(Evropská komise)
European Union  |  December 03, 2024 21:38:26, updated

Study for the West European Coast Festoon (WECF)

This study is a desktop survey to prepare for a future direct maritime redundancy between Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Ireland.

Decorative illustration of planet Earth with pathways encircling it, representing data and digital connectivity pathways. Text in the image reads

Map indicating the approximate area covered by the study in Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, and the Netherlands.


Ireland – Galway

France – St Hilaire de Riez, Veule les Roses, Penmarch, Le Porge

Spain – Sopelana, Santander

Portugal – Carcavelos/Sesimbra

The Netherlands – Ijmuden

Cable length

4,900 km (planned)

Project start - end date


1 January 2023 – 30 May 2024

(17 months)

What will it provide?

This study will set the basis for the deployment of a West European Coast submarine network through Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, and the Netherlands by preparing the route and the technical design, along with the definition of the necessary permits.

This desktop survey is implemented in collaboration with the CEF funding project PISCES, that operates the marine survey on the same route.

How will it work?

The study will:

  • Design the future route, including information on submarine ground path, location for the optical inline amplifiers (ilas - regeneration equipment) and the Beach manhole (BMH) duct path;
  • Provide the technical design of future works to deploy the submarine cable and the equipment required to lay the cable in the submarine floor;
  • Confirm the final list of landing stations;
  • Define the permits that must be requested;
  • Prepare the implementation plan for the future deployment.

How is it financed?

The West European Coast Festoon study has a total budget of €872.6 thousand, of which €423.3 thousand funded under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital programme.

Who is involved?

The West European Coast Festoon study is being undertaken by Orange Wholesale.


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