Superlegalisation of documents between Czech Republic and UAE
18.05.2022 / 13:54 | Aktualizováno: 08.01.2025 / 08:45
With the closure of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Prague as of 31 December 2021, a new temporary procedure has been in place for the process of superlegalisation of official documents issued in the Czech Republic to be used in the UAE. This new procedure is in place as of 4 April 2022.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi will continue to superlegalise official documents issued in the UAE for use in the Czech Republic.
Official documents issued in the Czech Republic for the use in UAE will first be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague, and then superlegalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE in Abu Dhabi (MOFA).
Attention: As of mid August 2022 MOFA can be contacted only online through their website : Attestation of Official Documents, Certificates and Commercial Invoices ( where you register and request superlegalisation of documents.
Consular and Legalisation Services - Tuscany Palace
Hradčanské náměstí 5
118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 18 2188, 224 18 2153
e- mail:
Monday | 8:00–12:00 13:30–17:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00–12:00 |
Wednesday | 8:00–12:00 13:30–17:00 |
Friday | 8:00–12:00 |
On Thursday, the Consular Department is closed to the public.
Postal address:
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR
Konzulární odbor – oddělení legalizace veřejných listin
Hradčanské nám. 5
110 00 Praha
Česká republika/Czech Republic
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the UAE (MOFA)
Department of Consular Affairs
P.O. Box 1, Abu Dhabi, UAE