(MZv ČR)
World  |  December 28, 2021 14:03:00, updated

The new protective measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic valid from 27 December 2021, tightens the conditions for entry into the Czech Republic for non-resident foreigners outside the EU

The new protective measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic valid from 27 December 2021, tightens the conditions for entry into the Czech Republic for non-resident foreigners outside the EU

28.12.2021 / 13:58 | Aktualizováno: 28.12.2021 / 14:03

New protective measure of the Ministry of Health valid from 27 December 2021 tightens the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic, for third-country nationals EXCEPT EU citizens and third-country nationals with temporary or permanent residence in the Czech Republic

Before the Flight from the United Arab Emirates PCR test negative is compulsory.

Before entering the Czech Republic, all passengers must submit:

1. PCR negative test not older than 72 hours

2. completed Arrival form

Exceptions are only children, fully vaccinated (two dozes confirmed by the Certificate) up to 18 years of age and persons over 18 years of age fully vaccinated with two doses and a booster dose (confirmed by the Certificate)

New protective measures will be valid for ALL passengers including Czech Citizens, EU Citizens and third-country nationals with temporary or permanent residence in the Czech Republic from January 3, 2022 .

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