(MZv ČR)
Real estate  |  January 19, 2022 18:17:00, updated

Broadway Palace – unique investment opportunity in Prague

Broadway Palace – unique investment opportunity in Prague

19.01.2022 / 18:08 | Aktualizováno: 19.01.2022 / 18:17

ÚZSVM offers the Broadway Palace - extraordinary cultural monument in the center of Prague - for sale via an electronic auction. The new owner will not only get large office space right in the center of Prague, but also a unique building associated with culture and turbulent history.

The auction will start on March 7th at 10.00 AM (CET). The auction will end on March 9th 2022 at 12.00 noon (CET). Bidders must pay a mandatory deposit of 20 000 000 CZK. The deposit can only be paid by bank transfer to the auctioneer's account and must be credited by midnight on March 4, 2022 (CET).

The price starts at 1 050 000 000 CZK, minimum increment of bids is 200 000 CZK. This is an extraordinary investment opportunity and at the same time a sale with the highest announced minimum price in the history of ÚZSVM.

Tours in Czech and English language are planned on the following dates:

  • 26. 1. 2022 at 1pm (CET)
  • 3. 2. 2022 at 10am (CET)
  • 10. 2. 2022 at 2pm (CET)
  • 16. 2. 2022 at 10am (CET)
  • 24. 2. 2022 at 1pm (CET)

It is mandatory to register for the tour. Current hygiene rules must be observed during the tour.

More information on this sale can be found here.

Leaflet for download is here.

More details on how to register and participate in the auction can be found here. | Úřad pro zastupování státu ve věcech majetkových

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