China state infooffice (
World  |  June 07, 2024 00:00:00, updated

China's foreign trade up 6.3% in first 5 months

China's total goods imports and exports expanded 6.3 percent year on year in yuan terms in the first five months of this year, official data showed Friday.

The country's exports rose 6.1 percent year on year in the January-May period, while imports climbed 6.4 percent, according to the General Administration of Customs.

From January to May, the country's foreign trade in goods stood at 17.5 trillion yuan (about 2.46 trillion U.S. dollars). Exports reached 9.95 trillion yuan, while imports hit 7.55 trillion yuan.

In May alone, the foreign trade grew 8.6 percent to 3.71 trillion yuan.

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