(MZv ČR)
World  |  September 23, 2021 00:00:00, updated

Memorial service on the anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St George's RAF Chapel in Biggin Hill

Memorial service on the anniversary of the Battle of Britain in St George's RAF Chapel in Biggin Hill

22.09.2021 / 13:38 | Aktualizováno: 22.09.2021 / 13:48

A commemorative service on the anniversary of the Battle of Britain took place on 19 September 2021 in a small but for the Royal Air Force important church, St George's RAF Chapel in Biggin Hill, a small town on the edge of the Borough of Bromley in south-east London.

The fate of many Czechoslovaks serving in the Royal Air Force during World War II was also connected with this area. That is why the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London was pleased to accept the invitation of the organizers and sent its representative to the event, an assistant to the Czech Defence Attaché in the UK.

Notable guests included Mayor of Bromley, Councilor Russell L. Mellor, several surviving World War II veterans, current RAF and police officers, RAF cadets, Royal British Legion officials and local community representatives.

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