.0970 8.06% 03.12.2021
JRS  Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund   quarterly $0.19 8.37% 03.12.2021
BXMX  Nuveen S&P 500 Buy-Write Income Fund   quarterly $0.2150 6.59% 03.12.2021
SPXX  Nuveen S&P 500 Dynamic Overwrite Fund   quarterly $0.2450 6.13% 03.12.2021
NIM  Nuveen Select Maturities Municipal Fund   monthly $0.0265 3.10% 03.12.2021
NXP  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio   monthly $0.0455 3.30% 03.12.2021
NXQ  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 2   monthly $0.0420 3.20% 03.12.2021
NXR  Nuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio 3   monthly $0.0430 3.20% 03.12.2021
NSL  Nuveen Senior Income Fund   monthly $0.0340 6.60% 03.12.2021
JSD  Nuveen Short Duration Credit Opportunities Fund   monthly $0.0865 6.40% 03.12.2021
NBB  Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.10 5.32% 03.12.2021
JTD  Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Dividend Growth Fund   quarterly $0.2940 8.05% 03.12.2021
JTA  Nuveen Tax-Advantaged Total Return Strategy Fund   quarterly $0.1920 7.45% 03.12.2021
NPV  Nuveen Virginia Quality Municipal Income Fund   monthly $0.0485 3.70% 03.12.2021
NXPI  NXP Semiconductors   quarterly $0.5630 1.24% 03.12.2021
OCSL  Oaktree Specialty Lending   quarterly $0.12 7.30% 03.12.2021
OVV  Ovintiv   quarterly $0.0938 1.80% 03.12.2021
OMI  Owens & Minor   quarterly $0.0020 0.02% 03.12.2021
PKG  Packaging Co. of America   quarterly $1.00 3.00% 03.12.2021
APTS  Preferred Apartment Communities   quarterly $0.1750 8.50% 03.12.2021
PFBI  Premier Financial Bancorp   quarterly $0.15 3.80% 03.12.2021
PB  Prosperity Bancshares   quarterly $0.49 2.87% 03.12.2021
NX  Quanex Building Products   quarterly $0.08 1.28% 03.12.2021
RAND  Rand Capital   quarterly $0.10 2.37% 03.12.2021
RC  Ready Capital   quarterly $0.30 8.69% 03.12.2021
RRBI  Red River Bancshares   quarterly $0.07 0.54% 03.12.2021
REG  Regency Centers   quarterly $0.5950 4.52% 03.12.2021
RNR  RenaissanceRe   quarterly $0.36 0.90% 03.12.2021
SCI  Service Co. International   quarterly $0.21 1.74% 03.12.2021
SFL  SFL   quarterly $0.15 7.83% 03.12.2021
SJR  Shaw Communications   monthly $0.0776 5.10% 03.12.2021
SFNC  Simmons First National   quarterly $0.18 2.78% 03.12.2021
TSLX  Sixth Street Specialty Lending   quarterly $0.41 7.60% 03.12.2021
SOI  Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure  
SAH  Sonic Automotive   quarterly $0.10 1.00% 03.12.2021
SPTN  SpartanNash   quarterly $0.20 4.12% 03.12.2021
FUND  Sprott Focus Trust   quarterly $0.1044 6.90% 03.12.2021
STC  Stewart Information Services   quarterly $0.33 2.75% 03.12.2021
EDF  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund   monthly $0.08 11.80% 03.12.2021
EDI  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund   monthly $0.08 10.90% 03.12.2021
SMMF  Summit Financial Group   quarterly $0.17 2.82% 03.12.2021
TECK  Teck Resources   quarterly $0.0394 0.70% 03.12.2021
TEI  Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund   monthly $0.0511 7.00% 03.12.2021
GIM  Templeton Global Income Fund   monthly $0.0160 3.50% 03.12.2021
KO  The Coca-Cola   quarterly $0.42 3.40% 03.12.2021
SRV  The Cushing MLP & Infrastructure Total Return Fund   monthly $0.12 6.30% 03.12.2021
SZC  The Cushing Renaissance Fund   monthly $0.2132 6.40% 03.12.2021
TNL  Travel + Leisure   quarterly $0.30 1.98% 03.12.2021
TPVG  TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC   quarterly $0.36 10.00% 03.12.2021
GROW  U.S. Global Investors   monthly $0.0025 0.70% 03.12.2021
UGI  UGI   quarterly $0.33 3.59% 03.12.2021
UCBI  United Community Banks   quarterly $0.19 2.30% 03.12.2021
UNH  UnitedHealth Group   quarterly $1.25 1.52% 03.12.2021
UHS  Universal Health Services   quarterly $0.20 0.64% 03.12.2021
UE  Urban Edge Properties   quarterly $0.15 3.69% 03.12.2021
VHI  Valhi   quarterly $0.08 1.76% 03.12.2021
VLY  Valley National Bancorp   quarterly $0.11 3.42% 03.12.2021
VRSK  Verisk Analytics   quarterly $0.29 0.63% 03.12.2021
VIACA  ViacomCBS   quarterly $0.24 1.70% 03.12.2021
VIAC  ViacomCBS   quarterly $0.24 1.75% 03.12.2021
WTM  White Mountains Insurance Group   annual $1.00 0.10% 03.12.2021
WWE  World Wrestling Entertainment   quarterly $0.12 0.85% 03.12.2021
WOR  Worthington Industries   quarterly $0.25 2.00% 03.12.2021
XEL  Xcel Energy   quarterly $0.4575 3.00% 03.12.2021

Poznámka: dividendový výnos (na roční bázi) uveden ve vztahu ke kurzu titulu k 5.3.; datum uveden ve formátu mm.dd.rrrr; zdroj dat marketbeat.com

Jako každý týden závěrem snad jen zopakovat, že akcionáři se od většiny výše uvedených firem dané dividendy dočkají obvykle do 2 týdnů po rozhodném dnu. Výše uvedená data je nutné brát jako orientační, resp. doporučujeme si je v případě „obchodování“ aktuálně ověřit u svého obchodníka s cennými papíry.

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Ochranné známky

Občanský zákoník

Zákoník práce

Stavební zákon

Daně, formuláře

Další odkazy

Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

Finanční katalog

Volby, Mapa webu

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Czech currency

Prague stock exchange

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Vyloučení odpovědnosti

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