(MZv ČR)
World  |  March 01, 2022 02:54:00, updated

Establishment of Czech Agricultural Learning Facility empowers farming cooperative in Eastern Samar

Establishment of Czech Agricultural Learning Facility empowers farming cooperative in Eastern Samar

11.01.2022 / 02:17 | Aktualizováno: 01.03.2022 / 02:54

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila successfully implemented a small-scale development project for improvement of skills of farmers in Eastern Samar.

Through the Czech Republic Development Cooperation, the Embassy of the Czech Republic, in partnership with People in Need, successfully completed a small-scale development project that aimed at empowering and improving the farming and entrepreneurial strategies of farmers from the Farmer Entrepreneurs Association Agrarian Reform Cooperative (FEA Arco) in Salcedo, Eastern Samar.

The project achieved outcomes by first establishing the Czech Agricultural Learning Facility which serves as the cooperative’s centre for lectures on farming and entrepreneurship. With the creation of the facility, the project involved creation and pilot implementation of training modules for cultivation and marketing of cacao and cassava, two hardy crops able to better withstand challenges posed by frequent typhoons in the area. With the resources given through this project, the farmers sought accreditation from the Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Training Institute, the Department of Tourism, and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), to turn the Czech Agricultural Learning Facility into a recognized institution where farmers can get accredited training and education.

The Czech Republic, together with its partner institution, offered a sustainable solution to challenges faced by farmers who remain to be among the poorest of Filipinos. By establishing a facility where they can learn both farming and entrepreneurial skills, they are empowered to take on more opportunities that usher growth to their agricultural business and have the resilience against challenges they may encounter in the future.


Establishment of Czech Agricultural Learning Facility empowers farming cooperative in Eastern Samar

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