Berlin/Düsseldorf, 20. November 2024
Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) is setting the neutrality charge in accordance with Section 35e of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG) to secure the filling level requirements for gas storage facilities (gas storage neutrality charge) at 2.99 EUR/MWh from 1 January 2025.
The background to the neutrality charge is the provisions of the EnWG, which in particular stipulate filling level requirements for storage facilities. Since the law came into force in 2022, various measures have been taken by THE in accordance with the legal requirements in order to increase security of supply. These include in particular the filling of various gas storage facilities.
gas storage neutrality charge is significantly influenced by existing and forecast purchases and sales of storage volumes by THE and by the amount of the levyable volume. To date, the levy has been charged on SLP, RLM and volumes
at cross-border interconnection points (GÜP) and virtual interconnection points (VIP) in accordance with legal requirements. However, the draft of the Third
Act to Amend the Energy Industry
Act provides for the
gas storage surcharge to be levied only on SLP and RLM volumes from 1 January
2025. Assuming that the legislative process will be implemented with effect from 1 January
2025, THE has not taken the GÜP and VIP volumes into account when calculating the gas storage levy applicable from 1 January 2025. The latter, as well as the greater decline in the apportionable volume in the current period compared to the forecasts, will be included in the calculation of the new gas storage neutrality charge from 1 January 2025.
The next gas storage neutrality charge will be set on 1 July 2025.
The company Trading Hub Europe GmbH was founded on June 1,
2021 through cooperation between the network operators bayernets
GmbH, Fluxys TENP GmbH, GASCADE Gastransport GmbH, Gastransport Nord GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH,
GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH Nowega GmbH, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, Open Grid Europe GmbH, terranets bw GmbH and Thyssengas GmbH. The high-pressure pipeline system in the Germany-wide Trading Hub Europe market area has a
total length of around 40,000 km and connects more than 700
downstream grids. The tasks of the market area manager include balancing group management, the operation of the virtual trading point and the procurement of balancing energy. Trading Hub Europe thus ensures the operation of the market area and makes an important contribution to the supply of
natural gas in Germany and Europe.
Trading Hub Europe GmbH
EUREF-Campus 1
40472 Düsseldorf (Germany)
Ina Domin
T +49 211 542000 321 presse@tradinghub.
eu www.tradinghub.