US National Weather Service (
29.03.2024 21:26:00

With a number of critical fire weather condition days ahead for parts of CO, NM, OK, and TX, is important to know that many everyday things can spark wildfires

With a number of critical fire weather condition days ahead for parts of CO, NM, OK, and TX, is important to know that many everyday things can spark wildfires. Keep ignition sources far away from dry vegetation, wood and other fuel. Be aware of weather conditions. Always follow burn bans & local, state, and federal regulations.
Overview and Timing Elevated to Critical fire weather conditions are expected across portions of New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado beginning today and continuing through at least Sunday. Fire weather conditions are expected to peak Sunday with widespread Critical conditions. Primary Risks The combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels will lead to Critical fire weather conditions resulting in a significant threat for the rapid spread of wildfires. • Safety Actions Develop a personal wildland fire action plan. Monitor future outlooks and forecasts for the latest information and be prepared to implement your action plan and follow instructions by local officials.
Everyday Wildfire Prevention. Most wildfires are caused by humans - many everyday things can create sparks. Keep ignition sources far away from dry vegetation, wood, and other fuel. Have a clear 10 foot radius around campfires, burning brush, etc. Never leave fires unattended, and always properly extinguish. Use grills and smokers on gravel or paved surfaces. Never toss lit cigarettes on the ground. Put ashes in a metal container with a tight lid. Keep water stroed near campfires, fire pits, grills, smokers, burning brush, etc. Maintain vehicle brakes & tires, and secure tow chains to avoid dragging. Don't drive on dry grass or brush. Water your lawn and keep grass cut. Mow lawn early in the morning and when it's not windy or excessively dry. Always follow burn bans and regulations. Be aware of weather conditions. Low humidity, heat, drought and winds are conducive to fires.

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Weather forecast for is supplied by MET Norway Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

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To calculate the perceived temperature, we use the Australian Apparent Temperature (AAT) model, which is designed for year-round calculations and takes air humidity into account in addition to temperature and wind speed.
°C / °F    

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