(MZv ČR)
World  |  April 11, 2022 11:24:00, updated

The visa applications submission at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai considering the COVID-19

The visa applications submission at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai considering the COVID-19

07.10.2021 / 08:00 | Aktualizováno: 11.04.2022 / 11:24

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai partly renews its visa services. The services are limited to certain types and purposes as stated below.


We kindly ask for applicants` cooperation in observing hygienic rules when visiting the Consulate. Applicants will be required to use hands` disinfection, wear a face mask, and maintain at least 2 meters distance. The number of persons who can simultaneously enter the Consulate premises will be limited.

We also kindly ask for applicants` understanding that the number of applications that the Consulate can accept and process while observing the preventive hygienic measures cannot approximate the number of applications accepted and processed before the state of emergency.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic aims to enable the arrival of foreign nationals who need visas to stay in the Czech Republic. However, at the same time, it will not be possible to accommodate all applicants in the midst of the pandemics. The extent of the visa services currently provided remains limited - please refer to the overview in the Point II.) of this article. The extent of the visa services that the Consulate is allowed to provide is anchored in the currently valid Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health.


The full extent of the visa services can be found here.

The agenda of long-term visas/residence permits has been fully resumed. If you have already received an approval for you long-term visa / residence permit application but could not get the a visa due to the protective measures taken by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, please contact the Consulate.


Obligatory submission of a document against the introduction of infectious disease

Applicants for Schengen visas and long-term visas and residence permits for purposes of economic and education activities are required to submit document on fulfilling requirements against the introduction of infectious disease.

For more information please have a look here.


Entry to the Czech Republic and quarantine measures

Foreign nationals are requested to check the entry conditions to the Czech Republic before their travel. This information is regularly being updated by the Ministry of the Interior on its website, mainly in the pdf-format table "Conditions for entry of persons to the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with the Ministry of Health Protective Measure." This table clearly indicates which quarantine measures, incl. possible obligation to test for COVID-19, pertain to which category of travelers.


Additional information:

? Ministry of the Interior Coronavirus-Information of MoI (incl. entry conditions to the Czech Republic and quarantine measures)

? Countries with a low-risk of Covid-19 (so-called "green list")

? BEFORE YOU TRAVEL: Step-by-step guide on quarantine measures

? Visa Services and Hygienic Measures

? Obligatory submission of the document against the introduction of infectious disease

? Diplomatic Missions of the Czech Republic

Zprávy a články ke koronaviru a nemoci COVID-19

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